
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 100: Stress

3rd person POV

Ezio arrived in the world of the race of nature spirits, and the portal guards who usually inspect everyone and are high in numbers, they were lesser than usual, being sent to back up the ones in the capital, no doubt, as the ones that were there let him through without any question assuming that he was there to help.

Though it is public knowledge that he is a member of the Mirage Legion, and there was doubt in there heart, they rather not stop him and make a scene with a person who has the power to easily breeze through them.

He got in time to see the healer flying towards Perseus, Perseus delivered the attack and saw Diana picking up the jade fragment and experiment with it using her mana to activate it and everything.

<To think someone else managed to find its uses apart from using it as the key before us, that's surprising, it's wouldn't be strange if there really is a hidden rival clan.> he chuckled to himself <Even if it was brief, I've seen more than enough. It was worth it coming here at my quickest speed.>


Cordelia POV

When we all woke up to make breakfast in the hotel's private kitchen, there was a large boom that shook the ground and when we see out the window, we can see a large green light cutting the sacred landmark that is the world tree in half.

Without wasting a single moment, our 2 teachers appeared and gather us all round and activated this warp crystal that warped us to the portal that will take us to the tower, they then shouted at us to evacuate as they went back to help.

It didn't take long till they come back to get us and have us helped the injured in the capital, people capable of healing magic like me are tasked to heal patients all around while those who can't are to help doctors and nurses while applying basic first aid till someone else capable come help heal all of them.

We were already briefed that we are expected to do this during the beginning lectures, but never thought I would do it at this large a scale. Though at my level, I cannot heal many fatal wounds and the best we could do was delayed their deaths till someone can do it.

But with the amount of injured people, healers couldn't get around fast enough...I had to watch some of them die. I can see why even among raiders, healing type mage are sought after, they leave faster than most average raiders, the stress...it's a lot of deal with.

Some of the injured pulled on you to heal them first before the ones closed to the brink of death because 'they were going to die anyway, save the ones who are going to live and abandon the hopeless ones'.

Even though we are taught to do that in very few cases...it's still weigh a lot on my mind, I can't save everybody, and I have to keep going till I run out of both mana and stamina, apparently the Silvers are now on the scene healing everyone, but even at that speed, some people are dying under our watch, this incident is large and it all happened with seconds.

Luckily Perseus arrived on time and stopped this, it's probably tied to his investigations here since my brother is here as well.

And when I am resting and got to my phone, some news were praising his work while the other was criticizing him for not coming fast enough despite being here, a bit criticizing the queen for leaving for her safety after the recent assassination which is kinda stupid.

Hell, the queen right now is joining in to help heal her own people despite oppositions from her own guards fearing that there might be a spy disguising as one of the injured, and there was, but even with such setbacks, she is still insisting on helping people.

I can see why Perseus like her, she is a selfless person placed into a place of authority which she doesn't want and yet still does a great job. I got back a bit of energy, I can't help walk around applying first aid, but I helped the supply team unpack medical supplies so that I can at least contribute.


"Based on how you're laying on your sides, you're out of fumes, huh?" my brother said as he found me and sat next to me "Is seeing death still weighing on your mind?"

"Yes, it's hard to watch...and experience. Though you dealt with it very well."

"I was just like you at first, maybe even a bit worse off." he chuckled "I never wanted to be a raider, I attend the academy for a bit and found that it wasn't for me, but even when I knew what these jobs expect of me, facing it in your face is hard, you can't save everybody.

"And even then then, no matter how hard I worked, only a good portion of people would at least thank me for my efforts while some other criticize me and ask me for more, 'why can't you find the murderer of my child?' 'Why aren't you there when my child needed you the most?'" he snickered by himself "It's a lot, but you'd get used to it, Perseus is under a lot of stress as well, everyone is, that's why despite me not wanting to be one, I still respect them."

"Rich as hell though." I complained

"Private investigators are too compared to a public servant like me, but money shouldn't be what you should prioritize in your life, little sis." he advised

"You really sound your age even though you're going to look that youthful for the next few decades."


Perseus POV

After my job was done, I went to Struan with my sister who handed him the jade fragment. He then inspected it and like us, he see nothing really special about it.

"Seriously, no joke, guard it, that wasn't a named and got power similar to a ranker, and somehow the jade itself also have some consciousness to save itself, it's super dangerous. Durability were not of a ranker's level, but power wise...if left unchecked, more people are gonna die."

"I'll accompany you back." Diana added "Until I know it is somewhat hidden and protected, I will make sure to keep that jade from being taken."