
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 86: No Chemistry

Perseus POV

We then went to the queen's halls after we got everyone ready and entered with every member of the clan in our full armor.

"Is there a reason why that one have a mask on his face? Shouldn't top rank raiders have immunity to toxins?" the queen asked as she pointed at me

"I'm very cautious...your majesty."

Still feels very uncomfortable saying all of that.

"I have a request for your clan personally since our kingdom have reaped many benefit from your auctions and trades." the queen said "I want you to have a body guard to accompany me because I want to personally go out of here and search for my daughter too."

"But your majesty, what about your own guards?" Decker asked "Surely they are more qualified."

"Most of them are, but they will restrict me from doing everything I can and restrict me, I want to do everything I can to ensure my daughter's safety, and unlike other clans, your clan is a bit carefree." she explained "You are strong enough to protect me and carefree enough to let me roam free, you may also be able to give a new perspective for this organization."

"So how many of my clan members do you want, your majesty?" Zach asked

"1, your strongest, which I already know to be Diana Silver."

"I maybe technically the strongest, but my magic isn't suited for protecting, I can support and go on offense, but Decker and Zach are better at the aspect of guards."" Diana replied

"I'll take them then."

"Apologies, your majesty, but I haven't finished, because..." she then turn to see that the room have no one apart from the clan and the queen and once she confirmed that, she turned back to the queen and pointed at me "He's the most suited to guard you, he's the quickest member and can scout very quick, he's also one of our strongest members. Worst case scenario, he'll get you out alive."

Why are you giving me a bodyguard job? I hate those, I remember failing a quest once cuz I accidentally beat the npc I was suppose to guard cuz he was a rude customer.

"Is he a new recruit...I've never seen him before, and if he's strong, why have there been no rumors or information about such a strong hunter? He should be very famous." The queen commented

"He's my brother, your majesty." Diana replied "I can assure you that his attitude is a match to what you're looking for, just a request...he's not the most formal person, he may prefer to talk to you in a more casual manner and maybe considered foul by your standards."

"I prefer it that way, I'll prepare to get in my armor in the mean time." the queen said

No, I'm alone with a woman I don't know, why must the world force me to socialize?


As everyone in my clan, some other clans and many enforcement units across this world is searching for the queen's daughter, the queen and I go this this stupidly windy forest, it's basically like walking in a high level typhoon.

Not something I can't handle, the queen is somewhat resilient which I can

I can't fault her though since it's her daughter's life on the line, the kidnappers' demand were too unreasonable, and so we are forced to spend every resources to find them.

Despite her orders, some of her top guards tried to follow us, and so I had to constantly warp all over holding her and leaving traces of illusions using magic to make it as if we are at other places. She needed to expand the search as large as possible instead of just protecting her.

"Why are you so quiet and why have you not offered any insights at all?" the queen asked "And why are you wearing glasses?"

"Dust, it gets blown into my eye, and besides, I'm not that smart."

As we are walking through this stupidly strong wind, we made small conversations, though not much to the enjoyment of the queen. It's hard to talk, so I created a sound barrier to make it easier for us to talk.

Usually it can be used to make what we're saying sound proof to others, but I can use it to amplify our voices as well.

"Useful, sound magic, it's a rarity these days. Why are you a raider?" she asked out of curiosity

"To climb the tower."

"Why do you want to climb the tower?"

"To reach the top."

"Why do you want to reach the top?" she asked with a slightly annoyed expression

"Just because I want to find a hot and rich girlfriend."

She then facepalmed.

"How does it feel to be in your sister's shadow?" she asked in a slight condescending tone now that she's incredibly annoyed.

"Good, I can use her wealth to retire early and abuse my status to get beautiful girls."

"Ok, are you sure you're even siblings?!" she exclaimed "You're nothing like her, I know you hate formal things, but why are you so...blunt? You look nothing alike and act nothing alike."

"I'm quite offended, but as much as I hate to say it, yes, we're actually siblings."

"How old are you?" she asked


"You're lying."

"Here's my ID." I then showed it to her before which her eyes got wide in shock.

"How?" she gasped

"Youngest raider in history, anyway, shut up, we're supposed to be looking for your daughter, and I sense no nature spirit life here, let's move."

"Oi, how do you know she's not here, there are some monsters that live through these winds." she stated as she grabbed my hand "You might confuse life signatures with those creatures."

"No nature spirits in several km, trust me."

"Oi, I'm a queen and most importantly, your client, you do my work." she demanded

"We have no chemistry at all, just trust my words, alright, your daughter isn't here!"

"How am I supposed to trust a guy who hasn't shown his face and can just use magic to ward dust off?!" she retorted

"I shown you my ID!"

"You looked too young in that stupid card, renew it for goodness sake! You won't get a girlfriend at this rate, you little dumbass."

"I did have one and that sounds a bit ruder than usual coming from a queen's mouth, mind your language."

"I'm so banishing you from ever coming into my world after this." she declared