
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 50: Food hunt

Perseus POV

Yes, it's finally time for people to hunt for food. Well let's just skip Emma course on how the hunt works and listen to me, the protagonist instead.

I know you maidenless readers are extremely down bad to hear the beautiful voice of a teacher who would lecture you, so I take it upon myself as the protagonist to interrupt your fantasies and make you suffer by hearing my narrations instead. Muhahaha, 'inserts evil laugh here'.

You thought it was going to be Emma, but it was me, Perseus!

...Dio makes it sound so much cooler, curse you, 'insert name here', why can't you sound as cool as him. You should work more on your voice acting skills.

Anyway, we are allowed to leave the academy to go on the hunting ground once a day with a 2 hour time limit to hunt for food on the 8th floor, aka the hunting floor. You can only leave before or after class though.

There are many edible monsters and beasts that resides throughout the forest. The deeper they reside, the stronger they are, some are even S ranked monsters that can be found on the upper floors, but since they are on the tutorial floors, they are more like S- or A++ if they exist.

Though you might question the hunting rule since you can sometime see 2nd year students and 3rd year students who can buy premium and exquisite food from the cafeteria. That's because they sold their prize to the system, but even so, why are there less than 40% who does so, it's because they sell for ridiculously low prices.

You can try to cheat and sell it to merchants outside the academy on the weekends for the actual regular price and get decent credits, but are you really willing to wait a week just so you can afford proper food?

And some of you are thinking, why don't you just put food in your storage rings or something then and bring it in, well you can, but unless you're in a pseudo dungeon, the system will prevent you from taking those foods out from your storage and inventory, with the exception of a few type of fruit juices and water, which you can bring unlimited amounts of.

With the credits earned, you can also buy spices and to some extent, you can buy hours for extra survival and cooking training.

If you're vegan or vegetarian, you're even in more luck, the dense forest have 95% edible vegetations, you can even eat some tree barks and survive, only obstacle is to avoid the poisonous ones and it's that easy.

"My brother warned me of this, and you promised to cook for me, so I'll hold you to your words." Lia said

"You should at least learn to do it yourself for a bit or else you're going to be totally reliant on me."

"The teachers didn't even taught us how to skin things or how to properly cut them up."

"Well, they survived, so should you. You can either killed enough food for the rest of today and come again tomorrow or kill a lot and keep them in your storage so that you should come only every couple days." I suggested

We are currently trudging through the 8th floor for our hunt today, we saw so many confused first years trying to team up with raiders who had a hunting background so that they can fend better, it's honestly quite amusing to see the rich being forced to do this kind of stuff.

They were the most disgusted, some of the bullied are relishing this moment where they can fight back a bit as those guys are now the ones in power.

As long as you're in the academy, if someone's threaten to use their power and family influence to cause any harm to the family members of the bullied, you are going to be punished severely.

Though it's not really entirely forbidden to bully the raider themselves.

The bullies now are at the mercy of the bullied, they have too much pride to do works that are supposedly more befitting for peasants. I saw them trying to use their power to fight their way for people to do their hunt for them, cook and do everything for them, but it's not working, 2 hours isn't a lot of time.

If you use too strong a magic, you might scare the smaller monsters and attract the bigger ones, so the hunt is also teaching you to beware of your own control, too weak, the beasts will run away or retaliate if they don't die from one hit.

To make it easier, today is a full day exclusively for the hunt, no classes or nothing, which is good.

"Can you stop swinging from tree to tree like a monkey?" Lia asked "You're going to embarrass me if anyone sees this."

"C'mon, it's fun and feels...so liberating, ya know. Besides I also jump from tree to tree, this is a great parkour spot, I would come here more than 2 hours if I could, well I can buy hours and camp for the night even."

I then hang upside down to sort of prove my point while she rolled her eyes.

"So why are we heading in so deep anyway? Are we seriously trying to hunt A ranked monsters for food?" she asked

"Yeah, we're about to go to the part of the forest that are taller than titans so I can swoop down and cut monster's napes."

"Is this some reference that I'm not getting again?"

"You're catching on quick, anyway we're trying to only fight a B rank just to show you what it's like, besides it's large enough to last us a week or more if we have a lot of side dishes."

I the used magic to spread around the forest and sense many wildlife, but I don't want those, I want tasty meat and it didn't take long for me to see a large coc-

A rooster...I meant a rooster. I stopped myself cuz I knew you readers would do something weird.