
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 49: Stupid absent excuse

Perseus POV


"Nope, no mind control, no curses or anything." Diana replied "They're clean. Sober too."

My sister is currently using her magic to check up on Lia and Emma to see if they were brainwashed against their knowledge while they told us what they were discussing.

At least our mom didn't tell them everything, just a bit about ourselves and basically just asked how we are since we would refuse to even meet her. I know you guys are thinking that we're rude and stuff, but they intentionally abandoned us to fend for ourselves while they are spectating us suffering from who knows where.

Japanese mom and a Greek dad, diversity, ladies and gentlemen. Yet I only know English, shocker.

They then hand us both flasks of milk that our mom left for us.

"Oh, I know what this is based on your description." Diana realized "If it is truly like what I think it is, it's definitely going to benefit our bodies greatly."

"Well drink up then."

We then popped the cork and used magic to got all the milk out of the flask and made sure to not let any stay in the bottle and guide them into our mouth and drank it all.

Tasted a bit like sweet almond milk.

I didn't feel anything, but sleepy after a while, but nothing I can't handle, I should feel great after a good rest.

"Well you were correct, sis. It's Hera's breastmilk."

Emma and Lia got wide eye in shock and surprise before they start gagging a bit. I et it, it's disgusting if you think about it, but I've eaten rotten flesh before, this is nothing compared to that.

I don't how they found a way to get it from Hera nor do I even want to know how my mother found a way to source it with a 2 weeks reservation, and I don't think Hera is an immodest woman that would consent to this business either, I'll just ask Hera about it if I get the chance to meet her

"Heracles had the same thing, it made the already strong demigod to become a being that fought alongside the gods in gigantomachy, if it helped him, it at least will help us a lot, I'll try being nicer to her if she comes again, but that's no guarantee."

"I might need to go to sleep after this, the clan leader should head back now that he heard about the clan war." Diana said "It should be announced in a few days on how the war will take place and whether the whole clan have to participate or just representatives."

"Yeah, if I'm absent, I'll just say Emma made me so tired that I can't get up to go to the academy. Sound excuse and it's believable too."

"I swear to the gods that if you do, I will kill you." Emma declared


3rd person view

"I'll kill that bastard." Emma mumbled under her breath

Perseus is absent for today's class because he was apparently too tired from some unexplained events, but the submitted absence notice listed 'Emma was too energetic and has too much stamina.'.

"Sister, I know you're at an age where you have those urges, but at least try to restrain yourself against a student." Craig advised as she patted her on the back.

Craig has given up against Perseus at this point considering how much authority the kid hold and how nonchalant he is against any hard challenge that was placed for him.

If physical and magical challenges doesn't work, he tried to test the guy's intelligence by making exclusive tests papers for him that has questions for a 3rd year and even mixed in some that would make an instructor question themselves.

Rankers who reached the higher floors sure didn't reach them without smarts and he proved that.

While Craig was thinking of how slightly impressed he was, Emma was rambling curses that she wish for him to have.

"Well I'm sure you all just experienced the recent list updating, it doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's not unusual to see a whole revamp of the list, luckily, this time, it's not." Craig lectured "And if you spectated the recent duel, you should see the fact that Perseus has killed a fellow raider, something that all you raiders shall also experienced in the future if you want to live."

"Is it really something that is necessarily important to teach us ways to kill our fellow brethren?" Alvis asked "I know we all have our differences, but still..."

"Why do you think you spar each other more for training instead of training more in pseudo dungeons? The most dangerous enemy of a raider is a fellow raider." Craig explained "Some people would befriend a fellow student only to betray them the moment they graduate. You should learn to always be on your tip toes or if they're willing, take them to the Raining Gold clan, they are one of the clan that can test whether a person's intentions are genuine or not for a cheap price."

"Isn't that invading on someone's privacy?" Greg asked "People might actually be genuine, but there will be a strain on that bond if you ask someone to go through that."

"That's why I said if they're willing. But there's a reason why the Raining Gold clan are known for their loyalty, they trust each other so much that they're willing to go through the test regularly." Craig answered "Many clan does it, especially if you're one of the top clan, half the top clans have this mandatory procedure and yet they have achieved many successes."

It made sense, many clans have fallen due to lack of trusts in each other and such tests can help ensure each other of their intentions, doing the test is a double edged blade, either it will cause a tighter strain or it might just do the opposite.

"Now, today, we will be learning on your new food arrangements and how the hunt will work." Emma announced "I shall be taking over for this section and teach you on how to protect yourselves while you go hunt for food."