
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 120: I wouldn't even flinch

Perseus POV

Man, it's been a couple chapter since I got the limelight, anyway-

|Everyone deserve some screen time, don't be selfish.|

ANYWAY, I ran all over screaming 'die' like a psychopath and target them at the beasts before I quickly rush back to Cordelia since the npcs can handle themselves, I jumped onto the main house and watched her fight, she's registered a mage/support mage role, she specialize in long range combat, to think she learned to be brave and charge in, the tough training in class seemed to help a lot to toughen her both mentally and physically.

She jumped over the serpent and drew out her blade and harden it with mana and drove down with it and stab the giant serpent.

She's slow and her strength even with the support magic is barely enough, if she was stronger and faster, she's would have penetrated it through the head the moment its head was under her, it would've then died then and there.

She then inject mana into the blade to freeze the serpent inside out, and it then went on like that, she would constantly back away as the monster lunged at her and she would stab it and freeze it slowly from the insides repetitively.

It took a while but she managed to kill it, she then stabbed the head for good measure and created a small fireball to shoot at the corpse just to make sure.

I then jumped down and approached her.

"Good job."

"This is easier than killing that child." she replied

"Let's go check on the npcs, no casualties, but we'll check with them."


I saw the farmers walking around armed with their weapons, some got on their tractors and whatever and buried the holes with dirt.

"This isn't the last of em." the old lady npc said "Usually, they don't really harm us with only about 2 dying the past couple of months and these aren't the biggest ones either, we got a raider who ran down there and came back alive, apparently they got a leader."

"Did he say how many there were in total? Even estimations."

"Not really." she shook her head "But I think he said at least couple dozens, he then left, can't blame em."

"Cool, I'll go down the tunnel in the afternoon after some rest, but in the mean time, do ya think ya can waste some materials for us?"

"Sure, we're in need of your help, but we're also more than happy to contribute as long as it's not too dangerous." she nodded

"You tried using fire, garlic, clove or whatever the internet suggest repel them away, right?"

"Yeah, we gave that up, they ain't like them regular snakes, and what's to say the internet thing ain't right in the first place?" she responded

"Well, throw some oil and all those items on top of the holes and light them up except the biggest one which you lead us to when we accept the request. Especially the oil, let them flow in deep, have people man all the hole, light them up if you see any movement or escapees, me and the cute girl here will go in and intercept the whole lot of em."


I then stood and ate a box of packed lunch prepared by the old lady in front of the tunnel with Lia. I inspect it too of course, why do I do so? Well some quest, especially the more difficult ones on the upper floors, the npcs could give you the quest but turns out to be the ones you need to eliminate.

So basically a plot twist sort of situation, ya know, this is a D rank, so it's only a 1 percent chance, but I really try not to take my chances for granted.

"You're really calm, huh?" Lia asked

"Yup. Get use to it, I'll be purposefully making you experience death in the future, get ready for it, even 3rd year practice would be lenient in comparison. What kills you makes you stronger."

"That's not how it goes." she frowned

"Well, you're in the novel of the tower academy, it do go like that. It happened to me all the time, I was literally raised by my sister in the pit of Tartarus, the deepest part of the underworld where even Hades wouldn't dare go often."

"Why would he go down there?" she asked curiously

"Tartarus was made as a part of the underworld and as the ruler, him and some of his aides would have to go down there to make sure to keep everything in check, at least that's all I know from what Diana told me. You accepted that fact faster and easier than I thought."

"At this point, you can say that you and my brother are secretly married and I wouldn't even flinch." she declared

"Your mother jokes about having an affair with me a lot."


"Gotcha. Don't worry, I may like older women, but I wouldn't go for your mother when I'm already toying with your heart."

Cordelia POV

I hate this guy, why does he have to be my type? Why do I have to be lovestruck like some some sort of female character in a fictional novel?! And if I do date him with plans of marriage, I will also have to factor in the fact that he has a child with another woman!

I have to leave that for future me, cuz- did I just just use 'cuz' instead of 'because'? He's influencing my vocabulary too?!


After we ate and rest, Perseus got out a flashlight.

"Anyway, let's go." Perseus said and handed me one as we then descend down the tunnel.

We trudge through the dark and walked down there deeper and deeper, if it weren't for the flashlight, I wouldn't be able to see, my left hand was holding his right hand very tightly to not get separated. Why we didn't use magic? Perseus was cautious about them sensing us approaching with magic.

"Turn it off and be cautious, I can here them not to far from here." Perseus instructed

I obliged and followed his lead, the air is super thin but I have to hold it in for quite a bit longer.

"Shh." Perseus then inject small amount of mana into my head which allowed me to see as we then stopped as I can now see in the dark.

Perseus pointed to some guards at the exit though they were facing the other way into their home instead of where we are.

"So, ya wanna kill em or ya wanna sneak past em? Your choice." he asked