
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantasy
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183 Chs

Chapter 119: Thank my tough training

3rd person POV

"What punishment is Zeus getting this time?" Amaterasu asked her servant.

It was obvious to the gods who kept an eye on Perseus and watched the fight, they knew that the person coming after Perseus was a demigod of a certain god, though they all thought it was a stupid move since Perseus isn't ranked as number 1 without proper reason.

As long as someone step foot inside the tower, the gods can easily evaluated their strength and weaknesses, the admins are in charge of assigning threat levels to the raiders factoring even potential in. So the fact that Zeus only sent 1 person and that person only hiring a decent clan of assassins, it was over from the get go.

Zeus was easily caught and now the other gods have added another punishment to him, that was clear as he broke the rules by trying to interfere again, though indirectly, it's still a punishable offense.

"The council actually considered blocking the Silvers from viewing, but that would cause too much backlash." the servant reported "They are very popular amongst our ranks after all, so they instead decided to block Zeus spectating powers on mortals. And he is also forbidden from making any contact with his children while also having his punishment prolonged by another 6 months."

"Forbidden from making contact with his children...? That's it? If he really tried, he can bypass their watch and trace...hah, are they scared of him or something, stupid gods!" she cursed


Cordelia POV

"Oh yeah, by the way, I don't think I told you this but...Valentina's pregnant." Perseus said all of a sudden.

My heart just dropped and my eyes got really wide, he...he...he got the queen pregnant?!

"She hid the mark well with her hair, but don't worry, long story, but pregnancy delaying pill blah bla blah, it'll take a while and at this point, we completely broken off as anything more than friends." he reassured

"You broke up with the queen and despite having a child, you decide to still be- You're an idiot!"

"If this is a harem novel, then I won't be so dumb, anyway this exploration walk is for you to learn, check the surroundings and all that, we shouldn't go down there today, we'll wait to see an attack and defend this whole area from them to see how strong they are, and they should have a leader of sorts since they're incredibly intelligent."

"You're still an idiot, there's many race that allow legal polygamy!"

"Oh, who's the other one then?" he replied

"I...I plead the 5th."

"You're not American." he pointed out "It doesn't apply to you."

Damn this guy. Anyway, I then tried my best to ignore his jokes and tease all the way. There are about 2 dozen tunnels left open, there are traps set by the farmers and everything, but they're most likely useless if these beasts are capable of killing raiders.


When the night comes, we went to the main house where the old lady turned on lights to lit up the whole dome, we took her offer for free dinner, though Perseus was cautious, he inspected the food to make sure it isn't tampered with and that she isn't one of the monsters.

She then provide us with the sole one guestroom in the house where the bed is barely able to fit us both if we try, but Perseus isn't sleeping, his eyes were out the window checking the fields. And so to help, I went outside to look through another window to see another direction to see if they attack from there and about an hour went on.

The house started shaking as all the npcs can be seen and heard rushing out their room.

"Arm yourselves!" they shouted.

Though their accent make it sound like they are saying yurselves that yourselves. I rush to the guest bedroom to see Perseus gone with the windows opened.

"Damn it." I then rush out there and jumped down too as went after Perseus who approached one of the tunnels.

What came out of the tunnel is this serpent like dragon with some of its body part made from steel, the length were at least 10 m and their were several of them.

"Hmm, this should serve as good training for you, kill one." Perseus instructed at point at the smallest one "It should be slightly above your strength, it's a baby, don't worry."

"Ok, if I'm close to death, you'll run back to my aide, right?"

"At the last second, yes, so that on the brink of death and me comforting you till you pass out and even when you see me first when you wake up, I'll win your heart." he joked

"You're a dick."

"Wouldn't get a woman pregnant otherwise." he laughed and turned to the serpents "Die!"

And at the shout all of them die except the smallest one as he ran to help the other npcs who I can see fending off the beasts with axes and cheap swords.

Man, I'm jealous at that skill, would've been useful when he fought with the assassins.

The serpent is now scared as I can see it cower a little, so I used this moment to shoot up many spells, unlike Perseus who can instantly cast a spell, mine have delays. Mana gathered up at my hands and legs, I then shot bursts of water at the serpent, but it did nothing but push it back a little, it is now furious and is slowly pushing back.

It dashed to the side where I followed, I then let it get closer and closer, once it got close, I stomped the ground where I freeze it including the serpent who is now wet making it freeze faster. Now that it's stuck in place, I used support magic to make myself stronger.

<Strength boost.>

<Strength boost.>

I did it several times and mix it with 'agility boost' to rush at it and deliver the best punch I can, but I can only crack its scale a bit and hurt its insides a bit, so I delivered a couple more before taking out this hunter knife I brought along with me to stab it and back away when it recovered.

It broke of the ice and lunged at me as I barely dodged in time by jumping over its head.

Luckily I learned good close combat and dodging skills at the academy, if this was me at the start, I would've died, thank my tough training.