
(COMPLETE) System Rebirth: The Godly Hunter

There have been people all over the world that would say “The end is near!” But most people didn’t really believe them. Most people thought they might just be crazy and just doing it for attention but never would they thought the end would really be here. But would it be the end of humanity? No it was not us that has ended it was are way of life. Ten years ago something in the sky open and monster started to fall from it. Most died on impact but there where some that survived and they started to kill everyone on sight. When the military arrived they managed to clear the monster’s known as Orcs but for every Orc we killed they could kill ten of us. After that day the world started to change, people started to awaken powers and people called them heroes of humanity but the government came in and declared them as awakened. Back then kids wanted to be astronaut’s or something but now they just want to be an Awoken and get rich fast but only 95% of humanity has gain some type of power as for me? I’m a nobody, I didn’t gain any power but I didn’t let that stop me. Would that kill me one day? Yes it would and I would know... because that day is today or should I say was? I gained something that day that would break the balance of life and death. Even in death I shall prevail.

Harbenger · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Gaining Power

[ Congratulations on winning 'Soul Soldier'!

Soul soldier<Unique>: When the user kills an entity the user steals there soul and stores it inside the 'death realm'. Once inside the soul may never leave unless the user will's it. While the user is in possession of the souls the user may call upon them to battle, the 'soldiers' will be invincible until the user's Mana reaches zero and once the souls are killed they will return to the 'death realm' until the user has sufficient mana to call upon them once again. If the user's mastery of the ability improved enough the 'storage' inside will increase and once the user has full mastery of the skill the storage will reach a cap but depending on the user's mana capacity the cap will be removed. But it's not a guarantee that the user will seal the soul inside, currently, there is a two percent chance of sealing the soul inside the death realm. This will also change with the user's mastery over the skill.

Currently capacity of 'death realm': 0/10

'Soul Soldier' Evolution requirements:??? ]

[ Congratulations on winning 'Rusted Iron Great Sword'

Rusted Iron Great Sword<Common>: An old iron great sword once used by a soldier long ago defending his kingdom and home from a place far far away. The soldier was one of many who died on a battlefield being long forgotten of the course of history.

( https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Buster_Sword it looks like think but with no holes and rusted up. )

Attack power: 20

Durability: 100/100

Stats need to equip: 25 strength, 5 dexterity. ]

Armin was excited about the skill he won and started to ask questions about it.

"Hey what exactly is the death realm and what happens when I release the souls do they reincarnate? Why does the evolution requirement have question marks? What do I need to do to evolve it? Also, are all skills evolvable? "

[The death realm is like a storage container, it holds the souls of the things you killed as to what EXACTLY it is you will have to figure that out. The souls you release will cease to exist they will never go to 'heaven' or 'hell' or 'reincarnate' or anything they will be dead no questions asked. To evolve 'soul soldier' you must figure that out. It could be anything such as complete a quest, kill enough entities and steal there soul, or need a specific item. No, not every skill can evolve but I'll tell you this you got incredibly lucky with getting a skill that can evolve because they are extremely rare. ]

Armin just laid In bed taking all the information in and when he looked at his clock and it was 10:52

Armin started to mutter.

"It's pretty late but I'm not really tired so maybe I should go out and find something to do..."

Armin left to go take a shower since he hasn't had one today as he thought about what to do.

*30 minutes later*

"Maybe I should go to sleep I can't really go on a portal raid at this time..."

But before he could say anything else he got a notification.

[ Quest Alert!

The Road To Power!

Visit the nearby park to find a surprise!

Rewards: 1x Mana potion, 1x Hp potion

Time remaining: 02:00:00. ]

"All righty then guess I won't sleep..."

Armin got ready to leave but had one problem.

"Do I really have to carry this sword out in the open? I mean I could leave it but with a title like the road to power I feel like I'm going to need it..."

[Well if you bothered to explore the system you would have found this...

{Inventory} (self-explanatory...). ]

Armin just stood there and realized how stupid he was.

"What kind of system wouldn't have one... Can you tell me how to use it and what other things can I do?"

[All you have to do is grab it and shove it into the inventory screen. To bring the screen up just say or think 'Open inventory' and to bring something out just tap the icon of said item and a small screen will pop up and show 'withdrawal' 'inspect' 'discard' 'sell' or just think of grabbing the said item and it will manifest in your hand. ]

'Open inventory'

Suddenly a screen popped up showing a blank screen and at the top left he could see his name and at the top right he sees the shop currency but it suddenly started to delete itself and the word gold replaced it.

"Uh what just happened?"

[I deemed it better to call it gold instead of shop points. There isn't really much else left to explain about the REbirth system as it to give you a new life with the power it gives you the ability to grow stronger the ability to store your stuff and the ability to buy things. ]

Armin didn't really care that it changed as he did as the system said and put the sword inside his inventory as the icon of a large sword showed up in a small box. He then decided to test it out and grabbed a bottle of water and tried to put it in his inventory as an icon of the water bottle appeared next to his sword.

"So I can put pretty much anything in?"

[Correct but you can't put in living entities. ]

'You didn't say deceased entities...'

the system didn't say anything but Armin knew that he could do it. After he checked to make sure he had everything he needed he left his home and started to walk towards the park.

After Armin arrived he was both shocked and confused because in front of him was a door shaped crystal wall and it was about two inches thick but the few people around him didn't seem to be able to see it as someone just walked right through it.

'What the fuck is this?'

But the system didn't say anything so as he was about to touch it he thought.

'Why are you not talking so much anymore?'

[The Rebirth system will only be talking during the tutorial stage and quests but unless there is an emergency there won't be many conversations. ]

'All righty then...'

Armin then touched the crystal door and a window popped up showing.

[Park dungeon.

F rank

A dungeon in the park that houses monsters that have yet to develop into a 'portal'. ]

'Wait so dungeons are portals? If it says that it has yet to become a portal does that mean if I went to a portal before it was there would I see this crystal?'

[Look who getting so smart! Yes you are correct term is dungeon but you call them portals, the stages go from sealed dungeon to open dungeon (portal) and finally dungeon release. You're able to enter sealed dungeon and if you clear them they disappear the same as when people would clear open dungeons. But if dungeons are never cleared that's when a dungeon release happens, people are able to enter open dungeons but once a dungeon becomes a dungeon release it Allows the monsters to enter your world... ]

Armin didn't say anything as he remembers when the world first found a portal. They didn't understand and tried to study it but then the monster's come out and well EVERYONE knew what happened next... Armin walked into the dungeon as he was in another cave which caused him to remembered his last raid...

He pulled out his rusted greatsword as he just walked forward.

"I can't let the past hold me down..."

In the distance, Armin could see glowing red eyes staring straight at him but he was scared he was excited as he smiled he said.

"I've been standing in the back being a porter for so long but not anymore starting today I'm going to fight. I might not know how to fight with a great sword but I'm going to make my own style if I have to."

He could see what the monster was now it was a giant rat the size of a desk but he didn't care if he couldn't find rats then why bother to get stronger? Armin dashed straight towards the rat and with his momentum gripped his sword with two hands and with all his strength slashed down but the rat just barely manages to dodge out the way and there is a loud bang that could be heard. Armin felt his hands hurt from the impact on the ground but he ignored it as the rat was charging towards him with no other choice Armin positions the great sword in front of himself with the point at the ground covering a majority of his body as the rat slammed into the sword. Armin managed to withstand the attack and attempted to counter-attack by slashing upwards but it felt extremely uncomfortable as it was too heavy but he still managed to hit the rat cutting it across the face including its left eye. The rat screeches as it tries to bite Armin but this time he has enough time to sidestep letting the rat rush right past him into the wall and he took this chance to once again swing with all his might but this time Successfully landing the hit causing the rat to get sliced right in half.

[ +50 XP ]

Armin looked down at his XP bar and it was at 20%

"So four more and I should finally gain a level."

Armin then walked over to the rat and noticed an icon over it. When he touched it a screen popped up and it showed

[ Rat Hide: The hide of a large rat can be used for crafting or be sold for a small amount of gold.


Rat Tooth: A tooth that once belonged to a common rat monster, can be used for crafting or be sold for a small amount of gold. TAKE-DISCARD.



"Might as well take it all since I might find a use for it and if not I can just sell it."

Armin then continued walking down the cave when he then spotted five more rats but before he could plan anything the rats spotted him and they all charged at him he then made a makeshift stance holding his greatsword and slashed sideways at the leading rat and lucky for him the rats were close together that it couldn't move out the way and got it's head cut through killing it on the spot but the rat next to him jumped and bit his leg causing him to flinch and his health going down but he tried his best to ignore the pain as he kicked the rat off and slamming down the great sword sideways smashing the skull of the rat killing it instantly and he jumped backward to make distance with the remaining three rats. The rats hissed are Armin but he just smiled because even though he was putting his life on the life he was having fun! If he didn't risk it all he would always be weak and may never earn enough to save jasmine as he went back to fighting the rats he slowly started getting better at wielding his greatsword and he received a notification but he was in the heat of battle and ignored it.

Armin was crouched against the wall while drinking an HP potion and looking at the notifications he got after the battle.

[ +50 XP ]

[ +50 XP ]

[ +50 XP ]

[ +50 XP ]

[ LEVEL UP 0 -> 1 ]

[ +50 XP ]

[ Congratulations on creating a self taught great sword skill.

Demon Slayer Great Sword Art <Unique>

This Art was formed by the blood and sweat of a natural-born Great Sword Wielder. Forged by his desire and determination on becoming stronger and with his savage fighting style, he kills his enemies before himself.

Passive: Dulls the effect of mass slaughter

(If you don't understand imagine what would happen to you if you had to go on a massive killing spree killing monsters to stay alive? I believe that it would take a large toll on your mental health and cause mental problems sooner or later.)

Active Skill: when the user activates this Skill the user forfeits all their defense and attacks with pure offense. Gain an extra 250% increase in attack power but at the cost of taking 100% extra damage.

Armin just smiled and said.

"This will come in handy. This is gonna be fun"

As lots of red eyes could be seen in the dark as Armin lifts himself off the floor grabbing his sword and getting into his stance.