
(COMPLETE) System Rebirth: The Godly Hunter

There have been people all over the world that would say “The end is near!” But most people didn’t really believe them. Most people thought they might just be crazy and just doing it for attention but never would they thought the end would really be here. But would it be the end of humanity? No it was not us that has ended it was are way of life. Ten years ago something in the sky open and monster started to fall from it. Most died on impact but there where some that survived and they started to kill everyone on sight. When the military arrived they managed to clear the monster’s known as Orcs but for every Orc we killed they could kill ten of us. After that day the world started to change, people started to awaken powers and people called them heroes of humanity but the government came in and declared them as awakened. Back then kids wanted to be astronaut’s or something but now they just want to be an Awoken and get rich fast but only 95% of humanity has gain some type of power as for me? I’m a nobody, I didn’t gain any power but I didn’t let that stop me. Would that kill me one day? Yes it would and I would know... because that day is today or should I say was? I gained something that day that would break the balance of life and death. Even in death I shall prevail.

Harbenger · Fantasy
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83 Chs

Dungeon dive part three

Armin was currently slaughtering wolfs that appeared out of nowhere and suddenly he heard the party leader say.

"We got more incoming on the left!"

Armin looked towards the left and noticed that five more wolfs were coming and when he checked to see if anyone was available to deal with it he noticed that they were busy dealing with there own wolfs. Armin sighed as he finished off the wolf he was 'playing' with and yelled out.

"I'll handle it!"

Armin then headed towards the incoming wolfs and easily dealt with them. The first wolf jumped towards Armin's neck as it was going for the quick kill but Armin used his higher strength and grabbed the wolf's neck and crushed it.

While the now dead wolf was in his hand he looked towards the second wolf that was trying to go for his right leg and he threw the dead wolf at it and it fell over.

He then rushed towards the stunned wolf and used his sword to behead the wolf but he didn't there as he made his way towards the third wolf and used his sword to pierce the skull of the wolf but the blade continued past the skull and pierced the rest of the body.

Armin suddenly gave a small laugh as he looked at the dead wolf that was hanging on his sword as it reminded him of a shish kabob. He then used his sword has a club and slammed it onto the fourth wolf.

As he did that the sword cut itself out of the third wolf due to hitting an object causing the dead wolf to stop moving and the sharp blade continued on into the fourth wolf.

After Armin killed the fourth wolf he didn't notice that the fifth wolf circled around him and the wolf jumped towards his back and it latched on to him but do to his armor that he set to invisible he didn't take any damage at all.

Armin then grabbed the final wolf that was trying to bite his neck but kept failing due to his armor. He then slammed the wolf down and when the wolf was slammed into the ground its spine was completely destroyed as it started to howl in pain but Armin ignored it and stabbed his sword into its skull.

Making his way back towards the group he nodded Eve was casting another healing spell while sweat was forming on her forehead as he thought.

'She's not used to this and I'm sure her mana is running low... Hey, system if I give her another mana potion will she get stronger again?'

[If the entity known as Eve drinks another mana potion she won't get stronger and won't increase her maximum mana pool. All that will happen is that she will replenish her mana so basically, the same thing will happen if you drink one. ]

Armin finished reading the system notification as he then made his way over towards Eve who was supporting herself on her staff do to being exhausted. The party managed to kill off all the wolfs but a lot of the members panting due to fighting so much. Seeing this Armin spoke up saying.

"How about we take a short break? Everyone seems tired and it won't be beneficial to fight while you all are tired."

Everyone in the group nodded and fell towards the ground as Armin made his way towards Eve and said.

"Hey hun drink this and you'll feel better."

As Armin handed her one of his mana potions she realized that it looked similar to the one he gave her before and she asked.

"Is this the same thing you gave me last time?"

Armin smiled and quietly said.

"Yeah but it's not as good as the one I gave you last time. Oh and don't worry you won't fall asleep after you drink it, unlike last time."

Hearing this Eve had stars in her eyes as she grabbed the potion and chugged it down and instantly felt like her mana was filling back up at a noticeable rate.

Once Eve finished the potion she was now holding an empty as she was confused about where she should put it until Armin grabbed it from her and put it away.

While they were resting the tank of the party walked over and said.

"I got to say Eve your healing spells are absolutely amazing. If I had to rate you on your healing abilities out of all the healers I've partied with I'd say you're the best I've had. Would you perhaps wanna party up again sometime?"

Eve smiled and said.

"Haha I'll take the compliment Marcus but I'm sure that there are many more healers that are better than me. I'll think about it and I'm only here because I wanted to participate in a portal raid with my boyfriend."

Hearing this Marcus looked over towards Armin and put his hand out for a handshake and said.

"Your a lucky man Armin and I noticed that you don't even seem tired haha. So I'm guessing you're much stronger than the dungeon but since you wanted to be with your girlfriend, you entered a weaker dungeon so she would be safe. Am I right?"

Armin smiled and shook his hand while saying.

"You got it exactly right. I didn't want her to get hurt so we decided to enter this one."

The duo laughed and continued to talk about things while everyone rested to restore there stamina and mana.

After a while, everyone got up and continued there way towards the largest mountain but every now and then they would have to fight monsters but it wasn't a problem since the monster was low in numbers. While they were making their way towards the mountain Bella who was still in the back seat of her SUV was watching Eve while thinking.

'Urg can you just die already? Get your skull caved in from a Kobold or get your throat ripped out from a wolf!'

While she was thinking this she received a phone call and when she noticed who it was she suddenly got her hopes up.


"Hey pumpkin, I'm calling to let you know what I found about the man you asked me to find out about..."

Hey, everyone, I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

Harbengercreators' thoughts