
(BNHA) The Paths He Chooses

Izuku makes choices that lead to him meeting different girls. His path for each girl is different, read about the outcomes of each girl he encounters. Also available on wattpad, Fanfiction.Net, and Fanfiction.Online

VacantThoughts · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 12: Shiozaki Ibara (Part 4)

It was Saturday, Izuku was confident he was ready for the dance, he'd gotten dance lessons from Mina the night prior, and he had on his suit and was ready to go. The guys left to get with their dates, while Izuku was on his way to the 1-B dorms to pick up Shiozaki.

Walking through the door, Izuku looked around and had yet to see his date, so he walked over to Kendo in a orange decided to go the dance alone.

"Hey Kendo-san, have you seen Shiozaki-san? Izuku asked.

"Oh hey Midoriya! Shiozaki's on her way. She's still getting ready." Kendo replied.

"Alright, thanks!"

Izuku waited for about 10 minutes, but when he saw her, those 10 minutes were worth waiting for. Once Shiozaki stepped into the common room, it was just him and her, everyone else were already gone, but he didn't care. He was just happy with her.

He'd never seen her so beautiful before, though he knew she was beautiful already, the dress she was wearing made it 10x better for him.

Shiozaki was wearing a forest green Midi dress (look it up if you don't know what it is) with a dark green necklace on and a pair of green sandals.

She was also mesmerized by Izuku's appearance, he was wearing a Dark green slim fitted suit, with a black tie and dark green dress shoes.

They stood there, soaking in each other's appearances for about 10 minutes before Izuku said something he didn't mean to say out loud.

"Beautiful....." Izuku said to the fellow green haired girl.

Shiozaki blushed, having never been complimented by a guy before. Izuku, finally realizing what he had said, also blushed, before holding out his arm, hoping that what Mina taught him was correct. His answer was confirmed when Shiozaki grabbed his arm.

Walking together arm in arm and blushing, Shiozaki decided to make conversation.

"You look quite handsome today, Midoriya-kun." Shiozaki said with a pink tinted face.

"T-Thanks, y-you look great as well Shiozaki-san." Izuku replied

"Um...Do you know how to dance?" Izuku asked, hoping his new dance skills weren't useless.

"Yes, why do you ask?" Shiozaki questioned.

"Because, I've learned some dancing recently, and I wanted to know if we would dance or not." Izuku said.

"Oh, well don't worry, I've been preparing for this for a while." Shiozaki said, proud that the fruits I get labor had finally paid off.

Once they got to the gymnasium, there was a pop song playing, for the remainder of the song, most people dance to the beat or drank some the variety of drinks that were available.

Then, afterwards, the slow dance played.

The lights in the gymnasium dimmed, confusing the students,until a huge foot crashed in the middle of the gym's roof. You would think this was Mt.Lady, who could become a giant with her quirk, but this was no the case.

As, the students looked up, they saw that this thing had light grey skin, it's face was small, but the head was the most interesting part. Protruding out of the head, was a brain, the size of a small car. 

"Most students already knew what this being was, a Nomu (props to you if you know what the nomu's name is). It wasn't long before the portal's started popping up, bringing out the league of Villians.

"Hello, worthless students of U.A's hero course, since you've prevented us from taking one of your oh-so-loved comrades last time, this time we'll take two of them instead." The League Villians' leader 'Tomura Shigaraki' said.

The students started panicking, hopefully the Hero's were coming soon, hopefully they'd come help them. Unaware that something similar was going on to distract the Hero's.

Class 1-A acted fast, Momo making bandages and first aid supplies for those who were hit by the debris of the roof. Ochaco, lifting rubble that injured the other students. While Bakugo, was ready to fight the moment they warped into the gym. He rushed towards the leader, using his explosions as a boost. He'd closed the distance pretty quickly, only to find out that the leader wasn't there anymore.

Bakugo looked around for the leader who seemingly disappeared from nothing. Until he felt a hand on his arm, the effects were instantaneous, Bakugo's arm started crumbling slowly, as Shoto froze Bakugo's arm, stopping the crumbling and Izuku ran towards the leader, while the rest of the league were either causing a diversion for the hero's or fight other students.

As they came upon, Shigaraki, he again, disappeared from nothing and re-appeared behind Izuku.

"How is he that fast?!" Izuku said aloud. 

"That should be obvious, considering who my master was." 

As soon as the words left his mouth, Izuku's brain went into analytical overdrive as he dodged Shigaraki's attacks. Then, the pieces came together. His master was AFO, who could take and give quirks, so it wouldn't impossible for him to give Shigaraki another quirk before his fight with All Might.

"Todoroki! He has another quirk! Don't waste your energy on him, try and take care of that giant Nomu with the other students!" Izuku yelled as he charged up full cowling to 50% before taking off towards an isolated area, Shigaraki trailing after him. He felt the strenuous effects of 50% OFA as soon as he activated it, but kept it up because it was the only percentage he could use to catch up to Shigaraki without causing serious harm.

Even with 50% OFA, he could barely keep up with Shigaraki. Getting annoyed, Shigaraki teleported on the side of Izuku as he went to block, but it was futile as Shigaraki slammed his fist into Izuku's side, sending him back. 

"He has a Power Quirk too?! How many quirks does he have." Izuku said before moving again, he winced, he'd had at least 2 broken ribs, but nonetheless he didn't give up.

"Just those 2 plus my original quirk, but that's all I need to defeat you." Shigaraki said before stopping and grinning.

"Looks like our goal is completed." Shigaraki said as he teleported away.

Izuku looked confused, but started to go back towards the gymnasium while clutching his side. As if on cue, Mt.Lady showed up before going into hand to hand combat with the Giant Nomu. 

Izuku sighed in relief as one of the problems were now being taken care of, until he saw 2 new problems arise. There stood Shigaraki and the rest of the league Villians, that was just one of the problems, the second problem though was who they were carrying, what looked like an knocked out Monoma, and a very much awake and very terrified Shiozaki. 

"We said we'd take two of you, so that's what we did, and now that that's done, we'll be taking our leave now." Said Shigaraki as Kurogiri opened a portal to god knows where.

Izuku was about to run for Shiozaki before he stopped, wincing again. Why did Shigaraki have to crack his ribs?

Izuku just stood there, with anger and sadness etched onto his face, he watched as Shigraraki and the rest of the LOV left, with an unconscious asshole, and the girl he was in love with.

A/N: I bet you didn't see this coming. Neither did I, one second I was writing a chapter full of fluffy goodness the next minute I'm writing about cracked ribs and quirks. Anyway, thanks for reading this chapter, As usual, If you're on wattpad please vote and comment, If you're on FFN please review and follow the story. If you're on webnovel stay tuned for next chapter, Chapter 13: Yui Kodai (Part 5).

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