
(BNHA) The Paths He Chooses

Izuku makes choices that lead to him meeting different girls. His path for each girl is different, read about the outcomes of each girl he encounters. Also available on wattpad, Fanfiction.Net, and Fanfiction.Online

VacantThoughts · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 11: Kyoka Jiro (Part 4)

"We're going where?!" Everyone yelled.

Class 1-A were currently in their last class with Mr. Aizawa, who had just informed them that they would be going someplace.

"Due to an anonymous donor named 'Author-kun', we now are going on a well needed break. We will be flying to a resort on one of U.A's privately owned islands. Get your stuff together by Thursday, because that's when we leave." Aizawa said while getting back into his yellow sleeping bag and lying down.

Iida then got up to the front of the class and started waving his hands in a robotic fashion. "Classmates, I expect you to act on your best behavior and follow the rules as to not bring shame to a prestigious school as U.A"

Everyone in the class groaned before going back to their own conversations.


Izuku had just got done packing his suitcase. You see, Izuku had a plan for the trip, not just any plan though, this was the trip where he'd confess his feeling's to Jiro. He had created a perfect plan (If you could call It that) for confessing. Step 1. Get Jiro alone, Step 2. Confess to Jiro. He thought it was a failproof plan (Again, if you could call It a plan).

3 Days Later

Everyone was currently at the airport with their suitcases, waiting for the plane.

"I'm so excited! When we get to the island let's go to the beach everyone!" Mina said while jumping up and down.

"Calm down Mina. Oh, there's the plane!" Kirshima exclaimed while pointing at the newly arrived plane.

Everyone got on the plane and set next to their friends, Kirishima with Bakugo, Mina with tooru, Ochaco with Iida and so on. Izuku was pretty sure the guys had set him up when suddenly all of them had practically forced him to sit next to Jiro by saying, I'm saving this seat for someone, and the same had happened for Jiro.

'I'm sitting next to Izuku! I haven't spoken to him since Movie Night. Curse you for setting that up Mina!' Jiro thought.

Calming herself down, Jiro put her hand on the armrest, right on Izuku's hand. Quickly realizing her mistake, she took her hand off quickly and muttered sorry, blushing all the while. Deciding not to risk embarrassing herself any further, she pulled out her phone before plugging in one of her jacks to listen to music.

Izuku on the other hand, was feeling the blood rush to his face quickly.

'One minute I'm relaxing, the next minute Jiro has her hand on mines! I don't know if I'll survive this trip!' Izuku thought to himself.

2 hours later, everyone was asleep, except Izuku. He couldn't sleep after what happened. He looked over to his right and saw Jiro asleep, he then looked at her jacks, one was connected to her phone, the other just moving around slowly. It looked so Majestic to him that he didn't even realize his hand was reaching out to touch it. Once his hand made contact with it, it twitched, causing him to put his hand away, but it felt so smooth, so.....right.

Jiro meanwhile, wasn't as asleep as Izuku thought she was. She was awake the entire time, just relaxing to music, then Izuku touched her jack, and she had to suppress the urge to moan, apparently her jacks were a sensitive spot for the purple haired girl.

'He touched my jack! That felt so good, I wish he would do it agai- NO, Kyoka, get a hold of yourself!' Jirou yelled in her mind.

She slowly looked over to Izuku and his eyes met with hers, both quickly looked away before Jiro spoke.

"Y-You know, Izuku, if you wanted to play with my Jacks you c-could've just asked." Jiro said, embarrassed.

"O-OK, Kyoka, s-sorry." Izuku replied, looking out of the window. They both quickly decided to go to sleep before they woke someone.

When everyone woke up the next morning, they saw that they were landing on an private airstrip. Once they got out of the plane, they were mesmerized by what they saw. Sakura trees in full bloom, and a beach near them.

They all got in a limo, and were driven to a building, it was pretty big, enough to house at least 30 people, apparently this is where they would be staying for their trip. Once everyone had got settled in their room, Mineta and Kaminari had suggested they go to the hot springs located behind the resort. Everyone agreed, and Izuku could of swore he saw Mineta and Kaminari snickering at something, but he just waved it off.

As they went all went to the hot springs, Mineta and Kaminari held back all the other boys and let Izuku continue first, Izuku knew they were planning something, but his useless common sense told him to keep going.

As he entered, it was empty, which was expected, he quickly took off his clothes and and got in the hot spring. It was relaxing, until he heard a girl's voice.

"I can't wait to get in, I've never been at a hot spring before!" Ochaco said.

"Really! Well you've missed out so far." Mina said as the other girls agreed with her.

Stupid! Izuku knew he shouldn't have trusted Kaminari and Mineta! They must've switched the signs so that he went into the girls' hot springs on accident. Luckily, or unluckily for Izuku, Jiro was the first one to come out, and quickly saw the panicking green haired boy.

A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter again, I hope this story is good, if it's not, then I'm sorry. As usual, If you're on wattpad please vote and comment, If you're on FFN please review and follow the story. If you're on webnovel stay tuned for next chapter, Chapter 12: Shiozaki Ibara (Part 4).