
Arc 8:Interstellar ABO (14)

Especially someone with high power like Ernest would only treat them as playthings. After all, in the eyes of many people, Yingzhao is incomplete, and was even ridiculed by others as a genderless monster.

But I didn't expect that the rumored Ernest, who was never very human, and the marshal, who didn't respond to any beauty, would actually mark the boy.

Obviously, Ernest was really moved. The crazy possessiveness that I saw in that man's eyes wasn't an illusion, it was real.

Yes, obviously he is the one who can't see clearly. The young man is so good, what if he doesn't have glands, the qualities and flashes he possesses are unmatched by any omega.

How could he be blind and think that the young man is not as good as those ordinary omegas. But when he wanted to pass all this, he found that it was too late.

The boy he loves has been completely marked by other Alphas, and has even undergone spiritual fusion, and he can never be his own again.

This realization made Epner feel a little crazy for a moment, and then developed a monstrous hatred for Ernest.

Seeing Yingzhao slowly walking towards him, although the other party tried his best not to show it, Epner still saw that the other party's waist and legs seemed a little inconvenient.

Epner gritted his teeth at the thought of what caused the inconvenience. Then I heard the young man on the opposite side say to him, "Instructor Abner, I have already refined the potion."

After speaking, Yingzhao took out a jasper-colored potion from his pocket and handed it over to him. ebner.

Abner took it over and wanted to say something to Yingzhao, but after seeing the young man hand over the potion to him, he left in a hurry with some flustered excuses.

Is the boy still sad because he was forced to do such a thing? But he could only pretend he didn't know anything. Abner took a deep breath, and a kind of heartache spread like never before.

He opened the cork of the potion and drank it, feeling the power in his body, turned around and went directly to the principal's room. He couldn't stay in this school at all.

You have to go to the battlefield as soon as possible to accumulate some military merit. On this side, Yingyan can also make more medicines for himself, and constantly improve his spiritual power.

Yes, when your own mental power is higher than Ernest, you can break the opponent's mental barrier. Even the juveniles were re-marked mentally.

Thinking of this, Epner regained his belief and his mood became high. As for the body, Epner narrowed his eyes. The juvenile's potion is superb, since it can cover up Ernest's pheromone, there should be a way to get rid of the pheromone that was completely marked!

Epner's brain hole is wide open here, but Yingzhao doesn't plan to care about Epner's thoughts anymore. Although he and Ernest have been staying at the Marshal's mansion these past few days, the two of them have been tired of being together.

Even because of the man's excessive demands, Yingzhao even lost his temper with him in the end. Therefore, in order to please his little partner, the Marshal decided to support his revenge plan, and asked the following people to investigate some interesting information related to Abner.

Only then did Yingzhao know that there is such a secret behind Epner being promoted to the title of second lieutenant at such a young age. He had previously been promoted to second lieutenant's military exploits, but he actually seized the dead comrades in arms.

So with Epner's character, he will do it the first time, maybe the second time. After sorting out the timeline, Yingzhao carefully re-read the plot.

After discovering that Abner had improved his spiritual power, he soon went to the battlefield and quickly rose to the rank of admiral. The reason why the other party can be promoted so quickly is because in a battle of Zerg raid, the same major general sneaked into the rear of Zerg with weapons and blew up their mothership, so that the battle was won. .

However, according to the vague display on the plot, the greater credit for this matter seems to be the major general. And Abner didn't even go deep into the hinterland of the Zerg, and it was likely that he had seized the military exploits of the deceased major general. Or, the major general actually survived, but was murdered by Epner.

Thinking of this, Yingzhao narrowed his eyes. Now that Epner is going to the battlefield, which coincides with this timeline, it seems that he needs to protect the people around this lucky hero.

Of course, Yingzhao did not rely on his own strength to solve this matter, but told Ernest of his plans. After all, in this world, the things on the battlefield, the men in my family are much better than myself.

As the marshal of the empire, Ernest controls the entire army. If he hadn't cared about these things himself, he would never have been sent to a small planet for the rest of his life in the original plot line.

What Yingzhao didn't know was that before the man met Yingzhao, even if the royal family asked him to leave the army and live on a small remote planet, it would not make a big difference to Ernest. Because he himself is not interested in anything.

Although he was unhappy that his little lover was focusing on other men, since the little guy let himself deal with it so frankly, Ernest did not refuse.

It was just that when the adjutant intercepted a message sent by Abner to Yingzhao and forwarded it to the imperial marshal, Ernest was so angry that he almost crushed his brain.

This damn Epner, dare to send such ambiguous information to his baby. What did he say to his baby, he was going to fight for his baby on the battlefield, and when he reached a high position, he would come back and be with the boy forever!

In fact, since Ernest saw Yingzhao for the first time, he has been secretly monitoring everything about the other party. All the people around the boy and the information they received had to be checked by the marshal.

It can be said that a man's desire for possessiveness and control has reached its peak. If it is unimportant, he will naturally not interfere. But faced with such a message, Ernest pressed the delete button without hesitation.

In my heart, I couldn't help laughing at Epner's confession. This Epner really regarded himself as something, and dared to say that he would be with his baby after standing in a high position.

Don't think about it, no matter how high he stands, can he still be higher than his imperial marshal?

What's more, Ernest has reorganized his forces in the army since he was in danger last time. Of the major families, which one has not placed staff in the army.

Ernest easily grasped the means of these families, and he used both soft and hard to make those who were just around the corner put out their minds.

Although Ernest intercepted the male protagonist's message here, Yingzhao's light brain did not receive it, but with the system Xiaobai, Yingzhao naturally knew about Epner's actions.

After Epner took the medicine he gave him before, his mental power had broken through 2s. I don't know if it's because of the male protagonist's special physique, but just such a bottle of medicine has made him reach the critical zone of 2s mental power.

It is even said that as long as some drug stimulation is added, it is an easy thing to cross to 3s, which makes Epner, who has obtained the power, surging.

And the lieutenant general of the Auston family naturally sent someone to keep an eye on Epner at all times. Even though the time agreed with the other party had arrived, Epner did not hand over the so-called pharmacist as he said, but went to the battlefield.

In particular, the news that the other party had broken through his spiritual power on the battlefield made the lieutenant general even more jealous. Although Lieutenant General Auston's mental power has reached 3s, it is rare in the entire empire, second only to Ernest.

But he has been looking forward to a way to break through his spiritual power, so that he can go a step further and have the opportunity to suppress Ernest and become the new marshal of this empire.

Just watching Abner's actions on the battlefield, the lieutenant general knew that he planned to hide the secret of this potion. However, because the lieutenant general has been closely monitoring Epner, he naturally received news, reporting that Epner had met a person before he went to the battlefield, and that person was known as the pharmacy professional. Gifted student English.

No need to think about it, Lieutenant General Auston targeted Yingzhao, believing that the reason why Epner had achieved so much power must be inseparable from this talented student.

So he took the initiative to come to Imperial College, wanting to find Yingzhao and see each other with his own eyes. It's just that he didn't know the relationship between Yingzhao and Ernest. After all, there are people who have the Marshal's guard strictly guarding them, and the information in this regard cannot be conveyed.

It wasn't until Auston had been in the future several times that he couldn't catch the shadow of this student, and he didn't realize that something was wrong. At the same time, he also heard that Ernest came to teach at Imperial College on a whim. Moreover, the major taught by the other party happened to be the major of pharmacy.

Lieutenant General Auston did not think that Ernest came to Imperial College and appeared in public to convey a message that his pheromone was no longer a problem. On the contrary, he thought that it was very likely that the marshal also noticed the genius of Yingzhao and had the intention of recruiting.

So Lieutenant General Auston planned to strike first. He knew that Yingzhao was still under the guardianship of the Ying family, and Yingying Hao was a mercenary villain who obviously did not have much friendship for his son.

So he sent people from the family to find Yingying Hao, saying that the Auston family intends to marry the Ying family. This time, Yingying Hao, who received the news, was shocked.

After all, the Ying family is only a small family no matter how it is on the table, and being able to be favored by the leading Auston family in the empire is simply burning incense.

So Yingying Hao agreed without hesitation after receiving the olive branch from the Auston family.

When he heard that the other party's intended marriage partner turned out to be Yingyan, Yingying Hao was also very surprised. However, he felt that it didn't matter.

In Yingying Hao's heart, no matter how prominent Yingyan was in the school, and no matter how hard he tried to produce some high-quality potions in exchange for benefits, the benefits of his marriage with the Auston family would not be greater.

Speaking of which, the person whom the Auston family brought out to marry Yingzhao was just a small role in their collateral line. It's an Alpha with no achievements at all.

Although this Alpha is in his 30s and has a long appearance, he is a notorious jerk. I can't do anything without saying that, and I only know that relying on the name of the Auston family to make a fortune outside, it can be said that it has all the five poisons.

Those omegas with heads and faces simply don't look down on such Alphas. As for the lieutenant general's purpose is just to control Yingzhao, naturally he will not bother to find a good match for him. I just chose an obedient and useless Alpha in the family, and took it out to get married.

Obviously, Yingying Hao doesn't care whether Yingzhao will be happy in the future. Therefore, this marriage was decided without any notice to Ying Zhao, and the wedding date was set in a week.

Here, Ernest received news. He heard that his most precious treasure was so easily given out by his bastard father in exchange for benefits, and he was married to such a scumbag. His mood was no longer described by rage.

Originally, I was thinking that this person gave birth to his lover no matter what, so Ernest was still thinking about how to deal with this person.

He was worried that Yingzhao still had a longing for family affection, so he never acted rashly. I didn't expect that such a thing would happen again because of my connivance to the other party.

Ernest's expression at the moment can be described as horror, and when Yingzhao leisurely pushed in the door, he happened to see this scene again.

Seeing that Ernest's always expressionless face showed such a hideous look, Yingzhao hurried to him and asked worriedly, "Ornest, what happened? The expression is so terrifying!"

Ernest saw Yingzhao come in, and the expression on his face softened immediately. He gently embraced the boy opposite him, his tone revealing distress. "I just received some bad news about you, and I feel a little angry." The

Marshal's lips collapsed into a straight line, and his heart was a little tangled. Obviously, the man was reluctant to share the news with Yingzhao, for fear of hurting the young man's heart. But if he didn't show the other party such news, he couldn't completely let go of his hands and feet to punish the boy's abominable family.

Fortunately, Ying Zhao didn't let the marshal tangle for long, and he automatically and consciously looked at the information in Ernest's hand. When he saw that Yingying Hao actually assigned himself to a bastard from the Auston family, a playful smile appeared on his face, and he finally understood why his man was so angry.

So he turned his head and patted Ernest's arm soothingly, kissed the bridge of his tall nose, and said with a light smile to him, "Is it because of this anger?"

Ernest was stunned when he heard Yingzhao's words. After a moment, he frowned and looked at the young man, and said softly, "Aren't you angry?"

Yingzhao heard the words, but smiled and shook his head at Ernest. "It's not worth it. These people are not worth involving me in the slightest. Because the person who cares about me the most and loves me the most in this world is by my side."

Ernest heard Yingzhao's words and carefully went to Look at the boy's face. I found that there was really no haze in my lover's eyes. Thinking of what he just said, my heart softened.

Yes! His little guy is so smart, how could he not understand the so-called father's use of him. Otherwise, the young man would not have concealed his edge like that before. What's more, now that the little guy has himself, those family members who only know how to use teenagers naturally don't need to care.

Although he was glad that the boy had seen through all this, it did not affect Ernest's hatred for Yingzhao's so-called father, and his heartache for his lover in his arms.

Gently stroking the little guy's soft forehead, Ernest pinched his earlobe and said softly, "Baby, I can't stand them treating you like this. You are my treasure, how can I allow them to take you? Trade it as an item?"

Ying Zhao nodded when he heard the words, obviously feeling very useful for the man's strong love for him. Thinking of his cheap father, his eyes flashed, and he chuckled: "Since they want to get married, let's get married, anyway, the Ying family has more than one child. I think my younger brother should be very happy to marry the Auston family. Go."

Ernest nodded and left the rest to him. When you have yourself, naturally you won't let your baby worry too much.

Yingzhao thought that in the original plot, the reason why the original owner was caught so quickly by Abner's people was also the reason why Ying Feiang tipped him off. The other party just sold English words for some meager benefits.

After thinking about it, Ying Ying Hao doesn't seem to know how bold his son Ying Fei'ang is behind the scenes. Not to mention hooking up and flirting around, he also spent a long time soaking in nightclubs. As long as he can eat old Alpha and Beta, his reputation in the school has already been rotten.

However, with such a sloppy scumbag matched with the scumbag of the Auston family, I don't know what kind of interesting chemical reaction it will have.

The two families soon released news, and everyone knew that the Auston family was going to marry the British family. But he only knew the identity of the Alpha of the Auston family, but not who the Ying family sent to marry.

After learning about Yingzhao's attitude, Ernest naturally let go of his hands and feet, and did not care about the Ying family. So just two days later, Infineon was found lying on a bed with the marriage partner of the Auston family.

It is reported that the two like to hang out outside on weekdays, and they hit it off after meeting in the same bar. I thought I was just making out as usual, without making a mark of completeness. Who knew that Infineon would actually cause a bonding fever in the process of making out with each other.

The omega's pheromones burst open, seducing the alpha, and the two demented men actually marked it. Now that the complete marking has been implemented, it is natural that they can no longer be replaced, so this pair of Slag Gong and Sho Shou had to hold a wedding.

It's just that these two people are unwilling in their hearts, and they are forced to be together because of the face of the family. Slag Gong had been told before that the marriage partner was Ying Zhao. Although the other party had no glands, he didn't mind, because in his opinion, Ying Zhao's appearance was much better than that Ying Fei Ang.

Originally coveted Ying Zhao's beauty, but had to marry a sloppy Ying Fei Ang, who didn't know how many people he had been with, Xiao Sag Gong felt angry.

What's more, he has always relied on his family, always thinking that he is a person. Yixin felt that this Infineon must have done tricks on purpose because he wanted to marry into their family. Otherwise, how could the heat of bonding be caused by coincidence.

You know, now is not the time of the past. The effect of the inhibitor is very good, and there is absolutely no such problem in general.

On the other hand, Ying Feiang was also very aggrieved. After playing in the night scene for a long time on weekdays, he naturally knew what the reputation of this scumbag was.

Obviously, he just felt that the other party's face could still be seen, and he just wanted to play. But to marry such a person, of course, 110,000 people are unwilling. But because it has been completely marked, there is nothing to do.

Now both of them have become abandoned sons of both families, without the slightest value, naturally no one will care whether their married life is happy or not.

However, if they saw the adjutant next to Ernest, they would find that the other party looked almost exactly the same as the waiter who served them the wine that night.

Here, when Infineon and the scumbag of the Auston family held their wedding, Ernest also announced a big news on the star network.

That is, the deserted Marshal in the eyes of others announced that he had finally found a partner that he was willing to cherish with all his life - Yingyan.

And the Marshal also posted a private photo for the first time on the star network. In the photo, Ernest hugged Yingzhao with gentle eyes, their fingers clasped together, and they were wearing wedding rings.

Originally, due to the age of the original owner, Yingzhao should still be under the guardianship of Yingying Hao. However, because of Ernest's shot, Yingzhao successfully registered a marriage relationship with the man on Star Online.

Although 20 years old is considered an adult in this interstellar era, if this person does not work and still chooses to study, then his guardianship will still be in the hands of the guardian until he is 25 years old.

Therefore, the Marshal used some small means to marry Yingzhao. With the legal relationship between husband and wife, Yingzhao's guardianship will naturally be transferred to Ernest's husband.

Even if Yingying Hao wanted to use Ying Zhao, he could no longer take a stand against the opponent. I have to say that Ernest's move made everyone dumbfounded.

Lieutenant General Auston was amazed, but he felt that his estimation was absolutely correct. This English language must be able to create the kind of potion that can improve mental strength. Otherwise, Ernest doesn't need to use himself to bind the omega of such a little-known family.

It's just that he has no time to think about these things now, because all along, the Auston family, the emperor's minions, has frequently made mistakes in political affairs recently.