
Arc 5:The Primal Orc World (1)

After leaving this small world, Yingzhao successfully obtained the soul fragment of his lover, and then returned to the system space.

Because Xiaobai helped Lei Ting revive in the small world before, which consumed a lot of energy. Therefore, even though Ying Zhao does not need to rest this time, Xiaobai needs to return to the system space to take a good rest.

Seeing Xiao Bai, who has always been energetic, fell into a deep sleep beside him, Ying Zhao felt a burst of guilt in his heart. Because in the small world, he can't use his own source power at will, so Yingzhao can't act rashly, and can only seek help from Xiaobai.

It's just that now that he has returned to the system space, Yingzhao hastily used his source power, hoping to give Xiaobai some help. It's a pity, after all, this is in the spirit tool, and the help that can be given to Xiaobai is very limited.

The time in the system space was almost stagnant, so Yingzhao didn't know how long it took for Xiaobai to wake up beside him.

Seeing that Xiaobai finally got up, turned his head at him and blinked his big vertical pupils, Yingzhao asked worriedly: "Xiaobai, how is it? Do you feel okay?"

Xiaobai nodded, He smiled at Yingzhao and said, "Host, I'm fine now. However, because of the reason of the previous world, our downgrade world this time may be very primitive."

Yingzhao heard Xiaobai say this, He smiled indifferently, touched the back of his head and said, "It doesn't matter, the big deal is to return to the more general modern plane. Although the energy absorption will be less, but as long as the task is completed, you can upgrade again. It's important that you're fine."

Xiaobai shook his head at Yingzhao. "Host, you may not even be able to go to the ordinary modern plane. In the next world, we may start over from a wild world, which is also a punishment for violating the rules of the world."

Yingzhao nodded when he heard Xiaobai's words, But I don't think it's difficult. After all, the beginning of his birth was in the wild age.

Although that era has long since passed, the present human world has become a rapidly developing modernity. But no matter how many years have passed, some memories of the past will not disappear, and Yingzhao does not feel that there is anything unacceptable in that world.

What's more, as long as the world has its own lover, everything doesn't matter. Seeing that Yingzhao didn't seem to care, Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that his host was too gentle to him.

Immediately Xiaobai thought of something, and hurriedly said to Yingzhao: "But the host, the system can detect the general state of the world. Although we are going to a primitive world in the next world, there is a god in that world, so the host You can use some of your source power a little bit. However, on the premise of not destroying the plot, you must not have too much influence on the small world."

Yingzhao heard Xiaobai say this with a surprised smile on his face. The original strength, even if it is limited, is much more convenient for Ying Zhao. So Yingzhao and Xiaobai entered the next world together after adjusting their state.

Just waiting for Yingzhao to open his eyes again, but he did not expect that he was facing such a scene. Because when he woke up, he found himself hanging in the air.

One of his hands is holding a branch on the tree, while the other is holding a bamboo tube and seems to want to fetch water from the fast-flowing river in front of him.

Although this is the stall that Yingzhao crossed over, it happened that the original owner was doing this. However, Yingzhao's body has just been condensed and remodeled, and in such a state, he is somewhat unable to control his body.

As soon as his hand softened, he released the branch, and when he reacted, he fell into the water. Yingzhao felt a little flustered instantly, because he just came to this small world, even if the pain caused by crossing the body is not too strong now, but it takes time to get used to the full control of his body and do some high-intensity things. .

But now he doesn't have the time at all. While struggling desperately in the river, he couldn't stop complaining in his heart. It's not like I just arrived in a small world, I'm about to receive a box lunch with honor, I haven't met my lover in this world yet!

It was just a few words of spit, and two mouths of river water were slammed into it, and the waist also hit the large stones that settled in the fast-flowing river. The hurt Yingzhao couldn't help but grin, feeling that he was unlucky.

But before he could wait for Yingzhao to do something, a huge piece of wood in front of Henghe directly hit his head, and Yingzhao completely lost consciousness.

I don't know how long it took, when Yingzhao woke up again, he opened his eyes and found himself in a dark cave. He quickly sat up and touched his body, and found that although he was in great pain, at least he was alive and well.

Yingzhao breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to observe the surrounding environment. He touched a handful of soft hay under his body, and there was an extinguished bonfire not far from him.

Yingzhao crawled towards the direction of the bonfire, stretched out his hand, and lightly touched the burnt wood. There is still residual temperature on it, and it seems that the time for the fire to go out is not too long.

Just when he was thinking, there was a sound from the entrance of the cave. Yingzhao hurriedly sat up curiously. It seemed that he should have been rescued, but he didn't know who the person who rescued him was.

Yingzhao narrowed his eyes and saw a figure appear at the entrance of the cave. Through the light outside the cave, Yingzhao could barely see the figure of the man, who seemed to be unusually tall, strong and sturdy, with long fiery red hair.

It's just that the other party's hair is a little messy, covering his face. The man was naked on the upper body, and wore a black animal skin skirt on the lower body, covering important parts. Barefoot, with a large animal skin bag on his back, he was walking towards him.

When the other party got close to Yingzhao, Yingzhao realized that the other party's muscles were very smooth. The obvious eight-pack abs and mermaid line made Yingzhao want to whistle.

Thinking that this person has a figure comparable to a male model, I don't know what the other person's face looks like. Thinking of this, Yingzhao raised his eyebrows and raised his head to face the man's face.

And after the man put down the animal skin bag, he seemed to feel that the hair in front of him was a little in the way, so he stretched out his big hand and stroked it back, and now it was Yingzhao that he could really see the face of the man on the opposite side.

Just the moment he saw it, Yingzhao was stunned. Because the appearance of the other party is almost 90% similar to Suzaku, the same handsome and innocent, but with a fierceness that can't be ignored. It's just that the other person's skin color is a healthy bronze color, which should also be inseparable from the world he lives in.

According to the practice in the small world in the past, each world of his lover will look somewhat similar. Immediately, Yingzhao sniffed again, and when he smelled the familiar and reassuring smell, his heart became more certain.

He quickly said to Xiaobai in the sea of ​​consciousness with some joy: "Xiaobai, it's him, right?"

Xiaobai in the sea of ​​consciousness immediately nodded to Yingzhao and replied: "Yes, host! We really Luckily, the target person saved you!"

Yingzhao was even more happy when he heard Xiaobai say this, raised his head and looked at the man eagerly. It's just that the man ignored Yingzhao after seeing Yingzhao. Instead, he squatted down and raised the bonfire in the cave again.

Then, the processed meat in the animal skin bag was hung on the branches and baked on the fire. After putting the food on the shelf, he found a few fruits from the animal skin bag, and put the fruits in front of Yingzhao without saying a word. Then he took a large piece of white fur that seemed to have just been hunted, and walked to the cave to deal with it.

Yingzhao blinked and stared at the man's back, wondering why his lover was so cold to him in this world. However, looking at the fruit in his hand, it does not seem to be the case.

Maybe the character of the lover in this life is not good at expressing it. Yingzhao bit the sweet and sour fruit in his hand, while watching the man carefully handle the fur on his hand with a dagger made of stone.

Afterwards, the other party took another piece of leather that seemed to be used for wiping things, wetted it with water from a stone jar on the side, and cleaned the leather he had just treated.

After repeated treatment for a long time, the man returned to Yingzhao's side, covered the extra soft white fur on Yingzhao's body, and made him a quilt.

Yingzhao stroked the soft layer of fur, felt the straw lying under him, and knew that the man was deliberately hunting and playing these furs for himself, and a sense of emotion surged in his heart.

Sure enough, in any world, men take good care of themselves. Even if he doesn't say anything, he will show his love for himself with practical actions.

Ying Zhao looked at the man's eyes and became very gentle, smiled at him, and said softly, "Thank you for saving me." The

man seemed to be stunned for a moment when he heard Ying Zhao speak to him, and then shook his head. He shook his head, then turned around and sat silently beside the fire, quietly roasting the meat in front of him.

Yingzhao blinked and ate the fruit in his hand. I feel that since I'm with my lover now, there's nothing to worry about. At least there is a man, and he is absolutely safe.

Thinking that he has not yet accepted the plot of the new world, he closed his eyes and fell asleep, and said to the system Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge: "Xiaobai, pass the plot of this world to me.

" It was introduced into Yingzhao's mind. It took Yingzhao some time to digest all the plots.

After watching the entire plot, Yingzhao found that the small world he was in was not like the original world he knew, but a simple and ordinary wild and primitive world.

This turned out to be an orc world, and there were no women in the orc world. There are only males and females, and when they remain in human form, their appearance is basically the same as that of males in this world.

It's just that males can be bestialized, and when they are transformed into humanoids, their appearance will occasionally take on some features of the race, making them look stronger. Females, on the other hand, are smaller and have the ability to produce offspring.