
Arc 4:I'll Give You All My Money, Campus Ability (11)

Moreover, in the stall where Lan Lili was bound and restrained, these little gangsters were busy taking advantage of her, and Lan Lili's hatred would shatter her silver teeth.

She glared at the gangster leader fiercely, and asked him loudly: "Why! I hired you all, why did you arrest me and He Lei?"

Who knew that the gangster leader approached Lan Li Li, touched her smooth cheek with a wretched expression, and said with a wicked smile:

"What's the point of arresting this school doctor? I just figured it out. Since I've already heard you commit such a thing, why not take this The business is bigger. Anyway, your Lan family is famous and promising in the whole country. If you are tied up, the ransom you can receive will probably be hundreds of times more than the money you promised us. Come on!"

Lan Lili had a shocked expression on her face when she heard the words of the bastard. Looking at the malicious smiles of those gangsters, I couldn't help but be afraid. At this time, Lan Lili realized what a stupid thing she had done.

And a little yellow hair next to him looked at Yingzhao who was tied up, but looked like he was doing nothing to watch the fun.

He leaned over and asked the gangster leader: "Boss, what about this school doctor? face?"

The leader turned to Yingzhao, looked at his fair and handsome face, and shook his head with a smile.

"It's a pity to scratch your face. Today's rich people like to play this kind of gentleman the most, and selling him to the market will definitely be worth a good price.

" Evil light. Wretchedly said: "However, this little school doctor is really good. Although we can't touch the family background of these two students. But this school doctor, we can play together first."

Several gangsters heard When their boss said so, they all approached Yingzhao with a wicked smile.

Yingzhao felt the maliciousness in the eyes of these people, and a cold light flashed across his eyes. In an instant, he twisted his wrist, broke free from the restraints of the two people around him, and kicked the people around him to the ground in three or two strokes.

Even if you don't rely on your own source strength, you can defeat them all with Ying Zhao's own skills and fighting skills, even if it's a little troublesome.

What's more, although Ying Hanyu doesn't look strong, she has been exercising all the time, so her physical fitness and agility are also very good, and the strength of her fist is enough to give them a heavy blow.

Therefore, under the shocked gazes of Lan Lili and He Lei, Yingzhao alone had to contend with these dozen or so gangsters. Those gangsters also found that Yingzhao was a difficult guy, so they took out their weapons and daggers and attacked Yingzhao.

The scene was very chaotic for a while, and the people holding Lan Lili and He Lei on the side had to run up to help. Although Lan Lili and He Lei were tied up, their legs were still able to move, so they hurriedly wanted to run away.

It's just that Lan Lili was frightened, and she was a little panicked in her heart, so she ran to the vicinity of a few gangsters indiscriminately.

And it just so happened that Huang Mao wanted to stab Yingzhao with a dagger, Yingzhao kicked Huang Mao Fei, and the man fell to the side in a flash, and actually rushed in front of Lan Lili.

He pressed towards Lan Lili uncontrollably, and the blade of the dagger slid directly to Lan Lili's cheek. Lan Lili screamed terribly in an instant, her cheek was cut with a big gap by the dagger, and her face was covered in blood. He fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

It's just the British move at this time, but he can't care about it. Unable to use the power of the source, but relying on his own fighting skills, it is inevitable that Yingzhao will get a lot of money.

Therefore, he needs to quickly resolve these people who are constantly entangled. Although he had asked Xiaobai to call the police in advance, it would take some time for the police to arrive at the location of the accident.

So what he has to do now is to delay these people while trying not to hurt himself.

Ying Zhao saw that he couldn't knock them all down at once, so he changed his tactics, and retreated after fighting. Sure enough, the sound of a police car was heard all around.

Since the police received information that there are many bad people here with stab wounds, a large number of police forces were dispatched.

The group of thugs were surrounded by the police, and in the end all of them were taken to the police station. The identity of Yingzhao's victim was naturally quickly dissected out.

He Lei was detained in the detention center because he wanted to buy a murderer, while Lan Lili was taken to the hospital for treatment because of facial injuries.

So when Reacher received the news, he ran to the police station eagerly. What he saw was his cheeks bruised, the corners of his mouth cracked, and there were several bloodstains on his body, but he was still smiling brightly at himself.

Seeing this, Reicher's heart tightened, and he stepped forward in an instant, holding Yingzhao into his arms with all his strength. When he knew that Yingzhao was besieged by so many people, he only felt that his heart was about to stop.

He was extremely annoyed that he didn't go out with Yingzhao today, because he was really afraid that something more terrible would happen to his lover.

Although Yingzhao was examined by the hospital, it was concluded that the body was only injured by skin and there was no serious internal injury. But Reacher knew in his heart that if his lover was not lucky enough to be able to do it, and the police arrived in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Reicher clenched his fists while holding Yingzhao fiercely. He swore in his heart that he would seek justice for his lover.

So he waited until Reicher took Yingzhao back home, helped him wash up and watched him take the medicine. Looking at Yingzhao sleeping in his arms, Lei Che kissed his forehead, his eyes flashed fiercely. Get up, sit in front of the computer, and act non-stop.

At this time, Lan Lili, who was receiving treatment in the hospital, had gauze on her face, but she hated Yingzhao more and more in her heart.

Although her face can be repaired by plastic surgery, she still counts everything she encounters on Yingzhao, completely forgetting that she is the one who hired the murderer to hurt the other party.

Lan Lili told her father Lan Heng about this, deliberately ignoring the part where she hired a murderer, but only cried and complained that it was because of Yingzhao's own face.

And Lan Heng is also confused, and doesn't think his daughter is wrong at all. Regardless, he blamed all the problems on others, and felt very angry that it was Ying who provoked his daughter, so he must help her daughter get revenge.

Lan Heng not only promised Lan Lili to take revenge on Rachel and Yingzhao, but also arranged for Lan Lili to have the best plastic surgeon to operate on her daughter, trying to make her face exactly the same as before.

When Lan Lili heard her father's promise, she burst into laughter, waiting in her heart to see Yingzhao and Reicher get revenge by her family.

However, she has not waited for news of revenge on the two. Lan Gen, the patriarch of the Lan family, first came to the hospital where Lan Lili was.

At this time, the repair on Lan Lili's face has just ended, and Lan Heng is in Lan Lili's ward, the two father and daughter are talking together with a smile, and they seem to be in a good mood.

Lan Heng did not expect that the patriarch of the family would come. He thought he was here to visit Lan Lili, and immediately walked over to greet him warmly.

Who knows, Lan Gen didn't even look at Lan Heng, walked directly to Lan Lili's side, and slapped her down.

In an instant, the wound that Lan Lili had just sutured burst open again, causing her to scream loudly in pain. Covering his bleeding cheeks, he rolled on the hospital floor.

Lan Lili's father watched all this in shock, but he didn't dare to stop the patriarch of his family. Because after all, their family is nothing more than a sideline of the Lan family, so he is only reluctantly called Lan Gen as cousin.

Without the protection of the Lan family's main branch, their family would not be able to truly gain a foothold. After all, Lan Heng is not a really capable person either.

Therefore, he could only hold back the anger in his heart, looked at Lan Gen solemnly and said, "Cousin, what are you doing? Why are you doing this to Lili? Her face is just right! What is it like? Things need you to be so angry!"

The patriarch of the Lan family heard Lan Heng say this, turned his head and stared at him fiercely and said,

"It's not your daughter's good deeds! It's not good for her to offend anyone, but she offends Reicher. Do you know how talented Reacher is? You don't need to mention the wealth and contacts he has accumulated over the years, and how many large websites he has the highest authority. As long as he gently moves his finger and releases a little bit of sex, let's All the stocks of the Lan family will plummet! What's more, the Internet has been the most profitable business of the Lan family in recent years. Did you know that two large websites under the Lan family have been paralyzed by virus attacks. Reacher's revenge on us! Although he did not participate in any alliance of hackers or red hackers, the technical personnel on these networks all flocked to him. Because he is the top existence in this field, as long as he gives an order Next, all the hackers will attack our website desperately and create all kinds of sex on the Internet! You idiot, you also ask me why I am angry! The whole Lan family is about to be killed by your precious daughter It 's going to collapse!"

Lan Heng swallowed in surprise when he heard Lan Gen say so, and glanced at Lan Lili who was crying beside him with a guilty conscience.

Just now, he was still bragging to his daughter that he would want to take revenge on Yingzhao and Reicher. But in the current situation, I can't do anything at all, and I still demand these two people.

Sure enough, Lan Gen quickly said to Lan Heng: "Come on, let your daughter change her clothes quickly, follow me to find Reicher to apologize, and ask for his forgiveness."

Then he turned his head and looked at Lan Lili viciously: "Even if you kneel on the ground, you have to let him forgive you! Otherwise, don't stay in Lan's house any more!"

Lan Lili was shocked. Listening to the words of the Lan family leader, while his father was on the side, he didn't dare to say a word for himself.

Although Lan Lili was going crazy with resentment in her heart, she also knew that she had always relied on what to live a good life.

So she could only have red eyes, and hurriedly bandaged her bleeding cheeks, followed Lan Gen to the house of Lei Che and Ying Zhao, and knocked on the door of the tower.

The door was opened, and Yingzhao raised his eyebrows when he saw the two people standing at the door. With Xiaobai around, he naturally knew what Reacher had done.

However, he did not feel that his lover had done too much. After all, Yingzhao also felt that she should be given some appropriate punishment for this kind of person who didn't care about other people's lives at all.

Watching the patriarch of the Lan family in front of them, chattering and saying good things. Lan Lili was standing by the side, her head bowed in silence.

Even so, Yingzhao did not miss the resentment and resentment that flashed in Lan Lili's eyes. Lan Gen's mouth was dry, but Reacher still didn't reply a word.

He really couldn't, and didn't know what to say, so he could only look at Yingzhao, who seemed to be more talkative, with some help. Unexpectedly, Yingzhao twitched the corner of his mouth and said to Lan Gen:

"If it wasn't for my luck that day, then my life might have been lost. I don't need your Lan family to die, but, after all, I I also cherish my little life. So, I hope you, the patriarch, can also promise that after we let the Lan family go, you must also make sure that Lan Lili will let us go."

Lan Gen heard Ying Zhao say this, and was in a hurry. He nodded and promised: "Don't worry, I will send her abroad to be taken care of immediately after I leave here, and I will never let her back home. I promise not to let her harass your life again!"

Lan Li Li's eyes widened in shock when she heard Lan Gen's words, she naturally understood what it meant to send herself abroad.

It was impossible for her to be sent abroad to enjoy such a big thing by herself. By convention, the descendants of the Lan family who have done wrong will be sent to some remote and shabby countries, where they will be guarded and help others with their work, and they will never want to come back.

So when Lan Lili heard what Lan Gen said, she really knew she was afraid. She immediately jumped up and grabbed Lan Gen's arm, begging: "Patriarch! Patriarch, I know I'm wrong! Don't send me abroad, I'll never do such a thing again!"

Then, she looked at him in a panic. Yingzhao and Leiche cried out to them: "Please! Please help me to speak, I really know I was wrong! I will never appear in front of you again!"

It was just Yingzhao and Facing Lan Lili's request, Reacher chose to remain silent. After all, when Lan Lili planned to hurt Yingzhao at the beginning, she never thought of being merciful.

Therefore, Yingzhao will never use her kindness in the wrong place in the face of such a person. They ignore Lan Lili and let her cry and be taken away by the patriarch of the Lan family.

And after that, the life between Yingzhao and Recher seems to have returned to peace. The two of them still lived happily together, and occasionally Lei Ting came to join in the fun. The three of them talked and laughed, and they lived a very happy life.

I just don't know why, Yingzhao just felt that something was going to happen under the cover of such calmness.

Yingzhao has always trusted his own intuition, so he has always been secretly vigilant. Especially when he was not by Recher's side, he let Xiaobai monitor the movements of his lover at all times, just in case something unexpected happened.

Under such constant surveillance, Yingzhao finally found out what was wrong with Lei Ting. Although Lei Ting used to find them together, but recently, the time spent with them is obviously getting longer and longer.

Although the other party is still carefree and looks very happy. But I don't know why, Yingzhao just felt that the other party's smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes.

Lei Ting seems to be very eager to integrate into their lives and let them adapt to their existence. Even when it was very late sometimes, Lei Ting would still come to them and say that he would drink and chat with them.

Moreover, she herself was often drunk and slept directly here. However, seeing all of this in Reicher's eyes, he only felt that his unreliable sister was becoming less and less likely to treat Yingzhao as an outsider.

However, Yingzhao was keenly aware that there seemed to be an unusual aura on Lei Ting's body recently, and this aura was getting stronger and stronger.

Until one day, Lei Ting came to their home again at night. This time, Lei Ting also took a lot of wine. She drank cup by cup without saying anything, and kept persuading Yingzhao and Lei Che to drink.

Lei Ting was soon drunk by Lei Ting, but Ying Zhao kept an eye on her. Therefore, he pretended to be drunk on the surface, but he actually told Xiaobai, the system in the sea of ​​knowledge, to monitor Lei Ting's every move at all times.

Sure enough, when he and Lei Che were both down, after a while, Lei Ting suddenly sat up with a blank expression. She faced Reacher, took out a dagger from her arms, and stabbed it straight at Reacher.

Yingzhao reacted in an instant, he quickly stood up and kicked Lei Ting's dagger to the ground. At this time, Lei Ting turned her head and looked at Yingzhao with an unusually fierce expression.

She was extremely fast and launched a fierce attack on Yingzhao. And this kind of skill is obviously not what Lei Ting should have, so Yingzhao was a little shocked.

However, when he felt the energy leaked out when Lei Ting attacked him, Yingzhao woke up. This was obviously the energy of Heavenly Dao who had attacked him and his man in the first world.

Yingzhao reacted instantly, it seems that Lei Ting has been possessed by Heaven at some point. I just don't know how much of Lei Ting's self-preservation consciousness is left in this body now.

While avoiding Tiandao's attack, he did not dare to really attack Lei Ting, for fear of hurting an innocent life.

However, the opponent's attack is getting faster and faster. Just when Yingzhao didn't know what to do, Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge suddenly found the right time to turn into a hornless dragon and rushed out, wrapping Lei Ting in a circle. live.

Xiaobai opened his mouth and spat out a white ball of light, intending to attack Lei Ting. However, at this time Lei Ting's body also appeared wisps of golden light, and instantly rushed out a beam, and something flew towards the sky in the beam.

And the one who flew away was naturally the body of Heavenly Dao, and Xiaobai quickly rushed towards the energy of that body, chasing straight into the sky.

But Yingzhao couldn't care about Xiaobai at this time, he immediately supported Lei Ting, who had fallen to the ground and was dying. Surprised to find that the other party's consciousness is still there.

However, due to Tiandao's possession, Lei Ting's life energy has been almost consumed by Tiandao. If it is not treated in time, I am afraid that it will die soon.

Yingzhao was a little anxious, because he had been with Lei Ting for so long, and he seemed to regard Lei Ting as his friend. What's more, Lei Ting's identity in this world is still Lei Che's sister. If Lei Ting died for no reason, Lei Che would definitely feel sad.

Not long after, Xiaobai, who had been chasing the way of heaven, returned to Yingzhao's sea of ​​consciousness. Yingzhao looked at Xiaobai's dejected look, and knew that this time the pursuit had failed again.

But he didn't blame Xiaobai, because he clearly felt that the power of Heavenly Dao seemed to be much stronger than before. In the previous two worlds, Heavenly Dao did not appear. It seems that the other party also took this opportunity to cultivate and recuperate.

It's just that Tiandao is still reluctant to give up the top-level luck in his man, and he really wants to absorb Suzaku's soul fragments in the small world, so he follows him and takes risks.

Yingzhao patted Xiaobai's head soothingly, and said to him: "It doesn't matter, we will have a chance to win the heaven in the future. But now, Xiaobai, is there any way you can save Lei Ting? If Lei Ting dies If it does, Lei Che will definitely be sad."

Xiaobai hesitated when he heard Yingzhao's words, but nodded to him and said,

"Host, I can save Lei Ting, but it will consume a lot of system energy. Moreover, it also violates the rules of the world. If Lei Ting is really rescued, I am afraid that the host, we will all be punished, and the next small world will be downgraded!"

Yingzhao heard Xiaobai's words, but not too much I don't care, it's just downgrading the world. Although it may take a little more effort, it's worth saving Lei Ting.

So Yingzhao showed a smile and said, "It doesn't matter, no matter what world it is, we can definitely get through it together. Now the first thing is to save Lei Ting quickly."

Xiaobai heard Yingzhao's order. Nodding, naturally he will not object to his host's decision. So he straightened up and injected a series of system energy into Lei Ting.

A white halo appeared on Lei Ting's body, and Yingzhao could also feel that Lei Ting's vitality was constantly returning. Although the other party is still not awake, Yingzhao knows that Lei Ting is no longer in serious trouble.

So he breathed a sigh of relief, smiled softly at Xiaobai and said, "Xiaobai, thank you. It's just that you will be punished with me in the next world." When

Xiaobai heard Yingzhao's words, he hurriedly shook his head. Zhao has always been very gentle with himself, and did not just use himself as a tool.

Xiaobai can feel that Yingzhao regards himself as a partner. He is grateful and said hurriedly: "It doesn't matter to the host, you also said that we should share weal and woe."

When Yingzhao heard Xiaobai's words, warmth flashed across his eyes. He just immediately thought of Tiandao who had just escaped, and frowned, he knew that Tiandao would definitely come back in the future.

With these two attacks, it made Yingzhao realize that it seems that Tiandao wants to completely get rid of Jumang's control over him, and the luck and energy contained in Suzaku's soul fragments are very important to the other party.

It is likely to be the key to the promotion of Heavenly Dao to enhance his own energy. It seems that he should be more careful in other worlds in the future.

With the escape of Tiandao, all the crises in this small world were also lifted. Due to Recher's ability, the Lan family naturally did not dare to act rashly.

And they did send Lan Lili to a very remote place abroad according to the agreement at the beginning. No matter how Lan Lili cried, she was not allowed to stay.

Because of what Lan Lili did, her father's branch was also suppressed to a certain extent. Except for Lan Lili's parents, other people's resentment towards Lan Lili is even bigger.

Moreover, although the wound on Lan Lili's face had been treated before, she was slapped by Lan Gen, causing the wound to rupture again. This made her face irreparable in a short period of time. Later, she was accidentally infected during the treatment process, and she could only spend her life in toil with ugly scars.

He Lei didn't stay in the detention center for a long time, but he also realized that he had been deceived by Lan Lili that night. He was educated in it for a while, and he suffered a real loss, but it made him get rid of his impulsiveness. He has also become more peaceful in school, and Yingzhao is no longer embarrassing him.

As for those gangsters who had a lot of criminal records before, they all received the punishment they deserved after being caught at the police station.

After Reicher graduated, Yingzhao and he immediately flew abroad to get a marriage certificate and held a wedding. Yingzhao did not leave the place until the time limit for tutoring at Shenglin College arrived.

Because his uncle decided to stay abroad, Yingzhao directly discussed with the principal to take over his uncle's post and became the real school doctor of Shenglin College.

He likes the tower where he lives and the quiet and peaceful life here. Especially the simple environment of the campus made him feel a little nostalgic.

Recher set up his own technology company after graduation, but he is withdrawn, so most of the time he works through the Internet and is not willing to leave Yingzhao's side.

The two of them lived together affectionately and warmly, just like when they were dating in the past, and from time to time Lei Ting came over to have fun with them.

In this life, Yingzhao and Reicher still lived happily ever after. Reacher's biggest hobby in the past was to make money. Later, after he got together with Yingzhao, his biggest hobby was to make money and give it to Yingzhao.

Although Reicher still couldn't get rid of his habit of being overly frugal, fortunately he handed over all his money to Yingzhao, so Yingzhao would be responsible for his necessities. Reacher was so happy to rely on Yingzhao that he felt like he was in a honeypot every day.

In order to allow Yingzhao to live in a place he likes, Recher later made a large financial donation to Shenglin School, so the school naturally hopes that the pair of God of Wealth will stay here.

Yingzhao likes this kind of campus life, so even after retirement, he still stays in the school, and will still help students see doctors and do some psychological counseling.

Sometimes I will sit by the lake and look at the distant scenery, feeling this kind of tranquility and beauty. In the end, the two of them were also on the bench by the lake, snuggling together, smiling and stopped breathing together.