
Arc 13: Be Your Deacon (2)

After learning the original owner's wish from Xiaobai, Yingzhao touched his chin and felt that this matter was a lot easier to handle.

Isn't the original owner's wish exactly what his goal is?

Now there are fewer things to worry about and deal with.

Looking around again at the furnishings in the room, Yingzhao pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose a little bored.

The original owner has a long life, and in fact these skills of the necromancer do not require any practice.

Usually staying here is more just to meditate and pass the time.

After all, the most indispensable thing for the blood race is time.

If you don't have a way to dispose of yourself, the long years can drive people crazy.

After retrieving the original owner's memory, Yingzhao found that it seemed a little late for him to come in.

At this time, the heroine Jian Jinghan is already living in the villa.

And also a very close relationship with Demps.

It seems that he has regarded himself as half the owner of the villa.

And two days ago, she had also met the male protagonist Dominic, and the two seemed to have a good impression of each other because of this.

I just don't know how far their relationship has developed.

In fact, the person who first discovered the relationship between Jian Jinghan and the male lead was the original owner Asa.

Everything around is under the supervision of the original owner.

Demps doesn't ask about the world, and only stays in the villa on weekdays.

But Asa is different, he is very adaptable to modern life.

He needs to be in complete control of everything around him, because he thinks that only in this way can he do everything perfectly and share the worries of his master.

It's just that in the original owner's past thoughts, he didn't realize that Demps actually took the initiative to have real feelings for the woman, which eventually led to such a result.

Because for Asa, Jian Jinghan is nothing but a blood vessel.

So no matter what she did, as long as it didn't hurt Demps, the original owner didn't care.

It can be said that you only need to provide a small cup of blood every two days to enjoy such a luxurious life, which is like a dream for the heroine.

The original owner had long seen the nature of the heroine's greed, but she just pretended to be innocent and came to visit the villa.

Taking the initiative to show affection is not just wanting to make friends with the owner here and live a better life.

The usual words are actually betraying to ask Demps for property.

The original owner didn't think this woman had any advantages at all, and naturally couldn't understand why Demps fell in love with each other.

When Jian Jinghan coaxed Demps in the later period, Asa also reminded him, but Demps was very annoyed by it.

The original owner, who regarded Demps as his master, also had to obey the other party's orders.

Of course, the original owner also had reasons for having to keep the heroine.

Although Demps has been a vampire for many years, he has always been very picky about blood.

He couldn't swallow all the blood of ordinary humans or blood races.

Only drink some from the cup reluctantly when you can't bear the hunger.

In the long run, it is bound to cause harm to him and weaken his power.

Therefore, when the original owner heard Demps praise the sweet taste of the heroine's blood, she was overjoyed.

She worked hard to give Jian Jinghan to the baby for her master, and regarded her as a long-term blood bank.

Almost all vampires like to suck blood directly from the blood vessels, such blood is fresh and hot.

But as the two heads of the Cappadocia clan, Demps and Asa are very independent.

Demps couldn't stand the smell of most people's blood, even living things.

He is extremely sensitive to breath and unexpectedly picky eaters.

During periods of non-sleep he sometimes even fasts for months, just because he can't find blood that suits his taste.

As for the original owner, although he is a blood clan, he unexpectedly has a very serious cleanliness addiction.

Wearing white gloves all year round, the clothes look spotless.

Although the original owner did not strongly reject the taste of other people's blood, he could not accept the method of direct contact and sucking, so he drank from a cup.

Fortunately, both of them are the superiors of the third generation of the clan, and only the confidants know the secrets.

Otherwise, their actions will definitely be regarded as aliens by other blood races.

After receiving all the information, Yingzhao sorted out his clothes and walked out of the room.

Go back to your office area in the villa and start working on the backlog.

On the one hand, the original owner had to take good care of Demps' daily life.

On the one hand, he has to manage the huge industry outside his clan, and he is very busy on weekdays.

I just saw that in the original owner's memories, there are many scenes of his own man and Jian Jinghan talking happily, which made Yingzhao pouted.

Even though there was not much expression on his face, his heart was a little depressed.

He didn't doubt his man's love for him.

It's just that Yingzhao found out that since Tiandao stopped attacking them, and that thing took the initiative to attack them.

The other party seems to be able to influence the character of the men in the small world, and even induce his lover to a certain extent.

Let him do some actions automatically and spontaneously, and even generate some ideas that should not belong to him.

How could such a hypnotic-like induction not make Yingzhao panic?

It's just fortunate that the man's soul is strong, and the other party's induction will not have a particularly strong effect, and he can't really control his lover's thinking.

In the previous world, Ying Zhao had already felt this from his conversation with Situ Ran.

So in this world, the lover will be close to the heroine, and Yingzhao is not too unexpected.

But he still couldn't help but feel sour.

Thinking angrily, if this guy really dares to do anything to hurt him, he must confiscate his tools for committing crimes.

At this time, Demps, who was leisurely reading a book in the room, suddenly shivered, and he felt a chill down his spine.

Glancing at the closed window, the man rubbed his short dark red hair, disturbed by the sudden feeling.

He frowned, felt the movement outside, and knew that it was time for him to eat.

With a random wave, the door was opened.

Immediately, a sweet breath came, which was so seductive that Demps unconsciously hooked the corners of his lips.

Sure enough, a servant had already held a cup with Jian Jinghan's blood in his hand, and stood at the door respectfully.

I thought to myself, how come the taste of blood today is even sweeter than before.

Demps took the cup from the servant's hand, as usual, and raised it to his lips.

Who knows that he hasn't drunk it yet, but finds that the sweet smell doesn't come from this cup at all.

Moreover, the liquid in this cup was very unremarkable against the background of the breath.

Demps frowned and asked the servant, "Is this cup of Miss Jane's blood?" The

servant nodded and looked at Demps with some doubts.

Naturally, he would not be bold enough to replace the blood that he wanted to pay tribute to the prince.

Demps obviously knew this, but he still resisted giving him a light peck.

However, he felt that the blood in the cup did not taste as sweet as he had imagined.

The refreshing breath in the nostrils is still coming in one after another, and the blood in the entrance is even difficult to swallow.

Somewhat irritably, he threw the cup aside, and the man's eyes instantly turned red, which was a sign of his anger.

The prince was always moody, and the servants shivered when he saw it.

Fear of what punishment will come upon him.

Demps walked uncontrollably to the door and waved the servant back.

Chasing the breath that he smelled, he walked straight over.

The blood race is very sensitive to smells, especially the stronger the power, the more sensitive the capture of the breath.

So Demps walked to the door of a room with little hesitation.

He remembered that the room seemed to be Asa's room for dealing with things.

He raised his eyebrows, thinking to himself, could it be that the other party is hiding someone inside.

But before he could do anything, Yingzhao opened the door first.

Yingzhao had already felt the approach of Demps before he even reached the door.

As a qualified deacon, even if there are many things at hand to be busy, everything will definitely put the master's affairs first.

So, aware of the other party's intention, he immediately went to the door and opened the door.

Very respectfully, he bowed slightly to Demps, and asked him, "Sir, do you have anything to tell me?"

Yingzhao lowered his eyes like the original owner to show respect.

With just that one glance, he had already seen clearly what his man looked like in this world.

Although the appearance of lovers is similar in each world, their temperament is different.

Just like this world, Demps has a very elegant and casual temperament.

The dark red short hair is slightly flamboyant, the indifference in his eyes and the corners of his lips that are always raised slightly make people feel his danger.

Demps usually wears a dark shirt and is used to unbuttoning the collar.

It looks like a dashing and wanton look.

And at this moment, the man was looking up and down carefully at Ying Zhao.

He took a breath and unconsciously approached the person in front of him.

Sure enough, the sweet smell was even stronger.

Demps narrowed his eyes, walked into the room, and sat casually on the sofa not far away.

Glancing at the documents being processed on the table, he said to Yingzhao, "Are you busy?"

Yingzhao closed the door and turned around and nodded to Demps.

His expression was a little puzzled, as if he didn't know why the other party suddenly came to him.

Demps had some strange feelings in his heart when he saw Yingzhao's appearance.

The sweet smell is particularly attractive, and the man couldn't help swallowing.

It was a little strange in my heart that this person had been by his side for so many years.

Why didn't he feel such a wonderful breath in his blood in the past.

Unable to bear and leaned forward, Demps sniffed Yingzhao's neck.

The nostrils fit on the slender and white neck, as if wanting to feel the pulsating blood vessels.

The beautiful breath is tempting all the time. Seduce yourself.

However, such an action is an obvious provocation among the blood clans.

Unless lovers suck blood from each other.

Otherwise, among high-level blood races, this kind of behavior is regarded as a threat and a warning.

So Demps felt that after he did such an action, the people around him stiffened instinctively for a moment, but immediately relaxed their bodies obediently.

It was a show of surrender, and Demps was very pleased with Yingzhao's response.

He was always going with himself, and at this moment, for the first time in his life, he had the urge to drink someone's blood.

And he thought so, so he did it.

The sharp teeth pierced the skin of Yingzhao's neck, and the good taste instantly hit the tip of the tongue.

Sweet blood bursts on the taste buds.

Delicious experience like never before, makes Demps feel like he has to indulge in it.

For the first time, and the only time, Demps really felt that the taste of the original blood turned out to be so good.

He had no idea that the blood of this vampire who had followed him for many years would have such magic power.

Demps thought it was incredible how he had ignored each other in the past.

At this time, it was not only Demps who was impacted, but also Ying Zhao.

The feeling of a vampire directly sucking blood is very turbulent.

At this time, Yingzhao's cheeks were flushed, his body was soft, and his body could not stop shaking slightly.

He took a deep breath, feeling as if he couldn't stand this extreme experience.

Demps obviously felt his trembling too and took him into his arms.

It's just that when I hug this person, I actually feel a kind of spiritual satisfaction.

The man unconsciously tightened his arms, wanting to hug the person in his arms even tighter.

I just feel like a vacancy in my heart seems to be filled.

It wasn't until a long time later that the two stopped.

Demps licked Yingzhao's damaged skin, and the two blood holes healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only two small scars.

But even though the man had finished eating, he did not let go of it.

Demps lowered his head and looked at the slightly flapping butterfly wings hidden behind the glasses by the person in his arms, only to feel that his whole heart was shaking.

Obviously this person has been with him for so many years, and he is very familiar with the person in his arms.

But why, I didn't notice that this person was so attractive in the past.

At this moment, the other party's face was pale and his cheeks were flushed, and the appearance of being hugged obediently by himself made Demps' mouth dry.

It turns out that when a person who looks cold and abstinent shows such a fragile and obedient appearance in front of himself, it will make people throbbing.

Those water-colored lips are damn good-looking, and people can't help but want to suck him red.

Demps never restrained himself, he was used to being casual.

At this moment, the man felt his desire for the person in his arms.

Although it was the first time in his life.

It's just that even if this feeling is very abrupt, he doesn't intend to suppress it.

So Demps lowered his head and kissed Yingzhao's lips fiercely, his arms tightening gradually.

Yingzhao can feel the man's excitement, and the other party's action intention is obvious.

Traveling to a small world, the first meeting was such a scene, which made Yingzhao feel a little surprised.

However, the vampire has always followed his inner desires very much, so he can also understand the behavior of his lover.

After all, for this race, doing such things is as common as eating and sleeping.

As for the three-generation blood family like Demps and the original owner Asa, who have never had any interest in this kind of thing, they are completely different.

The original owner, Asa, was obsessed with cleanliness, so he rejected touching.

But even if it doesn't change to British moves now, it's only from Asa's point of view.

He regards Demps as his master, so he will never reject him.

Therefore, Yingzhao naturally did not resist. Anyway, for him, it is very logical to be with the person he loves.

Aside from the stiffness at the beginning, he soon relaxed his body and let the other party do what he did.

Obviously, his obedience made the lover beside him more and more excited, and the fiery kiss became more intense.

Demps couldn't wait to have the man in his arms.

The black suit was thrown to the ground, and the top button on the white shirt was torn open, revealing the delicate collarbone.

The color of the man's eyes gradually deepened, and the red eyes were like two whirlpools, which made Yingzhao unconsciously addicted to it.

It's just that when the atmosphere between the two was just right, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Demps heard the sound, but didn't stop, as if he didn't want to pay attention to the people outside.

Yingzhao suddenly came to his senses, and he hurriedly pushed Demps lightly.

The knocks outside the door continued one after another, which made people completely lose interest, so the man finally stopped.

Demps raised his head with an extremely ugly face, his eyes flashing dangerously.

After all, no matter who is disturbed by such a thing, they will feel irritable.

It was only then that a pleasant female voice came, and she whispered to the door: "Mr. Demps, are you inside?"

Demps heard the sound outside the door, his instinctual body froze, and he looked at his arms with a guilty conscience. Li's expression.

However, he found that the other party didn't seem to have any reaction at all, and he retreated directly from his arms.

It returned to the icy abstinence of the past.

This made Demps feel a little discouraged for no reason.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party's face was still a little crimson, the buttons on the neckline were also torn.

Demps had to suspect that everything that had just happened and the other person's emotions were just his own hallucinations.

Yingzhao naturally knew that it was the voice of the heroine Jian Jinghan.

I didn't expect the other party to find this place at this time.

He secretly raised his eyebrows and took care of his clothes very naturally.

Ignoring Demps' gaze, he walked over and picked up the suit jacket on the ground.

After Yingzhao took care of himself, he walked directly to the door and opened the door.

She bowed slightly to Jian Jinghan and said in a calm tone, "Miss Jian, you are here."

Jian Jinghan nodded, not paying too much attention to the British move.

After all, in her eyes, Yingzhao was just a servant.

The heroine skipped Yingzhao and ran directly to Demps.

With a blushing face, she said to the man with admiration: "Demps, I've been looking for you for a long time, and I didn't know you were here until I asked the next person!"

"I baked some snacks, I want you to try them, are you free now?"

Demps didn't answer the hostess's question immediately after hearing this, but looked up at the straight Yingzhao standing next to him.

I don't know why, although the other party still stood there and said nothing as usual.

But the man just felt a strong sense of oppression.

Looking at Jian Jinghan, who looks like a young girl in Huaichun, talking to herself.

For the first time, Demps felt a little irritable with the woman.

However, he still nodded to her according to the attitude towards the heroine in the past, indicating that he was free now.

Yingzhao sneered in his heart when he saw his man agree.

Although she knew that her lover was induced, she would be so kind to the heroine.

But when he thought that the other party had almost eaten him just now, and now he turned his head to be confused with other women, he really wanted to punch the man's handsome face a few times.

However, on the surface, the British move did not reflect the slightest. After all, the last world hides unknown dangers.

He can't act rashly now, and he is more likely to find out where that thing is.

So, after Yingzhao saw that Demps had agreed to the request of the heroine, he turned and left the house.

Tell the people to go and set up the dining room.

In the future, Yingzhao does not need to wait by the side.

Anticipating that his lover would not do anything too much, he turned around and went to the garden.

I plan to play with flowers and plants for a while to ease the depression in my heart.

After a short while, after the restaurant was set up, Demps and Jian Jinghan sat face to face.

The vampires naturally have no desire for food, nor can they taste it.

So Demps just politely took a small sip, saying it tasted good, and then stopped.

Jian Jinghan didn't seem to notice, and kept talking to Demps, talking endlessly.

Demps frowned slightly, obviously not thinking that this little woman was simple and interesting in the past.

I don't know why, but at this moment, I feel that the other party is very noisy.

Listening to the female protagonist's innocuous topics, the man's eyes drifted out of the window unconsciously.

Through the window, I happened to see Yingzhao, who was tending flowers and plants outside.

The third-order vampires are not afraid of sunlight, and can walk outside like ordinary people.

Although there are gardeners in the garden, the original owner always likes to take care of these flowers and plants by himself.

Perhaps because of the vitality shown by plants, he can feel the beauty of this world.

Although Demps also knew about Asa's habit, it was the first time he took a serious look at it.

Unexpectedly, it turned out that someone just held the scissors to trim the flower branches, which was so elegant and beautiful.

On a face with a cold expression on weekdays, the plants in front of him were unexpectedly soft.

The man held the flower he had just cut in his hand, and the corner of his mouth drew a small arc.

Although it is not obvious, it still allows Demps to feel Yingzhao's love for flowers.

Seeing this, the man was a little jealous of the flower in Yingzhao's hand.

It's just a plant that doesn't respond, why can it be held in the palm of the hand by that person and loved by that person so much.

But when Demps realized that he was trying to compete with a flower, he felt a little speechless about himself.

Against the backdrop of the sunlight, the picture outside the window looked so peaceful and beautiful, and everything seemed to be in a dream.

Unconsciously thinking of the intimacy of the two people just now, Demps' thoughts drifted away unconsciously.

He never thought that a person's taste could be so beautiful, not just blood.

Sweet touches, hot kisses, all kinds of feelings that I have never felt before make me want to stop.