
Arc 12: End Times (8)

Situ Ran said that he felt good now, and he really thought it was good enough.

Although the young man in his arms was still thinking about gathering the materials as soon as possible, he also made his other arm.

But in fact, for Situ Ran, he was satisfied that he could repair one arm.

He was born without a left arm, and the right arm can be fully recovered, which is already complete for him.

The young man had already given him too many surprises, and he didn't want the other party to continue to work so hard.

After all, Situ Ran could really see how hard Yingzhao had been working these days.

When Yingzhao saw his lover's appearance, how could he not understand his thoughts.

It's just that no matter what the man says, he doesn't intend to stop.

If the conditions of the small world do not allow it, he may also promise not to help the other party reshape his arm.

But since the level of technology in this world allows him to do this, he has this ability.

How could he be willing to see his beloved living a difficult life because of the broken arm.

Seeing that Situ Ran kept insisting, he refused to let him continue.

He could only half coquettishly say to Situ Ran: "But, I want you to hug me with both arms, okay!"

The man whose heart was hooked by the young man's tactful ending was about to melt.

Just subconsciously wanted to nod, but noticed that the sweat on Yingzhao's forehead was not wiped off, so he shook his head vigorously.

He wrapped his arms around Yingzhao's waist and picked him up straight from the ground.

Afterwards, Situ Ran smiled at Yingzhao gently, and said, "Look, I can hold you very well now!"

Now Yingzhao could be sure that the man's body was really strong.

Even if he didn't fully recover, it was completely effortless to hold himself up with one arm.

But this pose is inexplicably shameful!

Yingzhao blushed and blinked at Situ Ran.

Then he couldn't help lowering his head and kissing the man's high nose.

Men only think that this feeling of completely controlling the weight of the sweetheart is really good.

The joy in his heart actually made him not want to let go at all.

The young man in his arms blushed again, and Situ Ran's heart was burning with bright eyes.

Then he felt the softness on his lips, and the warm touch was fleeting.

How can there be such a shy little guy!

The appearance of expressing love clearly and embarrassingly is simply criminal.

Situ Ran only felt that she fell in love with the young man in her arms, and couldn't help grasping the tenderness that was at the touch of a button.

The taste is still so good and unforgettable.

The two were tired and crooked for a long time.

It was not until Yingzhao said all the good things and sent countless benefits by the way that the man agreed to let him continue to make another arm.

But the premise is that this time he must take it slow, and can no longer tire his body.

Yingzhao nodded, but what he thought in his heart was that there was not enough material, and he couldn't help it if he thought about it quickly.

After Situ Ran had her right arm, her life was indeed much more convenient.

The ability that was overdrawn because of being besieged by zombies has long since recovered.

What surprised him even more was that after the ability was overdrawn, the bottleneck of the original cultivation began to loosen.

These days, young people always give themselves some medicine.

Although the other party said that these drugs were only good for his own injuries, Situ Ran could feel that his strength was also improving.

The man knew very well that his powers would soon break through the ninth level.

Powerhouses with tenth-level abilities have never appeared in all bases so far.

Even the ninth level before him has just broken through, and other bases have at most only seven or eight-level powerhouses.

Before he was promoted to the ninth level, Deng Wendong, the leader of the southern base, the eighth-level power user of the ice system, was the only one recognized by everyone who could compete with his own strength.

It is precisely because of his own breakthrough that the southern base had to stop thinking about annexing the northern base.

Of course, this is only on the surface.

Situ Ran didn't know how Situ Shuyao claimed to the public after he was locked up in the research institute.

But if people from other bases know that they are not there, I am afraid that it will be another catastrophe for the northern base.

But now, these things are not what he should worry about.

There is no spiritual spring on his body, and the entire northern base is controlled by the Situ family.

No one knows the Situ family better than Situ Ran.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before they will put themselves in a predicament.

Moreover, even if he wants to re-empty the base, he must do so without disturbing his sweetheart.

Therefore, for Situ Ran, the most important thing now is to appease his sensitive and vulnerable little partner.

So Situ Ran, who has an arm again, still lives a happy dwelling life.

Although after the operation, his right arm has recovered.

However, Yingzhao still feeds men as always.

Even though Situ Ran has said it many times, he can already eat it by himself.

But Yingzhao still insisted, because he found a lot of fun in taking care of men.

It suddenly dawned on me why, in many past worlds, a lover would always take care of his life.

It turned out that this kind of feeling of being able to handle the affairs of the loved one in one hand turned out to be surprisingly good.

So, under Yingzhao's persistence, Situ Ran had to play the role of a big doll.

Let the other party play with each other every day, and take full responsibility for his daily life.

Situ Ran couldn't help laughing at the young man who was feeding the food with a serious face.

However, he felt that such a young man was unusually cute.

He couldn't help but clasped the back of Yingzhao's head and gave him a heavy kiss on the lips.

Then, while the young man was being kissed, he picked up the spoon and fed the rice to his mouth.

Situ Ran's eyes became softer as she watched the person on the other side open her mouth subconsciously to eat the rice on the spoon.

He couldn't help lowering his head to rub the tip of Yingzhao's nose, and said softly, "Baby, I want to feed you too, okay?"

Yingzhao's eyes widened when he heard this, and he looked at the man with red ears.

With this look, Situ Ran couldn't help but take a small bite at his fair face.

I thought to myself, is this little fool so happy that he wants to feed him a meal?

The eyes are so bright that they look so good!

So, poor Xiaobai can only watch Yingzhao and someone feed each other spoonfuls of spoonfuls and spoonfuls of me in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Regarding the shameless behavior of these two people who did not forget to throw dog food to him when they had a meal, Xiaobai expressed that he wanted to cry without tears.

With a bitter sigh in my heart, I suddenly wondered what to do with Heaven...

Yingzhao, on the other hand, has resumed his diet since he found out that men would forcefully distribute food to himself.

In order to allow his lover to eat normally, he always dined with Situ Ran.

Fortunately, Situ Shuyao has been looking forward to Yingzhao to develop a new batch of antidote to the zombie virus.

Therefore, this requirement for food is naturally responsive, which saves a lot of trouble for Ying Zhao.

Yingzhao hasn't gone out these days, but it's not because he is addicted to being sweet with his lover.

He constantly asked the system Xiaobai to monitor the situation outside.

After all, the materials for making Situ Ran's arms are still very rare.

It is a miracle that some can be found here in the original owner Yingheng.

Therefore, Yingzhao has been asking Xiaobai to inquire about the location of these materials in other parts of H City.

It's a pity that Xiaobai has worked hard for a long time, but still can't find the location of those materials.

Therefore, Yingzhao had to temporarily shelve the production of another robotic arm.

After all, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice.

What's more, he always had a hunch.

It is very likely that there will be some dangerous traps waiting for you in the location of those materials in this world.

Thinking of the savior-like setting of the lover in this world, Yingzhao gritted his teeth in hatred.

I have a deeper understanding of the insidiousness of secret snoopers, and I can't take it lightly.

Through the last conversation with Tiandao, Yingzhao can already be determined.

The one who really supports the child of luck, the protagonist of the small world, should be the black hand hidden behind countless worlds.

Therefore, Situ Shuyao, the heroine of this world, is the puppet chosen by that thing.

Yingzhao knew that Xiaobai and Tiandao had special contact information. Thinking of this, he asked him: "Xiaobai, did Tiandao find anything special in this world?"

"Can't you lock the location of that thing?"

Xiaobai shook his head when he heard the words, and said apologetically: "Sorry host, not yet. But he has been trying very hard to find it!"

Yingzhao nodded when he heard Xiaobai's words, seeing the other party's guilty look. Then he teased to ease the atmosphere: "Really? Could it be that guy is immersed in the gentle village, always thinking of you, and has no time to do business!"

Xiaobai heard Yingzhao's ridicule, his face blushed.

With a flick of his tail, he eagerly defended: "It's not the host! He is really trying hard to find it!"

"You believe me, he will definitely help us!"

Yingzhao naturally believes in Xiaobai, even if he does not believe in the way of heaven , but he believed in Tiandao's feelings for Xiaobai.

Seeing Xiao Bai was really anxious, he could only helplessly smiled and said, "I'm just joking, I know he really wants to help us. After all, he also wants to atone for you. !"

Xiaobai was relieved when he heard Yingzhao say this, and then shyly lowered his head.

When Yingzhao saw Xiaobai's appearance, he sighed in his heart like an old father.

I can't help but sigh, it's really a married baby, the water that was poured out.

Xiaobai, this icy and jade-like cabbage, also knows how to protect this abominable big pig's hoof!

In the following days, Yingzhao spent most of the time in this house, with Situ Ran.

But after all, he is also the head of the research institute.

Still have to go there once in a while to guide the work over there.

The arm thing did not progress due to the material, so Yingzhao shifted his focus back to the research on the so-called zombie virus medicine.

After all, although the arm is gone, the previous Lingquan has collected a lot.

It's more than enough for research.

But no matter what Yingzhao plans to study, the people at the research institute won't say anything.

A few days after Yingzhao crossed into this world, he discovered that the group of people in the research institute actually worshipped Yingheng so blindly that they took his words as an imperial edict.

The original owner itself is a selfish temperament, and now the world speaks with strength.

With the ability of the original owner Yingheng, he has long since tamed the entire research institute.

Even if Yingzhao is just a cold face every day and doesn't have to do anything, those people will follow his lead, which makes Yingzhao very satisfied.

It's just that the new antidote here has not been completed, but the people from the southern base have come.

Moreover, the person who came was led by Deng Wendong, who had deceived the heroine Situ Shuyao in the original plot.

What made Yingzhao even more unexpected was the reason why the people from the southern base would come this time.

It was because Situ Shuyao invited them as the acting leader of the northern base.

Yingzhao certainly knew why the heroine invited Deng Wendong, the head of the Southern Base, and others to come over.

I couldn't help laughing at Situ Shuyao for being too impatient.

In the last life, Deng Wendong not only deceived Situ Shuyao's feelings, but also killed her in the end.

If you want to say who Situ Shuyao hates the most, it is naturally Deng Wendong.

Obviously, Situ Shuyao took this step only because of his hatred for Deng Wendong.

I felt that I managed to get Situ Ran away, and the Situ family also controlled the entire northern base.

Situ Shuyao, who thinks he is in control, has lost himself.

Without a proper assessment of the situation, she desperately wanted to launch her own revenge.

In the original plot, there was no world that he had traveled through.

There is indeed such a description of Situ Shuyao inviting Deng Wendong.

Situ Shuyao immediately called the leaders of various bases after the original owner developed the apocalypse medicine and achieved great success.

Deng Wendong repeated his old tricks and wanted to seduce Situ Shuyao.

However, the reborn heroine had long hated him, so how could she be easily at his mercy.

He also took this opportunity to ruthlessly put Deng Wendong's face in front of everyone, making him humiliated.

Even the entire southern base was ridiculed by the people in the northern base.

Deng Wendong is also the leader of a base no matter what. As a superior, how could he be willing to be played like this.

I was thinking of just doing it all the time.

Since the strongest player in the northern base, Situ Ran, is no longer there, this potion was developed by Situ Shuyao, so he intends to simply capture the heroine back to the southern base.

At that time, he naturally has a way to make the other party have to submit and obediently make medicine for them.

However, what Deng Wendong did not expect was that the heroine would have a secret killer. That is the original owner Yingheng.

The original owner was already strong, and as a thousand-year-old flying stiffness, how could it be comparable to an ability user.

Deng Wendong is just an eighth-level ability user, and he is not enough to see in front of Yingheng.

So when Deng Wendong wanted to sneak up on Situ Shuyao, he was naturally discovered by Yingheng, who had been silently guarding the heroine.

Yingheng easily suppressed Deng Wendong, and tortured him to death under Situ Shuyao's instruction.

It's just that although the original owner did this for the heroine, she still didn't show up.

He was used to being in the dark, and all the results were attributed to Situ Shuyao.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, this woman who can make an antidote to the zombie virus actually possesses great strength.

Even the eighth-level ice-type powerhouse could not do anything, and was even killed by her.

With such outstanding deeds, Situ Shuyao is naturally more mythical by all people.

Along with the painful lessons the southern base has received, other bases are increasingly afraid to provoke the northern base.

However, the situation back then was fundamentally different from what it is now.

Originally, when Situ Shuyao invited Deng Wendong to the northern base, it was after the original owner had made a major breakthrough in the antidote for the zombie virus.

Although the new batch of antidote is not perfect, it has been quite effective.

It also made the North Base's support for Situ Shuyao more than one step higher.

After realizing this episode, Yingzhao became more sure of his identity in this world.

Sure enough, the original owner gave the heroine a golden finger.

Not only has she become a stepping stone for Situ Shuyao's consecration of gods, but she has also solved all kinds of problems for her confidants.

But now, Situ Shuyao's biggest golden finger, Yingheng, has been replaced by himself.

Other bases are subject to the northern base, the biggest reason is because of the antidote to the zombie virus.

Now the antidote is not finished. Even if it was completed, there would be no one in North Base who could truly protect the antidote.

I don't know if the heroine can still be as smooth as in the past.

Because Yingzhao has to spend a lot of energy on the manufacture of his lover's arm, the research speed of the antidote to the zombie virus has been greatly slowed down.

However, he didn't do it on purpose.

The original owner worked so hard to speed up the development, on the one hand, he was interested in the medicine itself, and on the other hand, it was also for Situ Shuyao.

Yingheng hopes to make an antidote to please his sweetheart.

But Yingzhao doesn't care what the heroine thinks at all.

After facing the world objectively, Ying recruits the natural way and must have the consciousness of the demon clan.

Now that you know that this apocalypse is natural selection, you can't get involved in it too much.

Slowing down the speed of research is the best way to deal with it, because natural selection will definitely have signs of development.

Before these signs appear, rashly developing a drug may be counterproductive.

This small world itself is full of dangers, and Yingzhao has to be more careful with every step he takes.

Moreover, as the second largest base in Doomsday, the strength of the southern base should not be underestimated.

Situ Shuyao obviously didn't realize that even the northern base still had two level 8 abilities.

But without Situ Ran, in the eyes of the Southern Base, there was nothing to fear.

Especially among these two eighth-level ability users, one is the weak attack power of the earth-type ability.

Another Pei Yuebin, although a very powerful Thunder-type ability user, has only just reached the eighth level.

Compared to Deng Wendong, who has been at the eighth level for a long time, it is still not enough to watch.

Under such circumstances, it would be too stupid for Situ Shuyao to provoke the people in the southern base.

Therefore, Yingzhao was a little curious. Without him, how would Situ Shuyao deal with the group of people in the southern base.

However, it is clear that this matter cannot be completely avoided by Yingzhao if he wants to avoid it.

On this day, just after he had breakfast with his lover, there was another knock on the door outside the house.

These days, basically, apart from the people delivering supplies, no one will approach their residence at will.

In order to allow herself to develop an antidote to the zombie virus faster, the heroine is also responsive.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible that this is the time to deliver supplies, but someone knocks on the door.

You don't even need to look at Yingzhao, you can guess who is coming.

Hearing the persistent knock on the door, a trace of impatience flashed in Yingzhao's eyes.

He pouted at Situ Ran's grievances, and after receiving a sweet comforting kiss, he reluctantly left to open the door.

After opening the door, sure enough, the person standing outside the door was Situ Shuyao.

And the reason why the heroine came today is to accompany her to entertain people from the southern base.

Although the name sounds good, it is because he is the person in charge of the research institute and needs to attend such an important occasion.

But in fact, Yingzhao knew that it was because Situ Shuyao didn't know anything about the medicine he made and had to let himself go.

Originally, in the original plot, because the original owner fell in love with the heroine, he never refused her to come to the research room to find him.

The heroine can be said to have watched the entire pharmaceutical development process, and Yingheng explained it patiently.

Naturally, even a layman can speak the truth every day.

However, since Ying recruited.

Not to mention the research room, even Bian Situ Shuyao, who is in the process of making the potion, can't even touch it, let alone the principle.

The most she could touch was the finished product sent by Yingzhao.

I don't know anything about the production process.

As long as someone who cares deliberately asks such a few words, they will know that this potion is not made by her at all.

Therefore, Situ Shuyao had to come to find Yingzhao, if someone asked, so that Yingzhao could answer for him.

However, the heroine is still a little clever, and deliberately told Yingzhao that those people from the southern base had bad intentions.

Therefore, it cannot be said publicly that this antidote was made by Yingzhao, otherwise, that group of people would probably be against him.

And she herself, as the head of the base, would take the risk for him.

It's the first time I've seen someone talk about greed so nicely.

With that righteous and awe-inspiring look, Yingzhao almost didn't laugh out loud.

Even if he doesn't go out very much, and there is a system Xiaobai, how could Yingzhao not know the actions of the heroine.

My new batch of potions has not been manufactured yet, and the publicity has been amazing outside.

I don't know how Situ Shuyao did it, and even the ordinary people in the southern base knew about it.

Moreover, everyone thought that the medicine this time was a finished product, which could completely kill the zombie virus.

Therefore, the talents of the Southern Base were invited.

On the one hand, I want to see what conditions Situ Shuyao has to share the potion.

The other side actually wanted to inquire about the true strength of the northern base without Situ Ran.

Among them, the ambition of the wolf, I am afraid that a stupid woman like Situ Shuyao did not think of it.

Yingzhao listened to the female protagonist's advice that he had been playing all the time beside him, and did not respond.

Yingzhao went over this time, not to support the heroine.

Chunsui just wanted to see what kind of person this Deng Wendong was.