
Arc 12: End Times (4)

Seeing the smile on the face of the young man on the opposite side, Situ Ran only felt that her whole heart was pounding.

He had no memory of the young man, or he didn't remember anything at all.

He didn't even have to think about it, he already understood that 80% of the time he lost his memory.

I don't know why, but Situ Ran accepted such a bloody event as memory loss very well.

However, what did the young man call him just now? He seems to be calling his darling!

Isn't that, his relationship with him is actually a lover!

Thinking of this, Situ Ran swallowed her saliva and couldn't move her eyes from Ying Zhao.

Ying Zhao looked at Situ Ran blankly at him, and immediately walked over with a smile.

He asked him softly, "What's the matter? My dear, why don't you speak?"

Situ Ran stared at Yingzhao's face, but found that in addition to the smile, there seemed to be some anxiety and tension in his eyes .

I didn't understand why the young man had these complicated emotions, but Situ Ran instinctively didn't want to disappoint the other party.

Therefore, he immediately smiled at Yingzhao.

For some reason, he just felt that the young man was a person worthy of his trust.

So, don't hide it. The man said apologetically to Yingzhao: "Sorry, I can't seem to remember anything."

Who knew that after he finished saying this, the young man opposite seemed to be relieved.

The smile on his face really turned into a bit, and he comforted himself: "You were injured before, and I gave you some medicine to cure you. But I didn't expect it to cause the side effect of amnesia."

"Don't . Don't worry, I'll take good care of you!"

Situ Ran nodded when she heard the words, and said to Ying Zhao gratefully, "Thank you! However, I still want to know who I am. Can you tell me?"

Ying Zhao heard the man's words and sat down to Situ with a smile. Next to Ran's bed.

He patiently said to him: "Your name is Situ Ran. I, I'm Yingheng, your lover."

When Situ Ran heard Yingzhao say that he was his lover, he only felt a sense of joy. Love came out from the bottom of my heart.

Yes, the first time I saw the young man in front of me, I couldn't help feeling my heart beating faster.

The feeling of heartbeat and nostalgia is so obvious.

If he really had nothing to do with this young man, he wouldn't believe it himself.

It's just, what happened to me, why did I even forget the most important person?

Situ Ran was a little annoyed and looked at the incomparably beautiful young man in front of him.

I knew in my heart that the time they had spent together must have been very happy and sweet.

It's a shame to lose these precious memories.

Just then, he thought of his arm again.

The pain from the amputation of his right arm was still there, and although he couldn't see the scene inside his sleeve, he could also feel that it was definitely a new injury.

So, was your arm also cut off in that serious injury?

The young man on the opposite side is so perfect, but he has become a cripple, how can he be worthy of the other side.

Thinking of this, Situ Ran couldn't help feeling sad.

But he still asked Yingzhao's exit, "Then, what's wrong with my arm?"

Who knew that after he finished speaking, the young man on the opposite side showed him a smile.

He said in a relaxed tone: "You are born without a left arm. As for your right arm, it was indeed cut off for some reason before."

"But don't worry! Let me tell you, I am not just good at medicine. I am in mechanical engineering and There are also high achievements in the biological field. Therefore, it is absolutely no problem to help you reshape your arms."

"However, I am afraid that you will still be wronged for a while. Because the production process of the robotic arms is relatively cumbersome, I still need to Some time." I

didn't expect that I would be able to have a pair of arms again, but I just had to wait a while.

Situ Ran was hit by this huge surprise, and said to Yingzhao in shock, "Really? You can really reshape my arm!"

Yingzhao nodded affirmatively, showing pride in his eyes.

The other party's proud appearance made Situ Ran feel extremely cute.

He couldn't help but praised Yingzhao: "So Ah Heng, you are such a powerful person! It seems that I really have an amazing partner!"

Yingzhao couldn't help but hear Situ Ran's close address and praise. His face was slightly red.

He said softly to him, "You, if you like it." The

young man's shy appearance was particularly attractive, making Situ Ran's heart beat even more frantically.

He unconditionally trusts the other party. Since Ah Heng said that he can cure his arm, he can definitely do it.

Therefore, after he recovers, he will protect Ah Heng as well as before.

Thinking that in the future, he will always be with this wonderful person, Situ Ran's heart is hot.

He couldn't help but leaned in and kissed Yingzhao's cheek.

Seeing the other party's dazed look, he showed a big smile.

Yingzhao didn't think that his man would be a hooligan as soon as he came up.

Even if he told him that he was his lover, the progress was really fast.

What's going on when you don't agree with a word?

However, he likes it!

Yingzhao complained in her heart, but she was still blushing, making a shy look like she was about to faint.

It was just her shyness that made Situ Ran even more interesting.

A pair of eyes stared firmly at Yingzhao, only to feel that no matter how they looked, they couldn't see enough.

But after a while, the young man opposite suddenly became depressed.

He pursed his lips and said to himself a little nervously: "Situ Ran, there are still some things I want to explain to you. I hope you don't blame me."

Situ Ran heard Ying Zhao's words and saw the other party's dodging eyes, Some doubts, he said, "Why should I blame you?"

Ying Zhao took a deep breath after hearing this, and then opened his mouth to him as if determined: "You have lost your memory, so naturally you don't remember the past."

"Actually It is already an apocalypse full of zombies. You are born with a broken left arm, but you still rely on amazing perseverance to lead everyone to the northern city of H, and it is logical to become the leader of the northern base. "

"I'm actually the leader of the northern base?"

Situ Ran was a little surprised by his identity, but more joyful.

After all, the higher one's identity is, the more worthy of the youth on the other side.

Just then, the young man continued: "Not only that, you are still a very rare powerhouse of water and fire dual-type abilities, and the palm of your only right hand can even secrete a spiritual spring."

"Because I am the leader of the research institute, Therefore, you have always given me some spiritual springs on a regular basis, and let me use it to develop antidote for the zombie virus of the last days."

"However, I found that although this spiritual spring does have a certain restraint on zombie viruses. However, its output will consume your life every time."

"Even if you don't activate water-type abilities, these spirits will consume your life. The spring will also be produced automatically. If things go on like this, those spiritual springs will definitely drain your life!"

"So, I have been trying to find a way to stop this, but I have been getting nothing."

Yingzhao said here , paused for a moment, sniffed, and looked out the window.

With some difficulty, he continued: "Later, you had an accident and were sent to the research institute. The situation was critical at the time, you were already seriously injured, but the spiritual spring was still overflowing."

"This is likely to put your life in danger. You can only continue to test various drugs on you, hoping to prevent Lingquan from consuming your life."

"However, it has no effect at all. Even because of the side effects of the drugs, you have suffered a lot."

" In the end, I really had no choice but to amputate your arm without your consent."

"I'm sorry, Situ Ran, please don't blame me! I really can't lose you! Don't hate me!"

Ying Zhao said while his eyes were red.

That fragile appearance only made the man feel extremely distressed.

Situ Ran did not expect such a past between them.

But he didn't blame the young man on the opposite side at all, he did this entirely to save his own life.

What's more, the other party still has a way to let him have a new arm again, how can he blame him and hate him.

Seeing Yingzhao's sad expression, Situ Ran really wanted to hold him in his arms.

It's just a pity that now he is a disabled man without arms.

Looking at the painful appearance of his beloved, he could only try his best to lean in and kiss his lover's lips, soothing the other's emotions.

Yingzhao was stunned by the man's kiss, then blushed, and kissed the other side jerky.

The two were sweet for a while before they separated.

It wasn't until Situ Ran's repeated promises that he didn't blame the other party at all, and the young man opposite finally relaxed.

Afterwards, Yingzhao raised the bowl and fed Situ Ran the porridge spoon by spoon.

There are some mashed minced meat and chopped green vegetables in the porridge, which is very fragrant.

After eating a large bowl, Situ Ran felt that her strength had returned a lot.

Especially the warm, comfortable tightness in the stomach.

I just feel that even though I have suffered these pains, it is extremely happy and sweet to be able to live with this person.

It's just that I didn't expect that it would be an apocalypse now, and I don't know if I still have any family members.

Thinking of this, Situ Ran couldn't help but ask Yingzhao, "Ah Heng, do I still have any family members?"

Who knew that after he asked the question, the young man across from him suddenly froze.

Immediately, he snorted and said to himself, "You do have a few family members, but they are just a group of unfamiliar white-eyed wolves."

After that, the young man opposite told him that he was the adopted son of the Situ family. , and a younger sister named Situ Shuyao.

The family took advantage of their position in the base and had a smooth life, but they didn't know how to be grateful.

Instead, he has been coveting the rights of the base, and the reason why he was so seriously injured this time.

It was all because Situ Shuyao had someone secretly put medicine in his food, and then pushed him into the pile of zombies when he was unconscious.

Fortunately, he was not infected because of the healing spiritual spring.

As a result, the family has in turn spread the word.

Said that he had not been infected in such a crisis situation, and he must have developed the key to the antidote to the zombie virus.

While he was in a coma, he was sent to the research institute.

Fortunately, Yingheng is the head of the entire research institute, and almost no one knows their special relationship.

After Yingheng knew about these things, he took the initiative to take over from him.

On the bright side, he was doing research on the antidote to the zombie virus on Situ Ran, but secretly he was actually taking care of his injuries.

When Yingzhao said this, his expression looked a little sad.

Sadly, he said to Situ Ran, "It's because I was too useless to protect you. I didn't see through their tricks ahead of time, and you were injured so badly."

"The Situ family is a group of people . Shameless people, they don't care about your kindness at all, they have already cultivated their own power. They also spread rumors that you have become a vegetative person in the research institute."

"Now that the northern base has been controlled by them, they don't even know that your body is recovering. So you must not go out, otherwise it may be in danger!"

Situ Ran nodded when she heard the words, only to feel that It's hard for his lover to let him put himself at risk for himself like this.

Thanks to the other party, he was able to keep this life, and there is still hope for recovery.

Sooner or later, he will take revenge on those who have hurt him one by one.

The young man on the opposite side helps him like this, and when he recovers, he must treat him well and make up for the grievances he suffered for himself.

Thinking of this, Situ Ran's eyes became softer and softer, and when she looked at Yingzhao, her eyes were filled with undisguised love.

The young man on the opposite side has delicate facial features, a slender figure and soft black hair.

Even if it's just a stranger, seeing him will have a kind of heart-pounding feeling.

Although he lost his memory, he could also imagine the difficulties of the end times.

You can still be neat and tidy in today's world, and wear a well-dressed suit.

Being able to maintain this appearance also shows the outstanding ability of the opponent.

Presumably, his lover's life before the end of the world must be very delicate and elegant, I'm afraid it will be even more glorious.

How lucky I am to be loved by someone else.

The atmosphere between the two is good. After Yingzhao fed Situ Ran, he checked his body again.

After watching him finish taking the medicine, he decided to get up and leave.

Unexpectedly, Yingzhao was stopped by the man on the hospital bed just as he stood up.

He turned his head suspiciously and looked at his lover.

Then he saw Situ Ran pursed his lips and said to him, "Can you not leave? Can you stay here with me?"

Ying Zhao was stunned when he heard the words, this is still in this small world. For the first time, a lover showed such a soft appearance to himself.

You must know that although he has been traveling for some days, they have also gotten along for a while.

But until the man lost his memory, he treated himself with a cold look.

Now, the lover has temporarily lost the memory of this life and has returned to the purest state.

So when he faced Yingzhao, he only showed his truest feelings.

Situ Ran was really reluctant to let this beautiful person leave his sight.

Although I still feel pain and fatigue, it seems that it can be relieved just by looking at this person.

Inner joy cannot deceive anyone.

Even if he lost his memory, Situ Ran made up his mind that he must have fallen in love with the young man on the opposite side.

Facing his lover's scorching gaze, Yingzhao couldn't help but blush a little.

He nodded, walked back to Situ Ran's side, and sat on the edge of his bed.

Deliberately lowered his eyes, the disc wing trembled, making a look of excitement.

Seems to be very happy because the other party has left him.

Although Situ Ran felt that his sweetheart was so excited just because he let him stay, it was a little strange.

But what I thought more in my heart was that the young man must also want to be with him very much, but he had to choose to leave because he was afraid that it would affect his rest.

So if you open your mouth to keep it, your lover will be so happy.

Thinking that because of my injury, my sweetheart has also worked hard for a long time, and it must be difficult to sleep and eat.

But even so, he was still so considerate of himself, and guilt welled up in Situ Ran's heart.

Yingzhao is actually not really worried that her lover will feel uncomfortable.

Because he has been taking care of each other these days, he naturally knows that Situ Ran's body is recovering well.

The physical qualities of supernatural beings and ordinary people are completely different.

What's more, Situ Ran's ability had been upgraded to the ninth level before he came to the academy, so he could be said to be the strongest among the strong.

Don't say sitting here and talking to yourself, even if you don't sleep all night, you won't have a big problem.

So the two of them stayed together for a while.

Yingzhao saw that the other party was really in good spirits, and said to Situ Ran, "Then dear, if you don't want to rest, would you like to take a look at the arm I'm making for you?"

"Is that okay? "Situ Ran exclaimed excitedly.

Nodding forcefully, the man was naturally curious about what the arm Yingzhao made for himself looked like.

What's more, after lying down for a long time, he also wanted to go out for a walk.

Yingzhao saw that the other party was very interested, and also showed a smile.

He supported Situ Ran's waist and helped him stand up, and then walked with him slowly.

After leaving the room, Situ Ran realized that this place turned out to be a big mansion.

The building of the whole house is quite elegant and the decorations are exquisite, but it just looks a little outdated.

And in Noda's house, it seems that there are really only the two of them. The lighting is not good enough, and the atmosphere is a bit gloomy.

Glancing at Situ Ran with a curious expression on his face, Ying Zhao's eyes flashed.

He smiled at the man and said, "Do you like it? I thought that it would be unsafe for you to stay in the research institute, so I replaced the house with the crystal cores I saved earlier."

"I told them I had some Secret research is to be carried out here, and you can't be distracted. So ordinary people won't approach this place, don't worry, you're safe here!"

It turned out that the young man lived here on purpose for himself?

Situ Ran was moved when she heard the words, and followed Yingzhao, the two walked through the long corridor and came to the door of a locked room.

Yingzhao opened the door and made a please gesture to Zi Situ Ran.

Situ Ran walked in without hesitation, only to find that this room looked like a very elegant research room.

The equipment and instruments inside look very advanced.

Of course, the most striking thing is on the table in the middle of the room. It was only half made, but the prototype robotic arm can already be seen.

Although it has not been completed yet, it can be seen that the people who made it are really attentive.

There are a lot of drawings and drafts of calculations on the table next to the robotic arm, and it can be seen that the person who made him spent a lot of energy.

Yingzhao stepped forward and showed Situ Ran his arm a little.

Then he began to explain to him the internal structure and how the arm was connected to his nerves.

After Situ Ran heard Yingzhao's explanation, she was also very shocked.

It seems that his lover is really good.

He believes that a person with such talent may not find another person in this world.

The youth on the opposite side looked enthusiastic as he explained.

Although it was a field he didn't understand at all, seeing Ying Zhao's excited expression, Situ Ran also listened with relish.

It wasn't until a long time later that Yingzhao suddenly stopped talking.

He smiled apologetically at Situ Ran and said embarrassedly, "Sorry, I accidentally said too much."

"You must be tired after being out for so long, let's go back to the room and rest!"

Hearing this, Situ Ran shook his head and smiled at Yingzhao: "It's alright, I like to listen to you. You explained it very well. Even a layman like me finds it very interesting."

Yingzhao heard Situ Ran's words , with a slightly surprised look on his face, but his face was even more red.

Seeing the unspeakable shyness of the young man across from him, Situ Ran couldn't help but leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips.

The other party's incomparably jerky response made his heart more and more hot.

Situ Ran only felt that the young man's every reaction was cute and heart-shattering.

After kissing for a while, the face of the person on the other side became more and more red, obviously not shy.

But even so, the other party did not retreat.

Situ Ran felt pity in her heart, so she endured and took the initiative to stop.

Rubbing the tip of the young man's pretty nose, he received a suspicious look from his sweetheart.

To him, he said with some trepidation, "Situ, Situ, am I doing a bad job?"

Seeing the cautious appearance of the young man, Situ Ran only felt that her heart softened into a ball. Shaking

his head, he chuckled: "Of course not, but if I don't stop, I'm afraid some people will embarrass myself!"

He buried his face deeply in his palm, as if smoke was coming from above his head.

so cute!

Situ Ran felt that her whole heart was about to be turned into cuteness by the other party.

Thinking of what the other party called him just now, he pretended to be depressed and teased: "Why are you calling me Situ? Didn't you call me dear before! Well?" The

rising end made Yingzhao's heart tremble. Visible nodded, but still refused to lift his head.

Seeing this, Situ Ran became more itchy, and continued to tease maliciously: "Aheng, did you only call me dear before? Do we have any other names?"

Ying Zhao heard the words and raised some doubts. beginning.

Glancing at Situ Ran, he called out tentatively, "Brother Ran?"

Yingzhao heard a word of rogue in his heart, of course he knew what his man wanted to hear him call him.

He pretended to hesitate for a while, then lowered his eyes and called softly, "Old Gong."