
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 282

Liu Qing was excited and took out his money pouch, intending to pay for Yu Su.

Before Yu Su could say anything, there was an untimely voice from the shop--

"Where did this country bumpkin come from, trying to show off here?"

Yu Su and the others, "..."

Where did this fool come from?

At this time, four people came in from outside the pharmacy, with a fat man in green clothes leading the way and followed by three followers.

You should know that at this time in Xizhou, except for Yucheng, most people wore white clothes because dyeing clothes was a very troublesome task, and most people did not understand this technique.

The situation was the same even in the western wilderness city.Suddenly, a person wearing a green clothes appeared, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy saw the person entering and immediately changed his expression, slightly bending down and speaking in a pleasing tone, "Is Young Master San here?"

Yu Su raised an eyebrow slightly. This was the first time he had heard this title since coming here.

Who is this so-called Young Master San, and what is his background?

The shopkeeper over there said, "Are you personally coming to my pharmacy to buy some herbs for your older brother?"

The fat man in green clothes raised his hand arrogantly and said, "Bring me all the snowback herbs in your pharmacy."

Snowback herb was the herb that Yu Su had taken a liking to after entering. He had originally planned to buy some, so it was hard not to suspect that this fat man in green clothes was doing it on purpose.

Seeing that the shopkeeper was about to comply, Liu Qing was displeased, "Hey, we were here first."

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy said, "Sorry, but we're not selling any medicine today."

Liu Qing was very angry and was about to argue with the shopkeeper.

Le Xing and the others frowned.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy was obviously looking down on people and bullying outsiders.

Yu Su's eyes also turned cold. If the shopkeeper of the pharmacy said they weren't selling snowback herb, he could understand. But saying they weren't selling any medicine at all was a different matter. It meant they wanted to drive them away.

As a business, you should welcome customers from all over.

Just because of a few words from the fat man in green clothes, they wanted to kick them out. That was a bit too much.

"Hey, what do you mean by trying to kick us out?" Le Xin Tao immediately cursed.

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy's face turned unpleasant, "If you understand, then leave quickly."

The fat man in green clothes looked triumphantly at Yu Su and the others, his gaze first lingering on Le Xin Tao, then on Yu Su. His eyes were lewd, clearly up to no good.

"You came from out of town, right? Want to buy medicine? Beg me then." The fat man in green clothes looked proud.

"Pah!" Le Xin Tao cursed, "Who wants to beg you, you fatty!"

The fat man in green clothes's face darkened, his eyes fixed on Le Xin Tao, "Then I won't let you beg me. Men, take this little girl away."

"What are you doing!" Liu Qing immediately intervened.

One of the followers behind the fat man in green clothes had a bulging temple. He moved quickly and his eagle claw grabbed towards Le Xin Tao.

Le Xin Tao's whip was immediately caught by them when she swung it out. They exerted force and pulled Le Xin Tao towards them, and Liu Qing quickly grabbed Le Xin Tao.

"Ah!" Le Xin Tao screamed in pain. With both sides pulling, her hand was about to break!

Le Xing leaped up and slapped the high-level physique cultivator who was holding Le Xin Tao.

But soon, two people charged out from behind the fat man in green clothes and confronted Le Xing with their palms.

The people brought by the fat man in green clothes were all high-level physique cultivators.

The other people in the pharmacy had already hidden themselves, and when they saw the high-level physique cultivators brought by the fat man in green clothes rushing out, they couldn't help but turn their heads away.

"These outsiders have actually provoked that little devil. They're in trouble now."

"Those three are high-level cultivators from the Yu family. How could these outsiders possibly beat them?"

"Tsk tsk, if only they had just left obediently."

Yu Su heard these words and narrowed his eyes. He snapped his fingers, and several thick vines suddenly appeared, transforming into whips and fiercely lashing out.

"Snap." "Snap snap snap."

Whether it was the physique cultivator holding onto Le Xin Tao or the other two physique cultivators charging towards Le Xing, they were all fiercely whipped by the vines.

Boom boom boom, three loud bangs.

The three people crashed into the walls of the pharmacy, causing cracks to appear, and they also coughed up a mouthful of bright red blood.


The three fell to the ground, but the vines didn't let them go, suspending them in the air and ruthlessly whipping them."Ah!" "Ouch!"

The three of them screamed miserably.

The sudden change frightened the onlookers.

The expression in their eyes, when they saw the suddenly appearing vines, was as if they had seen a terrifying monster.

The owner of the medicine shop trembled.

The face of the fat man in green turned green too, frightened. His legs trembled and he pointed at Yu Su, stammering, "Are you...a monster or a human?"

Yu Su deliberately made a terrifying expression and asked, "What do you think?"

"Monster, monster!" The fat man in green actually yelled and ran away.

The crowd was in an uproar, and many people followed suit and ran away.

Only the three hanging, half-dead guys remained.

There was also the owner of the medicine shop who couldn't escape, kneeling down and begging for mercy.

"Spare me, spare me!"

Yu Su immediately lost interest, finding it tedious to bully the weak.


"Just now, Brother Jian's move was so powerful that it scared the people in the medicine shop to the point of wetting themselves."

After leaving the medicine shop, the group continued strolling through the streets. Le Xin Tao and the others excitedly discussed what happened in the medicine shop when Yu Su taught those people a lesson.

But as they finished their stroll and returned to the inn, they saw the fat man in green again at the inn's entrance. There was another slender middle-aged man standing next to him.

"It's him, that monster!" The fat man in green pointed at Yu Su.

The middle-aged man beside the fat man in green scrutinized Yu Su with a frown.

Le Xin Tao crossed his arms and said, "You, fatty, dare to come again? I'm going to beat you up and make you lose all your teeth later!"

Liu Qing and Le Xin Tao stood together, blocking the middle-aged man's gaze on Yu Su.

With a menacing aura, the middle-aged man shifted his gaze to Liu Qing and Le Xin Tao.

It was a terrifying presence.

Liu Qing and Le Xin Tao shivered.

Yu Su said, "You two, come back."

Liu Qing and Le Xin Tao exchanged a glance and quickly stood behind Yu Su.

"Brother Jian" was probably about to make a big move again. They wouldn't miss the chance to witness it.

But this time, it wasn't Yu Su who made a move; it was Lu Yan.

"Foundation Establishment stage?" As Lu Yan spoke, the middle-aged man's expression changed.

"You're a cultivator," the middle-aged man said, his gaze showing some doubt because he couldn't discern Lu Yan's cultivation level. The only people he couldn't see through were those with higher cultivation than his own.

In this Western Wilderness City, the most powerful cultivator was an elder at the Foundation Establishment stage in the Lord's Manor. Unless this person was also at the Foundation Establishment stage, he wouldn't be able to see through Lu Yan.

"Uncle, they are monsters," the fat man in green shouted.

"Shut up!" the middle-aged man snapped.

"They're still so young, how could they be cultivators? The genius in the Lord's Manor is older than them and only at the ninth level of Qi Refinement," the fat man in green argued.

The middle-aged man furrowed his brows, finding the fat man in green's argument somewhat reasonable.

Could it be that they really were monsters?

"What are you people?" the middle-aged man asked, feeling a bit frustrated. Nowadays, whenever a cultivator from a certain family appeared, they were surrounded by a group of followers. It was as if they could clear a street. These few people dressed so frugally, looking like countryside bumpkins. Who would have thought they were cultivators?

At the moment, in order to hide their spatial devices while being out, Yu Su and Lu Yan were both wearing linen clothes provided by the Le Family. The plain white linen clothes still couldn't hide their aura, but they did give off the impression of not being wealthy.

"You can't afford to provoke the people you shouldn't," Lu Yan replied.

The middle-aged man fell silent.

The fat man in green was dumbfounded after seeing the middle-aged man being slapped away. At this point, he had already hidden behind the middle-aged man, afraid of being beaten.

"Uh, Uncle, what should we do!" The middle-aged man heard his voice and all his regrets turned into anger. He wished he could turn around and slap this nuisance to death.

But this nuisance was his big brother's favorite child. Now, his big brother was in charge of the entire Yu Family.

"Go and get your father!" the middle-aged man gritted his teeth.

Upon hearing this, the fat man in green immediately left the middle-aged man and ran away.Yusu and Luyan from across the street both heard what the middle-aged man said and exchanged glances.

Originally, they didn't plan on making a scene after entering the city, but since the situation came to them, they had no choice. However, since they had already attracted attention, they might as well make a big scene.

They wanted to see who the father of that fat man in green clothes was.

"Big Brother Jian, they went to get someone again."

"Are we going to suffer losses?"

Lexin and Liuqing were both a little worried.

After waiting for fifteen minutes, a powerful pressure descended from the sky, and an angry voice said, "Who dares to provoke my Yu family?"

A person descended from mid-air, this person looked younger than the middle-aged man, but when the middle-aged man saw him, he exclaimed with joy, "Big Brother!"

The people on the street were all suffocating under this pressure, and many people directly kneeled on the ground.

However, Yusu and Luyan didn't feel anything at all. The members of the Le family and the Liu family standing beside them were all unharmed and stood out.

Yusu narrowed his eyes, "So he's actually a Foundation Establishment cultivator? There really are experts in this Western Wild City."

Luyan said, "I'll fight him."