
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 281

Yue Su and Lu Yan stayed in Pingcheng for a total of six days. During those six days, they witnessed the changes in power in Pingcheng. After six days, they followed Le Xing, the new city lord and also the head of the Le family, to Xihuang City.

The departing team was very long, and elders and elite descendants from various families in Pingcheng all went together.

Yue Su and Lu Yan joined them in the name of skilled members of the Le family.

The members of the Pingcheng team used savage beasts such as barbarian horses, tigers, leopards, and wolves as their means of transportation.

Yue Su and Lu Yan were also assigned two barbarian horses from the Le family.

Le Xin Tao and the others were initially worried that Yue Su and Lu Yan would not be able to ride horses, but they saw them skillfully mount the horses. The horses were also very obedient and did not resist at all.

"Wow, Brother Jian, Brother Lu, your posture when mounting the horses is so cool!" Le Xin Tao couldn't help but exclaim.

Liu Qing and the others also showed admiration on their faces.

People who ride a barbarian horse for the first time not only feel fear but also struggle to control the horses.

But Yue Su and Lu Yan did better than the people of Pingcheng. Obviously, they had a better understanding of barbarian horses than them.

"Brother Jian, Brother Lu, if you feel tired, let us know. We will inform the city lord and the team will take a break," Liu Qing said.

Yue Su nodded. In fact, they were not tired, just a little inconvenient.

The people of Pingcheng had not yet produced horse harnesses. They only placed thick animal skins on the backs of the barbarian horses.

This was incomparable to the mature horse harnesses in Yuecheng.


The road from Pingcheng to the north was difficult to travel. It was even more difficult than the road from Yuecheng to Fengcheng. They encountered various dangers along the way.

Fortunately, almost everyone from Pingcheng had a high level of martial strength, and they were able to handle any obstacles such as demonic beasts that blocked their path.

After a long period of time, several more cities similar to Pingcheng were passed, and with more body cultivators joining, the size of the team grew larger.

By the time they were about to reach Xihuang City, the team had gathered more than ten cities and a total of over 800 people.

After some time, they finally arrived outside Xihuang City.

"Brother Jian, Brother Lu, Grandfather said we are almost at Xihuang City," Le Xin Tao specially came to inform Yue Su and Lu Yan.

Since joining the Le family team, Yue Su and Lu Yan had been low-key. Apart from their appearance and temperament attracting attention, no one paid much attention to them.

"Who are those two? Why did the Le family bring ordinary people along?"

"They're just good-looking with youthful faces. Look, the granddaughter of the Le family lord keeps coming over to them."

"Can good looks fill your stomach?"

Many people made fun of Yue Su and Lu Yan, and jealous glances were cast at them when Le Xin Tao approached them, angering Le Xin Tao to the point that he immediately rolled up his sleeves to confront them.

Although Le Xin Tao's strength was not as strong as Le Xin Wu, he was still one of the outstanding members of the younger generation of the Le family. With Le Xing supporting him, he quickly gave those who dared to speak ill of Yue Su and Lu Yan a beating.

"Brother Jian, Brother Lu, don't worry, with me here, they won't dare to speak ill of you," Le Xin Tao said coldly, holding a whip and scanning the beaten individuals.

Those people immediately shrank their necks, afraid to gossip about Yue Su and Lu Yan anymore.

Yue Su thanked her and asked her not to offend everyone, warning her to be careful of those people uniting against the Le family.

"Hmph, a bunch of fools who talk behind others' backs. Even if we offend them all, the Le family won't be afraid," Le Xin Tao said.

Liu Qing also nodded. "People like them are insulting us just by having any contact with them."

Le Xin Tao and Liu Qing continued to do things their own way.

Gradually, no one dared to gossip about Yue Su and Lu Yan behind their backs.

Although Yue Su and Lu Yan didn't care about those comments at all, the actions of Le Xin Tao and the others in defending them still made Yue Su and Lu Yan very grateful.


Xihuang City.

This was a truly grand city with countless shops and a bustling atmosphere.

This was also a city that likely had powerful cultivators. As soon as Yue Su and Lu Yan entered the city, they instinctively suppressed their own aura and disguised themselves as ordinary people, so as not to accidentally draw the attention of anyone.

Yue Su communicated telepathically with Lu Yan, "I sense the aura of cultivators. It seems that there are indeed cultivators in this city."

Lu Yan nodded, and both of them decided to be cautious in their actions.

Le Xin Tao and the others were also visiting Pingcheng for the first time. After entering the city, they explored it like Liu Laoliu entering the Grand View Garden, marveling at the bustling city.

The people in Xihuang City were dressed much more refined than the people in Pingcheng, and the styles of clothing were more diverse.

"Pharmacies, magic tool shops, restaurants, this Xihuang City is the most lively and developed city I have ever seen. It truly deserves to be the largest city in the Western Prefecture," Yue Su transmitted to Lu Yan.Lu Yan: "This city has many shortcomings compared to Yucheng. There are no convenient drainage channels, and after it rains, the ground becomes bumpy and muddy, with garbage and dirt everywhere."

Such a city cannot compare to Yucheng, no matter how big or prosperous it is.

Yu Su: "Indeed, if we can solve these two problems you mentioned, Xi Huang City will be more qualified."

While they were inspecting Xi Huang City, Le Xing had already taken them to stay in an inn.

Compared to the three-story high inns in Yucheng, the inns here were all single-story, basically providing you with an ordinary place to rest, some basic amenities, and nothing more.

Le Xing and the others didn't feel that it was crude; they were satisfied with this kind of inn.

Yu Su said, "It seems like besides opening an alliance medical clinic, I can also start an alliance inn. Alliance restaurants and the like would definitely be profitable."

Le Xin, Le Xin Tao, and the others listened curiously and asked what exactly an alliance medical clinic and inn were. Why would they be so profitable?

"Are they better than the inns in Xi Huang City?" Liu Qing asked.

Yu Su nodded. "Naturally."

Yu Su and Lu Yan had already revealed their mysterious abilities. Le Xin Tao and the others didn't doubt that they were just casually making grand claims. At this moment, they couldn't help but show their curiosity.

What would an inn better than the inns in Xi Huang City look like?

"I have reserved a spacious room for both of you. Would you like to rest?" Le Xing came over and said. He had generously reserved a spacious room that was even more luxurious than the one he lived in.

Yu Su and Lu Yan were pleased with his gesture and had no complaints.

"Lord Le, when does the Dueling Tournament start? Who will be attending?" Yu Su asked.

Le Xing replied, "It will start in ten days. The city lord and elders of Xi Huang City, as well as the city lords of various cities, will attend."

Le Xing suddenly lowered his voice and said, "By the way, you didn't directly admit that you are witches like the city lord of Xi Huang City, so I assume you are cultivators just like him?"

Yu Su raised an eyebrow. How did Le Xing know about them?

Le Xing smiled and said, "Actually, I only suspected at first, but after coming to Xi Huang City, I became more certain. But even in Xi Huang City, I have never heard of miraculous medical skills like Brother Jian."

Since they had arrived in Xi Huang City, Yu Su no longer concealed it from Le Xing. "That's right, we are also cultivators. For now, please keep it a secret, Lord Le."

Le Xing patted his chest and said, "Rest assured, I understand. I won't go around blabbing."

Le Xing was a discerning person and didn't have a big mouth.

"Now that the Dueling Tournament won't start so soon, would you two like to go out with us tomorrow?" Le Xing asked.

Yu Su had always wanted to see Xi Huang City and gather more information about the Western Continent, so he naturally wouldn't refuse. "Let us know when you set off tomorrow."Yue Xin Tao and Liu Qing were also practicing, but Yue Xin Tao injured his arm and couldn't come, so the two of them could only practice together.

After watching for a while, Yu Su couldn't help but give them some pointers.

After listening to Yu Su's advice, Yue Xin Tao and Liu Qing made rapid progress in martial arts.

The two of them joined forces and were able to defeat Yue Xing.

Yue Xing was extremely shocked. Yu Su only gave them a few pointers, but Yue Xin Tao and Liu Qing became so powerful. If Yu Su were to give them a few more pointers, wouldn't they be able to win a ranking in the duel tournament?

Yue Xin Tao and Liu Qing were also very excited, and their admiration for Yu Su grew even stronger.

"Brother Jian, do you also understand body cultivation?"

"A little bit."

Yue Xin Tao and the others felt that Yu Su was being too modest. With just a little bit of knowledge, he made them so powerful. Who else would dare to say they knew more than Yu Su?

"Brother Jian, since you understand body cultivation, why don't you pursue this path? After breaking through the limits of body cultivation, you can still become a cultivator!" Yue Xin Tao and Liu Qing didn't know that Yu Su was already a cultivator because Yue Xing didn't tell them.

Yue Xing walked over and tapped each of them on the head.

"Brother Jian is so powerful, why would he need to practice body cultivation? You two, stop joking around."

"Grandpa, I'm not joking. I really think Brother Jian is amazing."

Yue Xing helplessly said, "Hurry up and tidy up. Let's go out and take a walk with Brother Jian."

As soon as they heard about going out for a walk, Yue Xin Tao and Liu Qing immediately forgot about what they were talking about earlier and quickly prepared themselves. They walked out of the inn together with the others.

On both sides of the inn were bustling shops, including a herbal medicine shop that caught Yu Su's interest. He immediately pulled Lu Yan to go take a look.

Seeing this, Yue Xin Tao and the others quickly followed.

"Brother Jian, do you want to buy some herbs? The herbs in the medicine shop in Xihuang City are more complete than those in Pingcheng. If you see anything you like, just tell me, and I'll help you with the payment," Liu Qing said.

The Liu family had always wanted to win over Yu Su and Lu Yan, but since they both stayed with the Yue family, they had no choice but to find another way and cater to their interests.

As the person in the Liu family who had the best relationship with Yu Su and Lu Yan, Liu Qing brought along a lot of gold, specifically to help them with the payment.