
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 269


The Fox Clan Chief sneezed, and the clan's medic, Fox Qiu, glanced at him in confusion.

Fox Clan Chief: "I don't know what's going on, but it seems like someone is thinking about me."

It felt as if someone had targeted him.

Fox Qiu joked about what could be worth thinking about regarding him.

The Fox Clan Chief rubbed his nose, thinking he might be overthinking it.


After the successful start of the construction of the academy, many people were paying attention.

Even Linchuan and the high priest of Lishui City couldn't resist going to see.

Seeing Fox Clan members helping with the construction, Linchuan and others found it surprising.

"Can the Fox Clan participate in building Yucheng?" asked the High Priest of Moon City.

Accompanied by them, Yu Feng said, "They are Blue Foxes with outstanding talent in construction. Allowing them to join the academy's construction is approved by Lord Yu Su."

The High Priest of Lishui City sighed, "Lord Yu Su is broad-minded."

After witnessing this scene, Linchuan opened up some new ideas. The relationship between Fengcheng and the Bear Clan had improved a lot. If they could deepen cooperation like Yucheng, it might be more beneficial for both Fengcheng and the Bear Clan.

When he returned, he planned to visit the Bear Clan Chief and High Priest.

Time passed in the busy construction of the academy, and it was time for Yu City's annual ceremony to worship the gods.

This year's ceremony invited many guests for observation, including major forces from the southern Barbarian Tribe Forest and eastern plains, as well as representatives from the northern cities of Fengcheng, Yellow Stone City, and Lishui City.

On the day of the ceremony, the clouds around the Temple Mountain dispersed, allowing everyone to witness its magnificence. Qingze also made an appearance.

After the ceremony, the mist once again concealed the Temple Mountain.

Although the true appearance of the Temple Mountain was briefly revealed, it was enough to be awe-inspiring.

During the celebration banquet that day, everyone discussed the noble demeanor of the Deer God and the enchanting beauty of the Temple Mountain like a fairyland.

A month after the ceremony, the construction of the academy was finally completed.

With the addition of the Blue Foxes, the academy's construction gained stunning designs, but the pursuit of perfection extended the construction time.

The entire academy was built along the mountainside, from the foot of the mountain to halfway up. Distinctive dormitories were scattered, blending architecture with scenery, creating a beautiful and spacious environment.

Although the back mountain had a watchtower and patrol posts for security, the entire academy was enclosed with white walls and green tiles.

Lecture halls, student dorms, teacher residences, practical class areas for secondary school, and a racetrack were all accommodated within.

From the outside, the situation halfway up the mountain could only be glimpsed, but from the high terraces of inns and restaurants, one could overlook the entire academy.

The people of Yu City and various forces passing through witnessed the step-by-step construction of the academy. Now, seeing the panoramic view, they couldn't help but marvel at its beauty.

"This place looks more beautiful than the temple in our city; it's just a place for studying." Someone from a northern city couldn't help but exclaim.

Of course, many had complex feelings, especially the leaders of various forces.

In their view, knowledge should be controlled by the elite. The action of Yu City, imparting knowledge to ordinary people, was truly perplexing.

"How can ordinary people be allowed to touch the words bestowed by the Shaman God? This is disrespectful to the Shaman God."

"Linchuan High Priest, don't you think Yu City's actions are inappropriate?"

The leaders of various forces gathered at the Shaman Temple in Fengcheng, discussing the matter of Yu City's academy with serious and troubled expressions, as if Yu City's construction of the academy was an unforgivable act.

Linchuan was also surprised by Yu City's actions, but because he had known about it early on and had even personally inspected the construction of the Yu City Academy, his demeanor was calm, unlike these people who acted as if the sky was falling.

He said, "The Shaman God has never said that ordinary people cannot be taught writing."

All this talk about disrespect to the Shaman God was just these people fearing that ordinary people, once literate, would see through their schemes, afraid that their rule would be shaken.

"Linchuan High Priest, what kind of talk is this? How can you, as a High Priest, say such things?"

"That's right, especially considering you are the chosen successor of the Shaman God."

These people directed their criticism at Linchuan.

Standing by Linchuan's side, Yushan frowned, expressionless as he glanced at these people. His cold gaze made people tremble, and quite a few recoiled.

Almost forgot, Yushan, the captain of Linchuan's guard, is a person from Yu City.

Linchuan had long aligned himself with the camp of Yu City.

"Linchuan High Priest, what we're discussing here is important. Shouldn't this captain of the guard leave? This is really lacking in manners."

Linchuan's mouth twitched. Were these people out of their minds? The conversation had reached this point, yet did they think that asking Yushan to leave meant he wouldn't understand what they were talking about?

Linchuan said, "Yushan is my captain of the guard, what I can hear, he can hear too."

Others: "..."

After scanning the group, Linchuan reminded, "Don't think that gathering here can change Yu City's will. Yu City's strength is unstoppable, and it will only grow stronger."

There was no city on this land that could stop Yu City's expansion. If these people thought gathering together could prevent the opening of Yu City Academy, they were gravely mistaken.

"If you want to stop Yu City, first think about whether you can face the warriors of Yu City who possess the power of the gods," Linchuan continued.

His words made the faces of the people sitting in a circle unsightly.

They knew they couldn't influence Yu City solely by themselves. That's why they gathered, hoping Linchuan would take the lead, but Linchuan was not taking the bait.

"Linchuan High Priest, haven't you considered that after Yu City allows ordinary people to learn writing, the rule of Fengcheng will also be affected?"

"That's right, Fengcheng will be in the same situation as us."

Linchuan calmly stated, "Fengcheng was indeed like that in the past, but it's different from today onward."

"What does this mean?"

Linchuan: "High Priest Yu Su has granted permission. Fengcheng can select a team to enter the academy in Yucheng for learning. All major families in the city have already chosen candidates, and tomorrow they will set out for Yucheng Academy."

The people sitting in a circle were all astonished. They had no idea about this news; Fengcheng had concealed it too well!

"Linchuan High Priest, are you completely aligning with the camp of Yucheng!"

"Haven't you considered the impact on your status when the ordinary people of Fengcheng return after acquiring that knowledge?"

"You're out of your minds!"

After patiently waiting for them to finish, Linchuan said, "Do you think Fengcheng is the only one? Lishui City, Moon City, Que City, and Yellow Stone City have also received invitations. The teams they sent to Yucheng Academy have already departed."

Others: "!!"

Linchuan continued, "Yucheng Academy not only teaches reading and writing but also nurtures talents in various fields such as iron smelting, mining, construction, tool production, and more. These talents are key to strengthening our own strength. If you don't seize this opportunity, you will regret it in the future."

After Linchuan finished speaking, he didn't bother to continue sitting and left with Yushan.

What Yucheng wanted to do was something they couldn't stop. Their only option was to follow the pace of Yucheng, or they would eventually be trampled under the foot of the powerful city.


Through a letter delivered by a messenger hawk, Yu Su learned about what Linchuan had said to those people and smiled.

Linchuan was a very tactful person and had also identified the crucial issue.

Just like what Linchuan said, those who didn't seize the opportunity would have no idea what they had missed.

The slots at Yucheng Academy were limited. When those people realized and wanted to send people for learning, there might not be positions available.

However, this was no longer Yu Su's concern. Yucheng Academy was about to start.

The main entrants were local students, and in addition to them, there were study teams sent by Fengcheng, Lishui City, Moon City, Que City, Barbarian Tribe Forest, Source Shaman Division, and the villages of Daji, Sanhe.

Now, most of the students have moved into the dormitories of the academy, divided into three levels based on their level of education: Montessori, elementary, and middle school.

Apart from the local students, the majority of those who came from outside to study are in the Montessori stage, making Montessori students the most numerous at present.

Upon learning this, Chi Nan immediately requested Yu Su to dispatch at least ten teachers to instruct Montessori, or else he would lie flat and refuse to work.

"So many students, do you want to exhaust me?"

"As a noble of the Jiao Clan, I'm treated like a workhorse."

Chi Nan's complaints made Yu Su feel quite embarrassed. "Rest assured, how could I push all these students onto you? I've already arranged for the teachers."

Those who had previously received education at the academy were perfectly suitable for instructing Montessori.

Yu Su selected ten individuals from them to become Montessori teachers at the academy.

Of course, he had also prepared teaching materials.

Integrating the previous teaching materials, selecting applicable ones, and compiling them into textbooks.

The comprehensive elves provided Yu Su with a wealth of reference materials. Among them, classics like the "Thousand Character Classic" remained important Montessori materials. However, due to the era's background, Yu Su deleted and modified some content.

The main reading materials for elementary school were "Tai Yuan," "Ancient Chronicles," "Arithmetic," and "Basic Engineering." Teachers were also arranged, mainly instructing "Tai Yuan" and "Ancient Chronicles." Yu Su personally took charge of teaching "Arithmetic" and "Basic Engineering."

For middle school, specialization occurred. The business department cultivated business talents, the management discipline nurtured managers in various industries, and the science discipline focused on various technical talents.

Middle school wasn't about written learning; it was handed over to mentors from various fields for practical training. Currently, they couldn't teach anything too advanced, mainly focusing on cultivating practical talents in various fields.

As early as when the new academy was being constructed, Yu Su had already started preparing teaching materials and teachers.