
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 268

Linchuan, Lishui City's Grand Shamans, and others were accustomed to being provided for by the resources of their respective cities, enjoying the best food and supplies. However, this welcoming feast in Yucheng left them utterly astonished.

They had never known that the usual ingredients they were accustomed to could be prepared so deliciously. It was like opening the door to a new world for their taste buds, making them feel that all their previous meals were in vain.

Although, to maintain the image of the Grand Shamans, everyone at the table displayed elegant manners during the meal, the food rapidly diminished, and the fragrant wine flowed continuously.

After the meal, the four of them felt a bit intoxicated and accidentally let out satisfied burps.

Linchuan, being young and having a thin skin, blushed brightly.

"The wine in Yucheng is too delicious; I accidentally had too much," Linchuan apologized.

Yusu smiled and said, "This wine is a specialty of Yucheng. If you like it, when you return, I'll send you several jars."

As soon as they heard about the possibility of receiving some as a gift, the eyes of the four from Linchuan lit up.

"Thank you, Grand Priest Yusu," Linchuan expressed his gratitude first, and the other three followed suit.

Such delicious wine, being able to bring back several jars, was undoubtedly a big gain!

As for whether it would be embarrassing, at this moment, no one cared.

After the welcoming feast, the team from the four cities was accommodated in Yucheng's inn.

With more and more distinguished guests visiting Yucheng frequently, the previously arranged accommodations for visitors were clearly insufficient. Therefore, Yusu had a new inn built, specifically to host foreign guests who came to visit Yucheng.

The inn was constructed outside the inner city, separated by a river, and had a spacious area, accommodating many people simultaneously.

After resting at the inn for one night, Linchuan and his group arranged for the exchange of goods they brought and those from Yucheng on the following day. The quantity of goods was considerable, and the exchange process would take some time.

Linchuan, the Grand Shaman of Lishui City, the Grand Shaman of Yuecheng, and the Grand Shaman of Quecheng, all stayed temporarily at the inn in Yucheng. Yusu arranged for someone to accompany them around Yucheng and even took them to the Barbarian Tribe Forest.

Initially, Linchuan and the others were somewhat apprehensive about visiting the Deer God on Mount Temple, but upon learning that the Deer God preferred tranquility and there was no need to pay respects unless necessary, they abandoned the idea.

After spending two days in the Barbarian Tribe Forest, they returned. The things that attracted them the most were the advanced production tools in Yucheng. In addition to the originally planned exchange items, they added a considerable number of orders, all for purchasing these tools.

Yukun and the Elders' Council were extremely delighted.

The orders from Fengcheng, Lishui City, Yuecheng, and Quecheng amounted to a very large sum. Moreover, all transactions were conducted in gold, ensuring a substantial profit once these orders were fulfilled!

No one would complain about having too much money.

"These orders are quite substantial. We need to collaborate with Ironforge Village and recruit additional workers," reported Yufeng to Yusu regarding the order situation.

Yusu nodded, "Take it one step at a time."

Handling these orders was something Yucheng had ample experience with. With Yufeng supervising, individuals responsible for production in the workshops would handle their respective tasks, allowing Yusu to be more hands-off.

Yufeng mentioned another matter, "Mr. Chi mentioned to me yesterday that he wants to expand the school."

Since the matter in Fengcheng was resolved perfectly, and there was no movement from the Merfolk Tribe, Chinan returned to Yucheng to continue his role as a teacher.

However, with the increasing population of Yucheng, the number of students of suitable age also grew. The previous expansion of the school was not sufficient, and Chunan felt the need for further expansion to accommodate the continuous influx of students.

However, there was no more available space around the current school for expansion. So, he sought Yufeng's help.

After considering the situation, Yusu suggested, "Building the school in the inner city is no longer suitable. Let's move it to the outer city and establish an academy on a designated plot."

The outer city had ample space, making it convenient for future expansions.

Yufeng asked, "Which location in the outer city would be suitable?"

Yusu replied, "I'll go take a look first."

Yusu opened the topographic map of Yucheng, intending to build the cultivation academy near the eastern mountains, leveraging the power of the cultivation academy to suppress the demonic beasts in the mountains. However, ordinary schools were not suitable for that location, and it was also too far from the inner city.

Considering his personal preference, Yusu didn't want the school to be too rigid in its construction. To cultivate various talents, he believed it needed more functional areas. It would be best to place it near the northern mountains.

The northern mountains were free from demonic beast activity, and the terrain was diverse, featuring mountains, water, and forests. This would allow students to breathe fresh air and enjoy the lush greenery while studying.

Therefore, after careful consideration, Yusu designated a large open space near the northern mountains for the construction of the school.

Located just behind the inn and close to the newly built stables, there was also room to construct a horse racing track for students to practice riding.

Yusu had the comprehensive elves gather a lot of information related to schools and, referencing this, made a detailed plan. Considering the current situation in Yucheng, he decided to build three parts: a basic education school, an elementary school, and a middle school.

The students at the basic and elementary levels used the same materials, while the middle school was divided into liberal arts and sciences, following the teaching divisions of the Post-Apocalyptic Era.

Since a sudden leap to advanced knowledge was not realistic, the current subdivisions were relatively simple. The liberal arts focused on business-related subjects like commerce and management, while the sciences covered engineering, salt production, mining, construction, and more.

The goal was to cultivate the most practical talents for the current needs.

As for teachers, they could easily find experienced individuals to take on those roles.

Flexibility was key.

After spending a considerable amount of time writing and planning in his study, Yusu emerged with the blueprint. He then gathered individuals like Jian Yunchuan and other root spirits, along with the city's craftsmen, and explained the details of constructing the school to them.

With the experience of building the Temple Mountain and the recent construction of inns, taverns, and the inn, the number of craftsmen in Yucheng had significantly increased. Moreover, each of them was highly experienced. Once Yusu explained how he wanted to build the academy, they quickly grasped the approach.

"Lord Yusu, can we ask the Blue Fox Clan for assistance?" suddenly suggested one of the craftsmen.

Yusu inquired, "Have you had contact with the Blue Fox Clan?"

The craftsman replied, "When the Fox Clan Chief visited recently, he brought some craftsmen from the Blue Fox Clan. They have been wanting to participate in Yucheng's construction for a while but hadn't found an opportunity for large-scale building projects."

Since establishing business dealings with Yucheng and purchasing talismans and artifacts, the Fox Clan's interactions with the human clan had become increasingly close. After buying Yucheng's talismans and artifacts, they independently developed a set of experiences for passing through the demonic beast forest. They no longer needed Yusu and others to guide them through, allowing them to independently form teams and transport ores to Yucheng.

Those Blue Fox Clan members who came to Yucheng have had their horizons greatly expanded since their arrival. Instead of returning to their clan, they currently reside in the inn, expressing a strong desire to stay and learn many advanced crafts in Yucheng, showing no intention to return to the Fox Clan.

The craftsmen in Yucheng have witnessed their skills and developed a good rapport with the Blue Fox members. Today, a bold craftsman named Yucheng bravely recommended the Blue Fox craftsmen to Yusu. Yucheng quickly became close friends with the Blue Fox members.

Yusu had known about the Blue Fox Clan's craftsmanship since their time in the Fox Clan, and he certainly didn't refuse. "Sure, if they're willing to join, let them."

Yucheng was overjoyed at getting Yusu's approval. He immediately sent someone to call those Blue Fox members who were staying at the inn, eagerly waiting to join Yucheng's construction team.

When the Blue Fox members heard the news, they were ecstatic and quickly followed to meet Yusu. They respectfully greeted Yusu and, after seeing the blueprints he drew, expressed their astonishment, their eyes shining brightly.

"Lord Yusu, did you draw all these blueprints by yourself?" the leading Blue Fox asked excitedly.

Yusu nodded, "What do you think?"

The Blue Fox was so excited that they almost fainted. "It's so ingenious! We've never seen such clever ideas!"

Yusu also recognized their talent, as the blueprints were not easy to understand without training. While Yucheng's craftsmen were accustomed to them, it was the first time for these Blue Fox members. With just a few hints, they could understand the blueprints thoroughly.

Truly, the Blue Foxes were born with the talent for construction.

Yusu squinted his eyes and thought silently. These Blue Foxes were so passionate about construction, and with their high talent, if nurtured, they could become teachers in the academy.

The Blue Foxes were still unaware that they had caught Yusu's attention. They enthusiastically discussed every detail on the blueprints, giving many impressive ideas after their thoughts were sparked.

The more Yusu listened, the more he felt that he should bring this group of Blue Foxes to Yucheng.

Ah, Fox Clan Chief, my apologies.

Yusu thought with a touch of insincerity, then smiled slyly as he timely introduced more interesting knowledge about construction. Indeed, it captivated the Blue Foxes, and the way they looked at Yusu was as if he were a deity, filled with admiration.

Yusu coughed lightly, feeling a bit guilty. After all, this knowledge was acquired standing on the shoulders of giants.

However, this feeling is quite satisfying, hehe.

After the Blue Foxes joined the construction team, they quickly integrated and, alongside Yucheng's construction team, began the construction of the new academy.

Yusu would occasionally come over to check, and he found that not only were they incredibly talented, but their hands-on abilities were also exceptionally strong. The Blue Foxes worked faster than the seasoned craftsmen of Yucheng.

If the talent of the Fox Clan, especially Fox Eleven's line, was in running very fast, then the Blue Foxes excelled in constructing with remarkable speed.

One Blue Fox could easily match the work of ten ordinary laborers.

Yusu took a deep breath quietly, feeling that it was essential to send a letter to the Fox Clan Chief, urging him to send more Blue Foxes.