
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 027

The Black Bear King's massive body, even when kneeling down, resembled a small mountain, and the villagers' fear of it did not diminish; they still dared not approach.

This further highlighted how extraordinary Yu Su was, casually standing in front of the Black Bear King.

The village chief, both surprised and delighted, looked at him, "Yu Su, what's going on?"

Yu Su replied, "I have already tamed the Black Bear King. Its previous frenzy was due to smelling the scent of Black Python blood on my fur skirt."

The village chief immediately understood what happened but asked, "How did Black Python blood get on your fur skirt?"

Yu Su looked at the witch doctor, "That's something you should ask the esteemed witch doctor."

The witch doctor, with a stern face, said, "Black Python blood is malevolent. Even if it got on you, it means there is indeed a malevolent force on you, which caused the Black Bear King to go berserk. I haven't said anything wrong."

Yu Su responded, "Throughout our journey, we haven't encountered a single Black Python. How could the blood of a Black Python inexplicably end up on my fur skirt?"

The witch doctor snorted, "How would I know."

Yu Su continued, "Witch doctor, it seems you know but dare not speak."

The tense atmosphere between Yu Su and the witch doctor made others hesitant to speak. Some villagers with sharper intuition already sensed that something was amiss from Yu Su's words.


A miserable scream came from the group.

The witch doctor's disciple, Yu Li, was dragged out by Lu Yan. Lu Yan's hand clamped down on Yu Li's arm like a pair of iron tongs, preventing him from escaping.

Yu Li, panicked, looked at the witch doctor, "Master, save me!"

The witch doctor said, "Stop! What are you trying to do?"

Yu Su said, "Shouldn't I question Yu Li about smearing Black Python blood on my fur skirt?"

The witch doctor's heart sank, "How could Yu Li harm you? You are deliberately framing my disciple!"

Yu Su replied, "There are blood fingerprints left by Yu Li on my fur skirt. Are you going to deny that?"

Yu Su revealed the blood fingerprints on the fur skirt, and Lu Yan walked over with Yu Li, comparing his hand size with the blood fingerprints, confirming that it was indeed Yu Li's handprint.

Yu Li, pale with fright, had been too nervous at the time, smearing the blood mud on Yu Su in a hurry and unintentionally leaving the handprint.

What he didn't expect was that Yu Su would come back alive and confront him!

"It really is Yu Li!"

"Why would Yu Li do such a thing?"

The questioning gazes and expressions made Yu Li's shoulders tremble; he was panicked, pleading, "I didn't mean to. Master, please save me..."

Yu Li sought help from the witch doctor.

The witch doctor, with a gloomy look, stared at him, knowing that there was no way to save Yu Li. The urgent matter was to prevent Yu Li from exposing him. Thus, he spoke, intending to cut off ties with his disciple, "I never expected you to do such a thing. It truly pains me. According to the rules of Yu Village, Yu Li should..."


Yu Su interrupted the witch doctor, "Before you talk about severing family ties, let's clarify things."

The witch doctor coldly said, "What is there to clarify now? What else do you want?"

Yu Su approached Yu Li, looking at him kneeling on the ground. "Did you hear that? Your master wants to kill you to silence you. If you don't want to die, tell everyone why you harmed me. Who instructed you to do this?"

Yu Li, terrified, glanced at the witch doctor. Meeting his dark gaze, his face turned pale. Yu Li knew that what Yu Su said was true, but if he pointed out his master, it would only lead to a more miserable death.

So, Yu Li remained silent.

The witch doctor's eyes revealed a hint of satisfaction.

Yu Su remained calm; he knew what Yu Li was concerned about. The witch doctor relied on some witchcraft to control people's minds, but Yu Su had his own skills, even more powerful than the witch doctor.

He reached out and placed his hand on Yu Li's head, speaking gently, "Don't be afraid. If you tell me the truth, I will forgive you in the name of the Mountain God, protect you, and no one will harm you."

As he spoke, a glowing leaf pattern appeared on the back of Yu Su's hand.

A warm light green radiance emanated from Yu Su's hand, gently enveloping Yu Li. It seemed as if divine light had descended, giving Yu Li an unprecedented warmth.

His eyes drooped slightly, and his expression was as compassionate as a deity.

In that moment, the valley fell into an eerie silence.

Those who had witnessed this scene, like Yu Feng and others, were fine, but the villagers who hadn't seen it before widened their eyes. After recovering from their shock, they knelt down, looking at Yu Su with awe.

This was a miracle!

Yu Su was truly the descendant of the Mountain God!

They had doubted the descendant of a god—would they face punishment?

In each person's heart, there was both reverence and fear.

Yu Li trembled, thinking about what he had done to Yu Su. Yet, when he saw Yu Su looking at him with compassion, a myriad of regret and courage welled up in his heart. Tears suddenly flowed from his eyes, and his trembling lips said, "Will you really protect me?"

Yu Su smiled gently, full of love, "Of course."

Yu Li broke down, unable to hold back his tears. While crying, he said, "It was Master who told me to do all this. He instructed me to smear Black Python blood on you, intending for the Black Bear King to devour you. I didn't mean to. I just didn't dare to defy Master's will. Please forgive me."

Yu Li's loud confession echoed in the valley, clearly heard by everyone.

The villagers were shocked.

They couldn't believe that the highly respected witch doctor would commit such a despicable act!

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