
(BL) Adventure in another world with my sorcery encyclopedia

Yu Su, who perished during the apocalyptic era, found himself transported back to a primordial era. Upon arrival, he discovered that he was destitute. His birth mother had passed away, his father suffered from mental disabilities, and his younger brother exhibited signs of autism. The responsibility of survival now rested solely on Yu Su's shoulders. Nevertheless, he considered this life far superior to the apocalyptic era. Armed with determination, resourcefulness, and a mind teeming with extensive knowledge of the Sorcery Encyclopedia, he believed that no obstacle would be insurmountable. In this primordial era, treasures were abundant, waiting to be unearthed! In order to conceal his hidden supernatural abilities, Yu Su resorted to deception and claimed divine revelations. Gradually, he assumed the role of a deceitful deity, a remarkable imposter who captured the gods' attention. Unbeknownst to him, he had unwittingly become the gods' spokesperson in the mortal realm.

MyPen_22 · Fantasy
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283 Chs

Chapter 026

This water, both salty and undrinkable, turns out to be a salt spring that can produce salt through boiling!

Such a significant surprise left Yu Meng and the others dumbfounded.

"With the salt spring, do we still need to go to the salt village to exchange salt?"

"Does that mean we'll have an endless supply of salt?"

Yu Su nodded, confirming their questions.

These big, silly guys immediately went crazy with joy, even happier than when they learned about practicing mysterious magic. They jumped and shouted, expressing their excitement.

"This must be the blessing of the Mountain God!"

"We have salt now!"

Yu Su was even happier than them. A deficiency in Yu Village had been filled, giving him more possibilities for the future.

However, despite their joy, they lacked the tools to boil the water. Adding to that, the village chief and others were waiting outside. It wasn't the time to stay and develop the salt spring.

"Do we still need to go to the salt village?" Yu Meng asked reluctantly.

"We definitely need to go to the salt village," Yu Su said.

Firstly, they needed to exchange the salt they currently needed. Secondly, the salt village was much larger than Yu Village, and he needed to see it for himself. Lastly, there was the Black Flame Valley, one of the important purposes of his journey to the salt village. It was necessary to visit.

Furthermore, Yu Su instructed them not to disclose the matter of the salt spring to others for the time being.


"The salt spring is so important; if others know about it, they will surely want to own it. What if someone goes to the salt village and accidentally spills the beans? Do you think people from other villages won't come to seize it?"

Yu Meng and the others were shaken; Yu Su was right. The salt spring was crucial, and many would try to claim it. The news must not leak.

"You're considerate. We'll follow your lead," said Yu Feng.

Others also trusted Yu Su. He had brought them too many surprises, and with teachings from the Mountain God and possession of mysterious powers, they believed in his judgment.

Unconsciously, these people had started to trust Yu Su, and this trust was gradually strengthening. By choosing to stand by Yu Su's side earlier and not following the witch doctor's advice to stay away from him, they showed a growing preference for Yu Su over the witch doctor.

For Yu Su, this was a favorable development and exactly what he wanted.

"Yu Su, what should we do now? Should we assign someone to guard the salt spring?" Yu Meng asked.

Yu Su shook his head, "No need; leaving someone behind will only raise suspicions."

Yu Meng and the others nodded without much thought.

However, Yu Feng, being perceptive, noticed an issue in Yu Su's statement. Since everyone in the group was from the same village, why would Yu Su worry about others suspecting them? Yu Feng's first thought was the witch doctor.

Yu Feng had already sensed the conflict between Yu Su and the witch doctor, especially with the witch doctor claiming that Yu Su had something evil on him. It raised many doubts.

Respecting the witch doctor was ingrained in the people of Yu Village, but at this moment, Yu Feng's respect for the witch doctor wavered. After a moment of hesitation, he did not object to Yu Su's arrangement, primarily due to the importance they placed on the salt spring.

"Rest assured; we already have a guard in place," Yu Su assured them.

As soon as he said that, the howls of the Black Bear King echoed from the woods.

Yu Feng's eyes lit up; indeed, they had the Black Bear King under their command!

The Black Bear King was currently in a sorry state, covered in wounds and in pain. However, it dared not go berserk and harm anyone, fearing its master's anger.

Seeing Yu Su and the others, it wanted to cuddle up to Yu Su and nudge him with its head.

Yu Su, disgusted, stopped it. The bear smelled bad, and he had just taken a bath – he didn't want to be covered in its stench. He gave a command through the contract, instructing the Black Bear King to guard the salt spring valley.

Understanding Yu Su's command, the Black Bear King couldn't resist and obediently nodded.

Seeing its compliance, Yu Su, avoiding the others, took a potion from his space and gave it to the Black Bear King. After all, it was now his guard, and he couldn't let it work with injuries; who knows what might happen.

After drinking the potion, the Black Bear King quickly recovered, ecstatic and howling in joy. It felt that Yu Su was amazing, even possessing a magical potion that could instantly heal injuries. Its loyalty to Yu Su deepened.

While Yu Meng and the others didn't witness what Yu Su gave to the Black Bear King, seeing its sudden recovery, they assumed that Yu Su had used some mysterious magic on it. Their awe and respect for Yu Su intensified.

With these tasks completed, Yu Su said, "Let's go back. It's time to meet with the village chief and others."

When he mentioned meeting up, his expression suddenly turned cold.

Standing beside him, Lu Yan also had an unpleasant expression, his eyes fierce.

Yu Feng and the others knew why Yu Su was upset. After exchanging glances, Yu Feng, as the representative, asked, "Yu Su, what's the matter with the witch doctor claiming you have something evil on you?"

Yu Su replied, "There's snake blood smeared on my fur skirt."

"What?" They were surprised. Snake blood had a significant impact on the Black Bear King; no wonder it went berserk.

"Who did this?" Yu Meng was angered.

Yu Su answered, "The witch doctor's disciple."

Yu Meng and the others were bewildered. How could the disciple of the witch doctor...


In the mountain valley, after Yu Su and the others were chased into the woods by the Black Bear King, the people in the group were restless, with most of them in a state of shock. Some took the opportunity to berate Yu Su.

"I've been saying that Yu Su worships evil gods; you didn't believe it. Now, that disaster has angered the Black Bear King, and we almost got eaten!" Yu Da complained loudly.

"Yu Su is someone favored by the Mountain God; he can't be a disaster." The village chief spoke sternly.

"Who knows if he's deceiving us. Maybe when the Mountain God appears, it's to tell us that Yu Su has a problem, and we've misunderstood." Yu Da maliciously speculated.

"But Yu Su has the abilities taught by the Mountain God, and he has taught them to us," someone argued.

Yu Da's wife, Yashan, sneered, "Who knows what he has taught us? Maybe it's dark magic. After all this time, no one has learned it, except that savage who learned it."

Yashan's words startled many. Given Yu Da and Yashan's statements, it seemed like a plausible scenario.

Some couldn't bear to watch and said, "They're talking nonsense; do you believe them?"

"But we really can't learn it, and only that mysterious savage managed to learn it."

"I also think something is strange. I can't understand what he says."

Although some still didn't believe there was a problem with Yu Su, the number of people suspecting him gradually increased.

The witch doctor observed this scene with a cold gaze, sneering inwardly. Yu Da and Yashan, despite their foolishness, were not entirely useless. Yu Su's attempt to win over these ignorant villagers to isolate him was naive; they couldn't comprehend the implications.

Nevertheless, Yu Su's journey likely ended here. The yellow-haired kid was probably now food for the Black Bear King, and there was no way he could come back to oppose him.

"Stop arguing. Yu Su has been possessed by an evil spirit and has been eaten by the Black Bear King. If you don't want the Black Bear King to return and vent its anger on you, pack your things and leave this place quickly," said the witch doctor.

The village chief disagreed, "Witch doctor, there must be a misunderstanding in this matter. Moreover, it's not just Yu Su; Yu Feng and the others haven't returned."

"Those who have been influenced by Yu Su's tricks are no longer like before. Even if they return, it won't be the same. It's

better to be eaten by the Black Bear King than have them come back," the witch doctor sneered.

The village chief wanted to say more, but heavy footsteps echoed from the forest, and the ground trembled slightly. It sounded like the Black Bear King was back!

Everyone was terrified, hastily packing their belongings to run.

At that moment, they suddenly heard a whistle, followed by a voice coming from the woods:

"Village chief, we're back!"

It was Yu Meng's voice.

The panicked crowd stopped, shocked. Yu Meng hadn't died?

He returned with the Black Bear King?

Someone with sharp eyes first saw Yu Meng running out of the woods and joyfully shouted, "It's Yu Meng! Yu Meng is really back!"

"And Yu Feng and the others!"

"They're not dead!"

The village chief and the others quickly looked in that direction and saw that it was indeed Yu Meng and the others. Relief washed over them; Yu Meng and the others hadn't died!

Only a few people's expressions changed slightly, feeling that something was amiss.

"It's not just us; Yu Su is fine too!" Yu Meng ran out, shouting.

Lu Yan and Yu Feng also walked out of the woods. Behind them, a large-bodied Black Bear slowly emerged from the forest – the feared Black Bear King.

Everyone was afraid at the sight of the Black Bear King, taking steps back.

Some, with keener eyes, noticed that the Black Bear King wasn't alone. There was a person sitting on its shoulder – a person who, despite appearing somewhat slender, exuded an inexplicable awe. Seated high and looking down at everyone, he seemed calm.

"It's Yu Su!"

"Oh my God, he's sitting on the Black Bear King's shoulder!"

The village chief and the others were shocked. They had considered the possibility of Yu Su being eaten by the Black Bear King or escaping, but they never imagined he would appear sitting on the Black Bear King's shoulder.

He looked relaxed, showing no signs of trouble. The ferocious and terrifying Black Bear King behaved like a well-trained pet, cautiously carrying him. This scene was too shocking, and everyone fell silent.

Yu Su, riding on the Black Bear King's shoulder, glanced at the frozen crowd. Each person who met his gaze felt a hint of fear, especially those who had doubted and accused him earlier; they instinctively lowered their heads.

A few people even appeared stiff.

After enjoying their frozen expressions, Yu Su finally patted the Black Bear King's head, signaling it to put him down.

The Black Bear King obediently knelt down, gently placing Yu Su on the ground.

Once he stood firm, Yu Su looked at the village chief and said, "Village chief, I'm back."