
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Book 1"The Warriors Of Kyoshi" :

As we zoom in we can see Zuko and Sasuke looking at a map where the Avatar has been.

Group Avatar,

Sokka: Do you even kown where we are go. Aang: Well i kown it's near water. Sokka: I guess we're getting close.

Aang showed Naruto some airbender tricks hoping that Katara would notice he but she is to busy bickering with Sokka to notice. They pull into the New Island, Aang tries to convince everyone that papa is tired and that they should set up for camp but only Naruto thinking Appa is tired. As Aang Spots a elephant koi he go to ride it to impress Katara, In the distance we can see Aang riding the elephant fish Sokka quickly notices at giant fish eating the elephant koi as we can see the fin of the fish is bigger than Appa Aang begins to run on the water as he gets to land he crashes into Sokka Naruto giggling behind them.

Out of nowhere these people dress in strange clothing Ambush them they caught everyone except for Naruto as his training with his father showed him had to be sneaky and good at hiding allowing him to easily Escape the Kyoshi Warriors site as they tie up the group Naruto tries to attack from behind but it's quickly shut down due to the difference in skill.

The Kyoshi Warriors tie them up to tree stumps they pull down their eye covering as they begin to question them, Sokka quickly gaining everyone's attention as he starts spouting nonsense such as there's no way women can take a man like me down. Katara quickly shuts him up saying: He's just an idiot sometimes. Aang admits that it's his fault as to why they were captured. Village Chief comes up to them saying: Oh Yeah and how do we know you're not a spy sent hear to spy on Kyoshi Island. Aang: Oh this is Kyoshi Island well I know her. Village chief there's no way you cannot hurt been dead for 500 years.

As Naruto shouts out: come on Aang let's whoop their butts with are awesome airbending. As they jump out of the ropes Aang tries the Peaceful way by showing he's an airbender while Naruto reaches into his bag to grab a paintball as he gets prepared to throw it Katara quickly stops him saying: We need their help so don't cause a scene. He sighs as he puts it up. But the Crowd Goes Wild as he is the real deal. Word quickly spreads through the Nation where the avatar is before getting to Zuko and Sasuke.

As we can see Aang getting the Avatar treatment Katara looks hesitant as she doesn't think that Avatar is that big a deal as she has known him for a while. Sokka is being salty in corner. Aang and Naruto eat the food while Katara mocks him for getting his butt kicked by a bunch of girls. Sokka grabs some food before exiting the room to show them who's who. Katara is hesitant to stay for to long as Aang is to caught up in the attention and Naruto wants some of attention. As we can see Aang getting chaste around the village by little girls. But Aang tries to impress the girls with doing a no hand push-ups well Naruto is gathering supplies with Katara wishing it was he getting the attention. We now see Sokka challenging the Kyoshi Warriors as he gets embarrassed from being tied hand to foot.