
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Book 1 The Last Airbender:

As Aang and Katara return to the Village Sokka quickly accuses Aang of signaling the fire Navy Katara tries to defend him as he explains what happened. Gran Gran: Katara you should have know better. Aang: It is not her fault I brought her there it is my fault. Sokka: A-ha! The traitor confesses Warriors away from the enemy The Foreigner is banished from the village. Katara: Aang is not are enemy don't you see? Aang has brought us something we haven't had a long time--fun. Sokka: Fun? We can't fight firebenders with fun! Aang: you can try it sometimes. Sokka: No get out of the village. Katara: Grandmother please don't let Sokka do this. Gran Gran:You knew going on that ship was forbidden, Sokka is right i think the airbender should leave

Katara: Fine thin I'm banished too. Sokka: where do you think you're going. Katara: To find a water bender. Aang is taking me to the North Pole. Aang is confused on what to do as he does not want to be the reason why Katara was banished. After Aang and Appa had left Sokka began to train the kids. We zoom in on Aang and Appa as they spot a fire Navy ship heading towards the tribe as Aang goes to one The Village. We can see Sokka getting prepared for a fight we can also see Sasuke and Zuko getting prepared for the capture of the avatar. As the Fire Nation ship gets closer to the Village it starts to crack as the ship is pushing the ice apart. The ship comes to stop as it opens up revealing Zuko and Sasuke. Sokka left out of Battle Cry as he rushes up to attack but quickly getting put down. Zuko scans over the crowd looking for the avatar. As he ask where are you hiding him the villagers look at him confused as he pulled out Gran Gran he says he looks like this master of all elements. As he throws her back Sokka tries to attack him from behind but Zuko dodges as Sokka is launched into the air Zuko throws some fire at him as Sokka dodges he then throws his boomerang but misses Sokka then comes at him with a spear but is quickly put down with a couple hits to his forehead but the boomerang begins to come back as Sasuke catches it before it hits Zuko. Sasuke: You should be more careful boomerangs always come back. But neither of them see a boy sliding on a penguin as he trip to them as they land in an embarrassing position the kids cheer for him before accidentally getting covered with snow. Aang gets in a fighting position as the Fire Nation surrounds him he uses his airbending to cover them with snow. As Zuko and Sasuke figure out that he is a young child not a 112-year-old man. Katara and Sokka being confused as Aang told them he did not know that Avatar. As Zuko stands face to face with the avatar as he says. Zuko: I've been training honing my skills and meditating all to defeat you but you're just a child. Aang: But just a teenager. Zuko sends fire attacks at him as in deflection with his airbending and noticing that the Flames are getting to the people offers to go with them as he left the village alone. They not as guards take him into the ship. Zuko that's a course for home. As Katara tries to convince Sokka that they need to help Aang as he saved the village. As she does not realize Sokka is trying to help him too. Gran Gran: Where are you going without these. As she hands them some sleeping begs.