
(Avatar: Naruto)

a mix between Naruto and Avatar there are some Clans such as Uchiha and Nara.

King_Arthur_2240 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Book 1 Impression

We can see Sokka coming back from Scavenging as all he can find is Pebbles in small acorns. They hear rumbling in the distance I say go to see what the commotion is they can see an earthbender as he turns to look at them he runs away causing team Avatar as they follow behind him they find the Earth bender only for them to be pulled in and the windows closed as the earthbender explains how sketchy they look they can hear a slight knock at the door has Sokka looks out the window only to see firebenders. As the mom gets upset as they are back for more protection money as they threatened by burning down the shop. As they explain what the firebenders are here to do the mother explains the risk of Earth bending. We can see Katara talking to the earthbender as they run into an old man who was trapped in a collapsing tunnel as Katara tries to pull him out she quickly figures out there's only one way to help the man as she convinces him to use his earthbending. As they get back Katara tells the group what happened as Sokka complaints that they need to get some sleep as the town is crawling with firebenders and they need to leave early in the morning as they quickly fall asleep. We can see the old man leading firebenders to arrest Maru the man that saved him. We can see Katara bending some water as Haru's mother tells her that they took Mart way at midnight. Katara feels a bit guilty that Haru was arrested and she's the one who asked him to use his earth-bending to save the old man as, She's comes up with a plan to use Aang and Naruto's airbending to levitate a rock in front of the Fire Nation guards. As she's taken away Sokka, Aang and Naruto follow behind.