
(18+) Wherever Imagination Takes

Immerse yourself in a world of lust and passion; a place where only desire rules. . . . Support this work on:  ko-fi.com/boostmaster007

BoostMaster · Fantasy
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66 Chs

C6 (3-End)

"Oh yeah," he said as two of his fingers slid into my wetness. Our eyes met and locked. It was gratifying to see that his feelings were equally intense. And then he bent down and replaced his fingers with his mouth and tongue.

No doubt most people in this day and age would find the idea of a 43-year-old woman who'd never experienced oral sex absurd. But that was the case. My husband had never done it to me and he was the only man I'd been with. I'd read a lot about it though and seen it done in porn movies. Mmmm, I thought as I felt James' tongue make contact, this could be interesting.

Boy did that turn out to be an understatement. At first I felt uncomfortable, wondering if he'd dislike the smell and taste of me down there. But it was soon so obvious he was thoroughly enjoying himself that I relaxed. It was different from any other kind of stimulation I'd ever experienced. In some ways softer and less focused but in other ways very intimate and more intense. It was only later, after I'd been with other lovers, that I learned that James had a special talent.

He seemed to be able to read my responses and kept pushing me right to the edge of orgasm without pushing me over. I was caught on a treadmill of thrilling frustration.

I loved the way his tongue would nuzzle among the folds of my inner lips, moving slowly upwards until the tip was dancing around my clitoris. Then he'd move down again until his hyperactive tongue was buried deep inside my vagina. I was lost in the sensations.

Finally he worked two of his fingers inside me and began sucking and licking my clitoris. He did this with such exaggerated wet lip smacking noises that I started laughing. And coming. I usually don't make much noise during sex but this time I did. It was kind of embarrassing.

"Oh my God," I said when I could speak. "That was amazing."

"Glad you liked it," he said.

"You're the first man who's ever done that to me."

I had to laugh at the expression on his face.

"Yeah, I know," I said. "Kind of hard to believe isn't it?"

He leaned over and kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips. I liked it. Another first. Then he stood up and pulled off his shirt. I lay there watching, my legs still spread. He was hairier than my husband. Next he kicked his shoes off and unbuckled his belt. My heart beat faster. Moments later I was holding the second hard penis I'd held in my life.

He was now wrestling me out of my clothes. I was preoccupied with his penis. It was bigger than my husband's. Not huge, but nice. Once we were both naked he took my hand and led me into the bedroom.

I was expecting him to jump on me once we were on the bed. But he didn't. He kissed me and ran his hands over my body as if he thought it was something precious. I closed my eyes and luxuriated in the tenderness of his kiss and touch of his hands. I felt cherished.

After what seemed like hours of this cuddling he pulled away, opened the drawer of his nightstand, and fished out a condom. Then he was gently spreading my legs and moving into position between them. The sensation of feeling his penis sliding all the way up inside me was indescribable.

I couldn't help but compare. Being with James was so different. He was completely there, interacting with me, looking into my eyes, responding to my shifting moods. I realized that sex with my husband had dwindled down to a passionless rubbing together of bodies. This was like finding a sumptuous smorgasbord after years of eating straw.

I'm afraid I went a little crazy. I couldn't leave his penis alone. Twice I sucked him hard again after he'd come. James was laughing at my enthusiasm, but he wasn't complaining. We tried every position we could think of. I'd never liked doggystyle with my husband but I did with James. And I learned that I absolutely loved being on top.

"Jesus, woman, stop, stop," James said at last, pushing my hand away from his limp, and inflamed, nub of manhood. "We'll do this again, I promise."

We cuddled for awhile, my head resting on his chest, and then, with great reluctance, I began getting ready to leave. James walked me out to my car, gave me a long hug, and kissed me goodbye.

I was enveloped in the warm afterglow of loving when I walked through the door of the house where my husband and I lived. I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

"Where in hell have you been?" My husband shouted from the shadows in the living room.

I stopped dead. The cloud of delight shriveled somewhat but didn't dissipate entirely. "I've been having the most wonderful sex I've ever had in my life," I said.

"What!" My husband screamed.

I repeated what I'd said. The excrement hit the whirling blades. About time.

It was a very long night. My husband ranted. My husband raved. My husband foamed at the mouth. My husband tried to fuck me, but didn't succeed. I did some screaming of my own. But I didn't say a word about knowing about his many girlfriends.

Finally I did something I'd never done, something I couldn't have imagined doing a few months before. As the sun began filling the eastern sky I walked out and drove to Rita's trailer.

After several hours of fitful sleep I got up and made coffee. Rita and her daughter weren't there. As I sat at the table, half awake, a plan began to form in my mind. I started to giggle. By the time I'd finished two cups of the hot brew I was raring to put it into action.

I drove to our house and saw that, as I'd suspected, my husband's car was gone. I let myself in and went straight to his computer. In a matter of minutes I'd written out the email I'd composed in my head. It took me awhile to find all the addresses I needed but in less than three hours I was done. I carefully erased my tracks.

After the emails were sent I walked through the house. It made me so sad to think of all the years that this had been my home. When I'd been happy here. But that was over.

Rita was home when I got back to her trailer and I told her what I'd done. She stared at me and then shook her head, grinning.

"I'd love to see his face," she said.

"Then you're invited," I said.

The next morning I called my husband soon after we'd eaten breakfast. It took some persuading but he finally agreed to meet me at a restaurant downtown for lunch. Rita and I were both full of nervous energy, pacing around like a couple of hungry cats.

As we walked into the restaurant several minutes early five pairs of eyes locked on us in shock. I could feel their consternation hit me like a heat wave. Hmmm, I thought as we sat down facing the door, not everyone but this should be enough.

I raised my hand as my husband entered and he started walking in our direction. He was in the middle of the room before he became aware of the other women. He looked around furtively, with a perplexed expression.

"Shall we ask your other friends to join us?" I asked as he approached, raising my voice so everyone could hear.

"My other friends?" He said.

"Well, Josie, and Caroline, and Heather, and Darlene, and Cindy over there." I know it's impolite to point but I wasn't feeling all that civilized.

He gaped at me.

"What the hell is going on here you bastard," Darlene said. "Why'd you send me that email?"

"What email?" He said, looking at me.

"The email that stated that our marriage is over and you wanted to start a new life with your one and only love," I said.

"Who are these other people?" Cindy said.

He turned and began walking quickly towards the door. Josie grabbed his arm with both hands.

"You said you loved me," she said.

Darlene stood up to confront him.

We left him to his Furies.

"You know what?" I said to Rita as we walked out the door. "I don't think my husband's very smart." We stood in the parking lot, leaning together, laughing until we cried.

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