
IV: Conciousness

The doctor comes up to you.

y/n: is he gonna be okay? please tell me he is

doc: the surgery went well, but he's still unconcious. We aren't very sure when he will wake up, but we'll make sure to monitor him carefully.

y/n: thank you so much, may I see him now?

doc: sure, this way.

The doctor leads you to mark's room along with the other members. You see Mark, and remember what you did that got him into this condition. You can't bare seeing Mark in that state, but you have to stay strong.

y/n: i'm sorry.

members: for what?

y/n: It's my fault, why he's in this situation. If only I had gone to him, This wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry

j: y/n, it's not your fault. Stop beating yourself up just because you were there when it happened.

You try to hold your tears back, but seeing Mark like that, you can't stop crying and feeling at fault. 4 days have passed, Mark is still unconcious. You never left the hospital and stayed with Mark. The members visit Mark everday, and try to talk you into resting. But you wouldn't.

ty: y/n, you should rest, we're already here so atleast get some sleep.

y/n: I'm fine, I'm not tired.

ty: Okay, but you have to eat. You shouldn't starve yourself.

y/n: I will, thanks

As you and Taeyong are having that conversation while you're holding Mark's hand beside the bed, you feel his finger move.

y/n: taeyong... his finger just moved.

ty: what?

y/n: m- mark's finger just moved, I felt it.