

The light no longer shine upon the righteous, then let me fight in the dark

DaoistfZzxNA · Fantasy
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15 Chs

grandfather worked hard

Patriarch Lin didn't expect that Yihuan would agree it that soon. Seems like she had quite good impression of my grandson. Well I should strike the iron when it's hot. "Old Qin, Little Huan is going to Qian Bei university soon. Little Huan is still young. My manor is just a block away from campus. How about let Little Huan stay at my place. It won't be much of a problem right. After all, we are going to be a family anyway. "Go away, I give you an inch, you are going to take a mile. I haven't even agree to this engagement yet and why would my precious granddaughter stay in your messy manor." Patriarch Lin know what Old Qin means, Lin family isn't like Qin family is a real palace fight. For the sake of his granddaughter-in-laws, Patraich Lin can only retreat a step. It's a pity it don't work but at least I got an engagement contract which include letting them meet together at least once a week. Patriarch Lin can only comfort with the contract.

"Young master, patriarch called for you." Greeting, grandfather. It was a sudden call, It wasn't that long since we met so it must be a urgent matter but on the second thought, grandfather looks like he want to brag something. "Little ming, look what it is." Grandfather give me a paper. The material is waterproofed and of high quality. "Engagement between me and Yihuan!" I didn't notice I was blushing. In a state of confusion, I asked grandfather, "This." "What you don't like it?" "NO" "Then good, you mustn't know how hard it'd for me to convince that old Qin. Good thing, Little huan support me. "She did?" Siming feels like he can't function well anymore. Indeed love make people go crazy over little things, no it's a big matter. Siming feels like nobody can feel happier than him now. "I can't wait for school to start" And to see her again.