

The light no longer shine upon the righteous, then let me fight in the dark

DaoistfZzxNA · Fantasy
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15 Chs


Today, I came to discuss engagement between your granddaughter and my grandson. Old Qin, you also know our two families are close since ancient times. It would be better to be closely tie by in-laws. Look at my grandson, handsome and talented. Isn't it simply a match made in heaven?" Hearing Patriarch Lin's words, Patriarch Qin don't want to give his precious granddaughter away. Seeing Old Qin narrowing eyebrows, Patriarch Lin add a few more words. "My son happened to meet with Little huan on the awakening day. He fell in love at the first sight. This matter is concerned not just benefits of two families, it's also the matter between two kids. Little huan, how do you feel about my grandson?" Patriarch Lin is a person who control the messy Lin family, capable man as he is, he definitely won't come without preparations. Patriarch Lin had researched all Yihuan's activity and had understand her personality from it. Qin Yihuan as one of great families's heirs, she is sociable among peers and is a noble with perfect mannerisms. From the way she handle her business, she was someone who look at the big picture and know how to be patience and wait for time. Every move her did is all for benefits. That's why Patraich Lin is sure Yihuan won't refuse for the sake of Qin family. Indeed Yihuan is in a dilemma, Though she don't want to pull Brother Siming into this mess in the past, she right now have the ability to protect her family and her loved ones. She also understand the benefit of the alliance and supports Brother Siming will get from being in-laws with the Qin. It's surprising that Patriarch Lin would even make up about love at the first sight but indeed this engagement is great for her and the Lins. "Grandfather, I agree with this engagement." ." Yihuan's sudden determination is like a thunder ringing dangerous alarm in Patriarch Qin's head. "Huanhuan, you don't need to consider the Qin family at all. Marriage isn't a joke!" "Come on, they are a match made by heaven." "You old ginger, I am not done with you. Little Huan, have you really think it through?" Yihuan understand grandpa's worry but it's not marriage but just an engagement. Even if marriage, I don't mind. What am I thinking about!