

Author: 九命猫腰
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  • 210 Chs
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What is 穿越之细作

Read ‘穿越之细作’ Online for Free, written by the author 九命猫腰, This book is a 言情 Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: 一个意外丧生的狗仔穿越到不知名的朝代,虽是侯府千金,但爹不疼没娘爱,官配还是臭名远播的美阎王!重生后只想保命,却发现魂穿到疑似细作身上,要不要人有主角光环了!不听不看不知道,忘记细作身份,专心创办报社收集花边赚大钱,但美阎王还是要拖我下水,...



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Your world, my world

In the forest called Kalbian, there is a community of werewolves that lived for the long time. They peacefully manage everydays living without harming human. The wolves transform from werewolves to human everytime the sunrises. With that, the villagers are free to go anywhere during day time. But when the sun is starting to set, they need to go back to the village. One day, the female lead lost in the forest while searching for food. She is the daughter of the werewolves master. Upon looking for her way home, she ended in a beautiful water falls. Her heart skips upon seeing the reflection of the moon in the water. With no hesitation, she jump unto the water without knowing the danger in it. She wanted to hold the moon so badly. She slowly walk towards the reflection, and the water keeps deeper. Until she can no longer feel the ground on her feet. She don't know how to swim. The female lead is struggling in the water, shouting for help. She was already loosing hope. The water is filling her lungs. She was already loosing consciousness until some grab her paws. The male lead is out for an adventure. He loves forest adventure the most. Together with his father and their team, they decided to go to Lambrocsta forest. It was the largest forest in the world. No one tried to go there because it was to be dangerous. Wild animals and dangerous plants and other creature believe to be living there. But because the male lead's father wanted to discover something new, their team will enter the forest. Upon entering the forest, the male lead amaze by the large trees. So many different species of plant. Upon looking around, the male lead saw a beautiful butterfly. It was colorful and unique. He wanted to catch it for research purposes. He followed the butterfly since it was flying high and he can't reach it yet. He followed the butterfly until it sit on a rock. When he was about to catch it, he heard a wolf woorfing. At first, he get's afraid. He looked everywhere on where the wolf is. After a while, he saw a wolf in the middle of the water falls drowning. He was hesitant if he will help the wolf because he was afraid it might bite him. But when he saw the wolf struggling so much, he run towards the water and luckily, he respond on time. The wolf is about to drown when he reach its paws. He brought the wolf on the side of the water falls, trying to Wake it. He didn't stop until it respond. Luckily the wolf open its eyes and look onto him. It's like thanking him for saving her life. The male lead step backward when the wolf look at him. After making sure that the wolf is fine by looking in distance, he slowly run to find his way to his team. His team is also looking for him, luckily they was him. The female lead look at the man that save his life. He thank him by bowing her head. After the man runs, she stand slowly and begin to search for her way home. Apparently she saw their village in a distance. She runs happily upon seeing the village. The whole village was so happy to see her back safe. She went home with her family and tell them what happens to her. The female lead think of the human that saves his life. Because of that she wanted go out of the forest and look for that man. When she go out of the forest, she was afriad at first. But then, one were wolf villagers join her in order for her not to be afraid. They room around the city looking for the man who saves her life. She go out of the village every day to look for the man. Until one day upon walking, she bump into someone. She fell down and get hurt easily since she was in her human form. When she looks up, her eyes nearly pop upon seeing whose infront of her. It was the guy who saw her. The man didn't notice her since she was in her werewolf form when he saved her. She followed her secretly to know where he lives. She applied to be a maid in the male leads house. Slowly, she get closed with the male lead.

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