

Check out my other novel, Secrets of the Universe. It's the same storyline but was just revised

Purple_Khaos · Fantasy
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Breaking news!!

I have decided to restructure this book. To make a new version of the book.

I realized that the Mc was too OP and the story became complex too early.

But fear not, my fellow readers, characters, and some details will still be the same. So don't worry, it's just a restructuring.

For example, the prologue will be the same. Even the powers Jake has will be the same except that he will not acquire them now.

To the readers, it will be like your own spoiler.

So, please support the new book. I promise it will be fun.

Also, feel free to comment on what you didn't like about the book. I'm still open to change, at least for now.

Lastly, I will upload a fight scene I plan for this book. Characters there have not been introduced yet.

I want you to give me an honest rating.