
The Fight scene I promised


Danny faced his enemy, a man in a brown cloak, "Who are You?"

"You don't need to know that. Just know I'm here to kill u," The man coarsely answered.

Danny smirked, "If that is the case, then we will really see who kills who"

The cloaked man dashed forward. He had heard stories of Danny.

Danny was proclaimed to be the God of Speed. His feet were made of feathers or so he heard.

With an opponent like that, he knew that he had to strike first

And for that, he needed something to stop Danny in his tracks

"Gaze of the Abyss, " A red light appeared from his right eye.

Strange noises could be heard as the light illuminated the surrounding with its gloomy radiance.

Wails and moaning could be heard from the red energy.

The cloaked man laughed as he thought, 'Hehehe, I prepared this technique just for him.'

The red light shot out of his eyes, streaking toward his target.

Before Danny could run away, the red light got closer to him.

It was moving at an astonishingly fast speed that made even Danny impressed.

The energy of the red light was filthy. It was not a pleasant sight. It reeked of the stench of a zombie. And a zombie's smell was catastrophic.

Once Danny looked at the red light, he realized he got stunned.

Though his mind still flowed, He couldn't move.

He thought as he struggled, 'Now I know why it is called the gaze of the abyss. Look into the abyss and it looks back at you.'

'But still to think he would have the technique of the zombie race.'' thought Danny as he looked around, looking for something to remedy his situation.

The cloaked man ran to his caught prey. He was ecstatic. Never did he expect everything to go smoothly.

"You are no god of speed, Danny" He berated Danny, expecting a defeated response, but Danny was expressionless.

Danny's eyes soared around him. Looking for something that can help him. He wasn't going to accept his fate and he sure as hell wasn't going to be killed by the annoying guy.

"Move, Move, Move--" He shouted before he was cut off by the enemy

"Give up. No one escapes the technique. Accept your death."

The cloaked man finally brought down his hood.

Danny got a good look at his captor. It was an old man. Wrinkles could be seen all over his face. Brown tooths that were sure to cause bad breath.

The old man's eyes were losing their sparks. His timeworn skin could barely function. Just by his face, Danny could tell how the rest of his body looked under the dirty brown cloak.

'He is at the end of his breath. That is why he wants my treasure'

After that, Danny closed his eyes. His Fate has not yet been decided.

He had a plan in mind.

"There is no way you are escaping. Now, be a good boy, and give me the elixir of life. Who knows, I might spare ur life" The old man croaked as he walked closer to Danny.

'Hehehe, once I get the elixir, he's gonna die.' He laughed out loud as he thought to himself. Not knowing that his laughter sold out his hidden intentions.

It was dead at night.

Everywhere was silent. No birds chirping. No wolves howling. No human chattering.

Except for the whistling of the wind

Yes, the wind.

Strangely enough, in this silent night, one could hear the rustle of the wind.

The winds blew through the streets. They were looking for something. The old man was intimidated by the strange winds.

Snaking down his skin, the cold wind brushed his face, taking his goatee beard with it.

The sounds were terrifying, but something was missing as if a tornado was to come. Anticipating the emergence of something unknown.

It grew louder every second.

Until it bellowed close to the old man like a beast about to chomp down its prey.


The old man was swept up by the dominant wind. Dangling in the air, he came face to face with the furious beast.

The imposing presence of the beast made it impossible for him to breathe.

Struggling to keep his calm, the old man forced himself to stare at the beast. The beast roared like a dragon, making him scream loud like a chicken about to be slaughtered.


He was smacked down to the ground, by the force of the wind. It pressed him down in such a way that it left a crater in its wake.

The old man could taste the dirt he accidentally swallowed. His eyes were teary perhaps from the sheer fright.

The winds disappeared after., leaving the old man

"No No No No"

He didn't understand what was happening. But he knew he was in big trouble. He looked around and couldn't find Danny.

"The wind probably blew him away. I just need to find him."

Ignoring the sharp cuts caused by the wind on his body, the old man anxiously searched for Danny.

Soon, a voice broke apart the silent night. It sent chills to the old man. He shuddered as he turned his head back and there he was. Danny, perfectly fine and unshackled.

"Don't bother, I'm right here" Danny sneered at the foolish old man, his voice more menacing than ever.

"H--H--How?" He stuttered. He had messed up. His prisoner was free. And the look in his eyes told him to fear for his life.

"I figured out that the red light paralyzes my body and energy. But you need a high amount of concentration to keep the technique active. All I needed to do was disturb the wind energy in the surrounding. Luckily, my wind talent allows me to interact with them without the use of energy.

So the wind knocked you out, deactivating the red light for a second, but it was enough for me."

"It doesn't matter. I can still capture you again"

The old man rubbed his left eye and a familiar red glow appeared. He gazed at Danny with his newfound confidence, " As the saying goes, if at first, you don't succeed, try, try again."

"I won't allow you." Daniel glowed blue, as he waved his right hand to the left.

A familiar bestial roar shook the environment.

Terrified, the old man attempted to keep his guard up, but before he could react, a massive wind smashed him from his left.

Throughout the fight, he had been a punching bag to the cursed wind, so it was no surprise that he couldn't get up; he barely had any stamina left.

The old man struggled to stand up. Summoning whatever strength he had left, he wobbly stood up.

"It's time"

Danny took a deep breath.

He unsheathed his pair of butterfly swords that were concealed beneath his sleeves, transitioning smoothly to a fighting position. His front leg stretched out seemingly straight, while his back leg was bent, giving him a solid stance that made him look like an arched bow, ready to fire.

Danny held his leading sword at the level of his waist, pointing straight at the enemy. His other sword was gripped by the other hand at a guard position.

Danny positioned himself perpendicular to the old man.

"This is the end. DESOLATION POINT!" He declared to the old man.

Lights blew out from Danny's eyes. His vision changed.

In front of him was a blue space, like the sky.

Instead of the old man, there was a distinct figure with dots on his body.

Danny's skin shone a blue light before he disappeared.

The old man couldn't see him. He could only see a blue blur racing to him at an unimaginable speed, a speed so fast that it could race past a continent in a minute.

It zoomed past the old man.

Before the old man could react, Danny appeared behind him

"You missed." The old man jubilantly said unaware of his imminent death. Let this man be happy, it was the last seconds of his life.

"Check again" Danny smiled as blue wisps emerged from different points of the old man's body. His eyes held no mercy nor sympathy. Only certainty.

It only took the old man those words for him to understand the severity of the situation.

"What did you--" Before he could finish his words, the old man fell flat on the ground.

He felt constricted like a binding force was used on him. He couldn't move his fingers, his limbs and he also couldn't channel his energy.

Blood oozed out of multiple stab marks on his body. Yet, the old man couldn't feel a thing.

Danny mercilessly looked at the miserable old man.

Paralyzed and pathetic -- That was the state of the old man. One could sense the irony of the situation.

Suddenly, The old man's body swelled up. It started from his hands to his legs until his whole body started swelling, like an inflated balloon.

Then it exploded.

Raining blood and bits and pieces of flesh and organs. It dyed the surrounding red, giving it a warm presence, the presence of life.

But Danny wasn't affected. He knew the effect of his attack and already prepared a wind barrier in advance. Danny was clean and unsullied.

The moonlight shined on him. It revealed a man so calm and serene, different from a man who had just killed.

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