
告诉我为什么 告诉我为什


RecklessInsanity · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


As Genesis walked out of the prison gates, he saw Coda and Sirnake in an intense argument. He watched them, curiosity and confusion written on his face. As Genesis tried to reach out to them, Coda and Sirnake abruptly stopped, their faces tense and a heavy silence looming between them.

Genesis slowly stepped closer, wanting to know why they were arguing. But the closer he got, the more the tension seemed to thicken. He could feel a strange energy, as if unspoken words hung in the air.

The next day, Genesis returned to the spot and saw Coda and Sirnake standing there again, their voices rising in heated whispers. He felt an overpowering urge to know what had been said, what secrets or emotions they were hiding.

Finally, the day after, Genesis steeled himself and approached them, determined to find out what was going on. The arguing stopped, the heavy silence coming crashing down again. He could see in their eyes a mix of emotions, fear, worry, and guilt. But before he could say anything, they quickly walked away, leaving him standing there, more confused than ever.

The next day finally genesis asked,

Sirnake glanced nervously around the cell, his eyes settling on a group of inmates gathered in one corner. Taking a deep breath, he turned to Genesis, his voice laced with fear, "We're in trouble."

Genesis followed his gaze to the group of men, their menacing stares sending a chill down his spine. "What do they want?"

Sirnake shrugged helplessly. "Money. If we don't give them what they want, they'll kill us."

A horrified gasp escaped Genesis' lips. "But... why do they need money in prison?"

Sirnake shook his head. "You don't know, but money can be a valuable commodity here. You can buy favors, bribe guards, or buy things from other inmates."

Genesis swallowed, his heart pounding as the reality of the situation set in. he knew they had to do something, or their lives would be at risk.

Sirnake looked up at the clock, his eyes wide with worry. "We're really in trouble," he said, his voice thick with emotion.

Coda sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I don't know if you have the power," he said, looking at Genesis. "But it's tomorrow, and we still haven't done anything."

Genesis remained silent, his eyes unfocused as he stared ahead. The clock ticked on, its ticking echoing in the room like a death march. His hands trembled, and sweat beaded on his forehead as the seconds counted down.

The tension in the room was palpable, and the mounting pressure was almost crushing. Finally, The bell rang as all inmates returned to their room.

Next day,

Genesis sat on the ground, his fingers curled in a fist and hitting against the wall. He was angry, his face was red and his breathing heavy as he tried to suppress his emotion. Coda and Sirnake were arguing, but Genesis paid no attention. He just wanted to be alone with his thoughts.

Coda broke the silence, "We don't wanna trouble you, but it was nice to meet you, friend." Genesis looked up, his gaze intense. Coda and Sirnake were headed for the shower room and he was alone.

Genesis took a deep breath before saying, "If I have to use it, I will, but until then, I won't." He dropped his head, his thoughts heavy. He was in control, but for how long?

Coda saw genesis and said "Look! There he is, our friend-- no need for any harm now." The one inmate in the middle of the inmate stepped closer, looming over Genesis, a predatory smirk on his lips. "Ah, him."

Genesis suddenly felt a wave of fear wash over him; he could barely keep himself together as his body trembled. He tried to get away, but it was no use. The inmate powerful grip kept him firmly in place. With a menacing gleam in his eye, the inmate aimed a punch at Genesis with enough force to send him flying backwards.

Genesis scrambled to his feet, trying to keep his balance. His heart raced as he saw the inmate towering above him with an eerie smile. "This is your friend? The only one wearing black?" The inmate mocked, his laughter ringing through the room. He threw punch after punch, faster and faster, as Genesis tried in vain to dodge them. He could feel the blood dripping from his wounds, and the hot tears stinging his eyes. He had never felt so powerless like this..

The group stood in stunned silence as the inmate began to rain down punches on Genesis' small body. He laughed as Genesis' face started to swell and blood began to trickle from his mouth.

Coda could feel a wave of anger and sadness washing over him. He wanted to intervene, but he was too stunned to move. He could feel the pain emanating from Genesis, and he could sense the fear in the air.

The inmate continued to hit him, and Genesis seemed to get weaker with each blow. The room was filled with a tense energy and the only sound was of Sirnake's laughter, mocking and cruel.

Finally, sirnake moved. He touch the inmate's shoulder,"stop it"

The man stopped punching, but he stood menacingly over Genesis. His fists balled up, a malicious glint in his eye that promised more pain if he didn't get what he wanted.

Sirnake pulled a burlap bag of herbs from his pocket and held it up. "Here, take it," he said in a calm but authoritative tone.

The man's gaze shifted from Genesis to the bag, and the tension in the air thickened. He uncurled his fingers and stepped back, his eyes still full of anger.

The man spat a curse before he turned and stalked away, his lackeys following in his wake.

Sirnake knelt down beside Genesis and carefully helped him to his feet. He looked into his eyes, his own brimmed with compassion.

"It's okay," he said softly. "You're safe now."

Coda tone softened as he inspected Genesis' wound. "I'm sorry that I had to do this, I just wanted to make sure you still had your power. I'm truly sorry." He stepped away as tears ran down his face.

Sirnake nodded. "I'll have the guards take you to the medical unit." He walked away,

The next day Genesis was informed that the test had been done to see if he had any power left. Although Genesis was hurt, he didn't hold any grudges against them as it was nothing much compared to the torture he went through..

Genesis sighed, his chest heavy with emotion. Even though he had gone through a lot, he was still here, still standing...

Sirnake slowly sat up in his bed as he heard the commotion outside his room. He could make out the faint voices of unfamiliar people. He quickly stood up, feeling a tingle of fear in his chest. His eyes searched the room as he tried to identify the source of the sound.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a group of inmates rushed in. Sirnake stumbled back in surprise. One of them stepped forward and stared at Sirnake with a menacing glint in his eyes.

"You still wanna join us?" He said in a low growl.

Sirnake's breathing grew heavy. He was torn between running away and standing his ground. He chose the latter and said cautiously, "Yes."

The man then gave Sirnake a long, hard look and said, "Is it true that he doesn't really have any power?"

Sirnake felt his heart skip a beat. He knew the man was referring to their leader, and he could see the anticipation in the eyes of the man and the other inmates. He swallowed hard and said, "Ah, who are you talking about?"

The man's eyes narrowed. He stepped closer and said in a low, intense voice, "You know who I'm talking about."

Sirnake felt his fear rising and he gulped, feeling his throat go dry. He replied in a quiet yet determined voice, "Oh yes that is what he is saying"

"If you wanna join us then do what I said"

Sirnake nodded ,

At night,two guards arrive at the genesis room unlocking the door,"follow us" said as genesis followed them to a room

Genesis stared in disbelief as the two guards grabbed his arms and tied them together with a rope. he cried out in protest, "Wait, what are you doing?"

"Can't you remember? We're just going to beat you," one of the guards sneered.

"Why? I haven't done anything!" Genesis exclaimed, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Because we want to," the other guard muttered menacingly.

Genesis felt his whole body go cold. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice quivering.

"Kid, we can do whatever we want here," the first guard said with a cruel smirk. "It's not just you that gets beaten up like this, okay?"

Genesis closed his eyes, tears stinging her cheeks. he felt a wave of despair wash over him. he had no choice but to accept his fate.

Genesis lay crumpled on the ground, fear and exhaustion radiating from his broken body. The two guards towered above him, sneers of power and superiority twisting their faces into a cruel parody of a smile.

"Why are you doing this?" Genesis asked, his voice trembling.

The first guard laughed. "Because we can. We have the power, the authority to do whatever we want."

The second guard nudged the first with his elbow, a silent communication passing between them. He stepped forward, looming menacingly above Genesis. "You know how it feels to have power, don't you? Even if you haven't experienced the power we have, it's the same in the end."

Genesis shook his head, desperation and pain filling his voice. "I don't have any power."

The second guard laughed. "Stop lying. You know better than that." His hand reached down and roughly grabbed Genesis' shirt, tugging it up and over his head. He stood back and watched as the first guard unleashed a flurry of fists and kicks on Genesis' helpless body.

The sound of flesh against flesh filled the air as Genesis' cries of pain echoed off the walls. The beating went on for what felt like an eternity, until finally the guards stepped away, leaving Genesis slumped and broken on the floor.

As the guards stepped out of the room, the silence was deafening. Genesis lay still as they sent someone to get genesis to his room..

In the morning after the counting and the food passing,eventually it was time for an outside time,

Coda raced to Genesis' room, fear coursing through his veins as he doesn't know what genesis thinks of him as he did something terrible to him. As he reached the door, he stopped short. Peering in, he saw Genesis lying on the bed, battered and bruised.

Coda rushed to him and frantically dropped to his knees. "Who did this? I'll call the guards!" he exclaimed, trying to rise up.

Genesis weakly waved a hand. "The guards did it," he rasped. "They told me not to tell anyone, so please don't mention it. I need to rest and heal."

Coda's shoulders slumped. He looked into Genesis' eyes, searching for the truth. He wanted to help, but didn't know how. He knew that he couldn't stay.

"Okay," he said quietly. "I'll go. Get some rest."

Coda rose and silently backed away. His heart felt heavy, as he wished he could do something more. He could only hope that this would be the last time Genesis had to suffer such a fate.