
告诉我为什么 告诉我为什


RecklessInsanity · Fantasy
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18 Chs


As Genesis and Coda ventured out to take a bath, Sirnake arrived a bit later. Genesis asked Sirnake to pass the soap, but instead of handing it to him, Sirnake chucked it away. Genesis stared at him, but Sirnake avoided eye contact and went on washing himself. Disappointed but determined, Genesis picked up the soap and began to bathe.

Afterwards, Sirnake hastily left while the two others picked out their clothes. Genesis found his clothes lying in an area of the floor where only a little bit of water had collected. He bent down to take them, feeling the fabric still slightly damp from the shallow pool. His eyes flickered with an emotion he hadn't expected to feel - a sense of connectedness to this place, despite the strange, awkward situation he had just endured.

Genesis nervously glanced at the group, his thoughts racing as time seemed to stand still. "Did something happen to Sirnake?" he asked, his voice wavering. There was a heavy silence as his gaze moved between coda and sirnake,his face a mix of worry and dread.

Finally, coda spoke. "I don't know," he said, his voice heavy, "but he's been hanging around with the other group a lot."

Next day,

Sirnake gestured towards Genesis, "Come, my boss wants to see you." As genesis looked at coda as coda nodded, and they slowly followed. As they entered the room, Genesis took in an unexpected sight- a group of prisoners..

Sirnake walked towards the group and one of the inmates stepped forward. "I heard you don't have any power," he said, looking at Genesis with a menacing expression. "Is that true?"

Genesis felt a chill run down his spine as he nodded. "Yeah, I lost it," he muttered.

"Coda, leave now," Sirnake commanded without turning back.

The inmate then pulled out a bag of white powder-like substance and emptied some on the inmate's hand. "Bring it," he said.

The inmate looked on, desperation etched on his face. He glanced at Genesis, his eyes pleading. "I-ah-i," he stammered before turning away.

Genesis swallowed hard, finally understanding the truth- that the man in the blue uniform was someone who had taken lives. He couldn't help but feel a little sorry for the prisoner, despite what he had done. He watched as the group of prisoners were led away, and as the door closed, Genesis felt an overwhelming sense of dread.

Genesis looked at the boss and sirnake, his brow furrowed in confusion. "What's that?" he asked, his voice uncertain.

The boss smiled, a cruel glint in his eyes, and he moved his hand towards Genesis. "It's a drug, kid," he said, his voice low and menacing.

Genesis recoiled, shaking his head. "I don't want that," he said, his voice a mix of fear and defiance.

His boss's lips curled into a smirk. "That's not your choice here," he said, his gaze flicking to the other inmates gathered around them. They laughed, their eyes wide with fear, and genesis realized why - they were intimidated by his black outfit, something nobody else had. It was the outfit only those who had killed with power wore but the man in front was not scared but maybe it was because of that reason..

Sirnake felt a chill run down his spine, and he knew he was out of his depth.

As genesis didn't reply as he instead was heading for the door,the boss grabbed genesis hair,

His face was twisted in an expression of vicious pleasure as he grabbed Genesis' hair and pulled his face towards his hand. He rubbed his nose in his hand, which was full of drugs. Genesis fell to the ground, his senses spinning.

The Boss laughed, his voice harsh and cruel. "Bring it more," he said, as if he was talking to someone.

At that moment, an old man entered the room. He spoke in a gruff voice, "Cut it out. Don't give kids these kinds of things."

The Boss turned to the old man, his face contorted with anger. "Old man, you said you wouldn't interfere with our things and we would do the same. Now you're stopping us!"

The old man didn't back down. "Someone came to me asking for help from his friend. Giving these kinds of things to children isn't fun." He stared the Boss down and one of the inmates stepped forward. "I'll beat this old man," he said, but the boss stretched his hand,"alright take him"

As the old man took genesis to his room to rest..

Genesis lay down in the room, far from the chaos of the outside world. He felt a sense of comfort and security from the silence and seclusion, but it was a false comfort. As his mind began to drift, he suddenly found himself thrust into a vivid dream.

As genesis woke up in the night and wiped the sleep off his face, he sat in awe of the dream he had just experienced. Someone and he had been soaring through the sky, free of any and all constraints as they watched the humans below. He felt a sense of awe and wonder, and a thrill that he hadn't experienced before. His heart was racing and his mind was still filled with the thrill and joy of the dream.

he whispered to himself, "Oh man....What a dream!" His eyes traveled around the room, taking in the new sights and sounds, as if they were a part of the dream. He felt a warmth and comfort that he hadn't felt in a long time, and a sense of belonging that he hadn't felt since he arrived here.

"It's my first time sleeping properly and dreaming since I came here"

He could almost feel the wind on his skin, the sun on his face, and the sense of liberation that comes with flying—but it was all gone in an instant as he remembered the reality of his new life.

Genesis stepped into the new environment, filled with a range of emotions that he had never felt before because of the dream. His heart raced and his eyes wide with a sense of awe and freedom, he could hardly believe this was actually happening. Suddenly, his fist clenched and a deep anguish filled his voice, "Why me? I don't deserve this." His chest heaved with emotion, displaying a range of raw feelings that he had been trying to keep hidden. Each breath seemed to bring with it a sense of fear and uncertainty, an overwhelming wave of emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. But despite all of this, he couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and wonder, a deep-rooted hope that this dream could become a reality.

Next day,

Genesis stumbled back in surprise as Coda unexpectedly entered the room. He nervously averted his gaze, trying to avoid Coda's eyes. Coda took a deep breath and sighed, his voice barely above a whisper.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I was scared. It's been like this all my life. I guess I just wanted to apologize, even if you don't forgive me."

Genesis didn't know what to say. He stared at Coda with a mixture of surprise and confusion.

"It's alright," he said softly. "I don't mind and nothing happened, so it's all good."

Coda's expression softened and he let out a relieved breath. "Thank you," he whispered.

Genesis looked and motioned towards the door. "Let's go outside," he said.

As Genesis and Coda stepped through the prison yard gates, the scene that was etched before them was indelible. Thick, oppressive tension hung in the air, and Coda could feel it like a vice around his throat, his heart starting to beat faster in a primal surge of fear. The inmate before them was cowering and pleading, Sirnake looming over him with menace, laughter dripping from his lips like sickness. The inmate immediately lowered his head in submission, his body trembling with dread, and Sirnake seemed to revel in his power, the cruel amusement in his voice reverberating through the silent prison.

Coda felt a wave of rage and helplessness wash over him as he wanted to help but was too weak and scared as he glanced at Genesis, whose face was unreadable. Without a word, Genesis motioned for Coda to follow, and together they moved towards the other side of the yard, the sound of Sirnake's laughter trailing behind them like a specter.

Next day,

Genesis was going outside the yard, his mind wandering somewhere else as he stumbled across a figure in his path. "Look where you are going," the figure said gruffly, and then seemed to recognize him. "Oh, it's you, Genesis."

Genesis didn't reply, but the figure continued. "My boss wanted to see you."

"I don't want to meet your boss," Genesis protested.

"It's for your own good," the figure said. "I asked him to stop harassing you guys, but he said he would only do it if you met him."

Genesis sighed. "Why are you doing this,sirnake?"

"I'm doing this for you," sirnake said. "Come on, I don't want to answer. Just follow me, one last time."

Genesis reluctantly followed sirnake to a room in the yard. Once they arrived, there was a group of inmates as one inmate said, "All of you, leave." Everyone left, and only the two of them remained.

Genesis shook his head, his eyes wide with apprehension. His heart raced, beating out a warning as the other person smiled, a cruel, mocking glint in his eyes. He held the bag of drugs up, shaking it lightly, almost tauntingly.

"You like this?" he asked, his voice dripping with malicious amusement.

Genesis shrank back, feeling a wave of revulsion and fear wash over him. He could feel the other person's eyes on him, like a predator sizing up its prey. He didn't trust this person, not one bit.

"Love it," the other person continued with a twisted grin, his voice filled with a sick satisfaction. "There's something so intoxicating in the power of bullying the weak. It gives me such pleasure."

Genesis shuddered, feeling a chill run down his spine. He was more determined than ever to stay as far away from this person as possible.

"So what is it" said by genesis

"Oh,it is nothing much" said as he moved towards genesis

he felt an arm wrap around his neck and his body slammed into the ground. He gasped for air as he felt the inmate pin him to the ground.

"What do you think you're doing?" Genesis shouted out, fear and confusion racing through his veins.

The stranger grinned from above him. "I'm just trying to have a little fun while we're here," he said, his voice low and menacing.

Genesis felt his heart skip a beat as he felt the stranger's hands tearing his clothes Instinctively,the inmate hands foamed over genesis body and the stranger grip tightened around genesis,

he tried to push him away. "No," he said, his voice firm and defiant. "Stop it!"

As Genesis was struggling, Sirnake entered the room with a casual stride. When he spoke, his words were gravel-like, "Ah Gambo, can you not do that?"

Gambo quickly stood, his eyes hardening as he faced Sirnake. He spoke with carefully measured tones, "I mean no disrespect but that kind of thing--let's not do that, Boss."

Gambo stepped forward and closed the door behind him. The sound of a fist striking flesh echoed in the room as Gambo's punch connected with Sirnake's face. He went flying backwards, crashing into the wall. Without missing a beat, Gambo continued, advancing towards Sirnake with each step.

His fists moved faster and faster, raining down blows. Genesis's voice filled the room with a loud and desperate plea, "Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Gambo's fist finally slowed, before finally halting. He stared down at Sirnake, who lay on the floor, broken and bruised. Genesis's words hung in the air, echoing in the aftermath of the violence.

Gambo balled his fist as he held it poised over Sirnake, who lay beneath him. He could feel the tension in the air, and Genesis watched in horror as Gambo's muscles tensed.

"This is what will happen to you," he growled, "if you tell anyone." He unleashed his fist on Sirnake with a loud thud, and Genesis winced as if he had felt the blow herself.

Gambo struck again and again, his punches becoming more and more powerful each time. The air filled with the sound of crunching bone and pained grunts, and it seemed to Genesis that the whole room was shaking with the force of each strike.

Tears welled in his eyes as he watched Gambo, his face twisted in anger, and his eyes burning with rage. He finally stopped and stood up, and his icy stare fixed on Genesis. "This is what will happen to you," he said again, his voice harsh, "if you tell anyone."

Genesis felt a chill run down her spine. he wanted to look away, to break the connection between them, but found that he could not. The room was filled with a tense stillness, and all he could hear was the sound of her own breathing.

Genesis stared in disbelief at the scene before him. Sernake lay on the ground, bloodied and bruised from the relentless beating he had received from the imposing figure of Gambo.

"Why,just why?" Said by genesis as he had tears on his eyes

"You ask why?", Gambo scoffed, his voice filled with contempt. "It is because I have the power to do so, I have the power to dominance. That is something wielded by someone powerful over not so powerful." He kneeled down and looked Genesis in the eye. "Now shall we begin what we started?"

Just then, the sound of a bell rang out, causing Gambo to rise to his feet. "I should finish it fast," he muttered. As an inmate entered the room, he said to Gambo, "The guards are coming, let's go."

Gambo started to walk away angrily, the inmate paused, He turned back and looked at Genesis and Sernake with a hint of regret in his eyes. "I'm sorry," he said, before disappearing into the shadows.

The room was silent, save for the sound of Sernake's labored breathing. Genesis slowly moved closer, apprehension and fear flooding his body. As he kneeled by Sernake's side, she looked into his battered face and whispered, "I'm so sorry."

Sernake lay motionless on the floor, his face a mask of pain. Genesis felt a wave of emotion coursing through his body - a mix of dread, anger and sadness. he wanted to help the man before him, but he was powerless to do so. All he could do was watch as Sernake struggled to stay alive.

As the tally began, two were unaccounted for. A search mission was quickly launched to locate them. Upon discovery, a horrific sight was revealed: Genesis was frozen in an alarming state of shock, clutching Sirnake whose face was painted crimson with blood. Through the description of the scene, an intense emotion of dread is evoked, leaving an ominous presence in the air.