

In a world where the gods have forsaken man, leaving them without the sun, a ruthless king called Ragnar Aldain rules. The world is in shambles, and his purpose is to slay the gods and return their world to its former glory. But in the process his son goes against him and the king banishes him, only for his son to start a rebellion. In the rat written street pirates run rampant, and the heir to the D'treroh throne becomes one of them.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasy
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66 Chs

The Dead Tell No Tales

The moment Ray'ven stepped outside the door, Bynx had her cornered, a hand against the door. "So what now? You're going to kill her? How slow did he request? Will it be like our childhood friend that disobeyed his orders? Huh? What isn't too dirty for you to do ray? Hmm? Hmm?"

Ray'ven's gaze was unamused as it landed on Bynx who practically pressed her against the wall. "I do not believe the death of some random maid should be your concern, young master." She said, slipping under his arm to continue on her way.

Bynx laughed beneath his breath. "You know she isn't random. After all, you were the one that ratted!" He pulled a four inch dagger free and chucked it, watching it sink into her shoulder. "We used to keep everything between us. Now there's nothing your traitorous tongue doesn't spill. I hope you have nightmares. I hope you see every person's face you've ever killed between each blink."

He was out of breath from yelling, following behind her with his blonde brows dipping towards his eyes. "At least tell me where you're murdering her. That's the least you can do so I can give her a proper, bloody burial. I'm your young master, I demand it. He didn't say you couldn't tell me. I would say do it because I'm your brother, but we both know I'm just someone you can't wait until my father throws out like a stone." This came hissed.

Ray'ven was glad that her back was to him, for the mask that she had spent years perfecting cracked ever so slightly. Her green-blue eyes showed more pain than the dagger that pierced her shoulder only a second before. She did have nightmares, ones that left her waking to a silent scream and kept her from a fitful sleep. Left her crying where no one else would see, her sobs drowned out by the sounds of the begging and screaming of her victims.

She could tell him this. Could mention that it had not been her that ratted his lover out to Ja'ule. Tell him that she cleaned his rooms to remove the evidence of his lady after her visits instead of the other maids. That she had personally made sure that no one spotted them together. It had only been due to her being away last week that the affair had been made aware of.

But she did not say any of this. Instead, she pulled the blade from her shoulder with a sigh, mask firmly back in place before she turned to him.

"We are no longer children, my young master and I assure you my sleep will be the same as any other night. If you wish to attend the maids flogging, it will be held in the town square. As for how long she will suffer, well…" Ray'ven's words trailed off as though in thought. "That depends entirely on her. Perhaps she is more resilient than she looks."

Bynx broke past Ray'ven, running as fast as he could to the place where she said Tamara's death would happen. He pushed past people who carried baskets of bread and glass cases of milk, knocking one person over and sending a whole cart of food spilling across the cobblestone streets. He leaped over the mess.

Regardless of their shouts he kept forcing his legs to move even though his muscles burned. Every time his foot hit the ground he remembered the promise he made to Joseph. His father would not find out. He wouldn't lead her to be slaughtered like a lamb, and yet the day had come, the skies preparing their tears as the clouds grew dark and heavy.

The Scarlet Moon left them a dark purple instead of light red, filled with rain it released. It heaved down upon the city, soaking Bynx to the core.

Lightning tore luminous lines through the heavens and thunder roared once he reached the town square.

Tamara glimpsed up with a terrified look on her face. He pulled her into his arms tightly. "I'll get you out of here. I won't let them kill you because I was being naive."

"Then what? Suffer because of me? No. I chose to be with you. Running will mean loving you was a mistake. Staying here means I do not renounce my love. It means I am not sorry for being in love with you. Respect my choice, Lord."

Bynx shook his head, grabbing hold of her hands. "I can talk to her. Just let me have a few words. She might spare you. Give you a new name and let you leave far away from here. Outside of this wretched place I only have you, and even you wish to tear that away from me!?"

Ray'ven appeared behind them, braided whip in hand. She had changed from her uniform into something more appropriate for the occasion. Leather was much easier to clean blood from than fabric.

"Ray'ven. Don't do this. You know you can spare her life. Do it for me." He stepped in front of Tamara. "What? Do you want me to, want me to get on my knees and beg?" His bottom lip was wobbling and spit along with beads of rain fell to the ground just as he dropped to his knees.

"You want me to say that you're better? That you deserve to be my father's right hand man or successor? I'll say it. I'll do anything. I'm begging you to let her live." His voice broke, hands grasping at the gravel in the street, mud squishing between his fingers as he lowered his head to bow to her. "I'll disappear. I'll die. Whatever you want." Bynx's toned shoulders were trembling, his face nearly pressed into a deep puddle, and still he wouldn't lift his head.

Tamara kept her eyes closed, mouthing to Ray'ven to make it quick while he wasn't looking. Ray'ven caught the look over Bynx's head and for the tiniest of a second, her gaze had softened in understanding before it was gone again. The whip swung through the air, right over his head, striking the woman hard. So hard her neck snapped upon the impact and she fell over with a loud thud.

"Hmm, she was not very resilient after all." She spoke blandly.

Somehow, even though his head was lowered and the rushing sound of water in his ears was loud, he could hear a snap over the thunderous rain.

A part of him didn't dare to lift his head in fear he would see the person he loved lifeless in the streets for passersby to see and mock. But he knew he'd never again see her breathe or smile when he slowly lifted his head from his kneeling position. He looked dumbfounded, confused even. Everything happened so fast he didn't even know what was going on.

His palms and knees slid over the rough gravel, swiftly turning around to look, mouth opening and closing and shock. Tamara laid face down on the ground, a stream of blood forming in the puddle.

Like a toddler, he crawled sloppily across the cobblestone and pulled her into his arms. She flopped over, her red hair in her face, her face seeming to be caught between pain and a smile. It seemed to have been even quick for her.

A sob caught in his throat. He kept trying to touch her face but his hand wouldn't allow him to. It'd move forward, then back again, like it was his fault, so guilty that a part of him didn't dare to caress her cheek like he would often do when she was alive.

Pulling her closer to his chest, he nestled his chin against her neck—weeping. Deep wailing tore from his throat. "Tamara? Tamara?" He shook her. "Agh!" He screamed, a terrible growl/ shriek before he slowly lowered her down. Bynx pulled his sword from his own sheath and charged.

"You fucking bitch. You could've taken me! You could've taken me! Me! Me! Me!" He swung the sword repeatedly at her. Unable to really see where he was really swinging since he was in shock and howling in the middle of the street.

People gasped. Others ran, dropping whatever they were doing to get away. "It wasn't enough to make my father abandon me and favor you. It wasn't enough for you to leave me in the dark then take the only thing you knew I could never lose? Have you no shame?" When he said shame, his voice went up extremely high then came back down into a deep, ferocious growl of pain.

"Do you know what it feels like to be alone? Abandoned?" Bynx tried to impale her, but he tripped and smacked his head on the corner of the bricked wall, rendering himself unconscious. There was a deep gash across his forehead as he lay on his back, mouth slightly open, sword flown from his hand while the rain continued to heave down upon him; even his golden blonde hair was slick across his face.

Another sigh left her and Ray'ven shook her head. "How very unbecoming young master." She said to the unconscious man before stepping over his prone form. Rain slick hands pulled rope from her satchel, tying the now dead woman's hands together on one end, before slinging the other over the nearby lamppost. With a tug, the body was drug upwards until it swung with the heavy rain and Ray'ven tied the rope tightly to secure her.

Without another glance back, she picked up Bynx over her shoulder and vanished on spot, appearing in the main corridor. The servant that had been dusting the windows jumped in fright at the sudden appearance and Ray'ven scoffed.

"Do be a dear and ready the young master's quarters for his rest. I expect it to be done by the time I arrive there." She said as she began to ascend the stairs. The woman scrambled by her in an attempt to arrive there before her. By the time she arrived the woman was hurrying out Ray'ven laid Bynx on the bed, quickly removing his clothing and replacing them with dry sleep attire. She hesitated for a moment, before leaning down to place a gentle kiss onto Bynx's forehead. "Forgive me, brother." She whispered so softly, so pained, before she leaned away. Swallowing, Ray'ven left his room without a backwards glance.

She had only made it halfway down the corridor, when someone grabbed her hand from one of the empty rooms and pulled her inside, the door closing behind her before familiar lips pressed themselves to her own, firm hands gripping at her waist before she managed to pull away.

Caldren, another butler to her master and her lover in secret, grinned down at her, golden eyes glinting in what little light there was. His normally neat blonde hair fell into his eyes and Ray'ven found herself pushing the strands back.

"What are you doing, Caldren? I thought you were meant to be assisting the Master with tasks for our quest?" She said, allowing him to tug her closer. His presence always seemed to calm her troubled mind.

Caldren frowned, scrutinizing her carefully, able to see that there was something bothering her. Her hair was damp as though she had just gotten from the shower, but she wore her armor meant for public punishments.

"What happened?" He asked softly, his smile turning to a frown.

For a moment, it seemed that Ray'ven would say nothing, staring him in the eyes as though trying to read him. Then, ever so slightly did she crumble, body sagging against his tiredly as she rested her head on his chest.

Caldren did not need words to wrap his arms around her in comfort, holding her as her shoulders shook with unshed tears.

They stayed like that for what seemed like ages before Ray'ven pulled away, eyes slightly puffy and red nosed and Caldren leaned down to kiss away the tears that lingered on her cheeks, cheeks that pinked under his ministrations.

"Thank you." Ray'ven whispered softly and Caldren smiled down at her, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Better?" He asked and she nodded, straightening herself to become more presentable.

"I have more things to attend to for Master, but meet me by the gardens tonight." Ray'ven pressed a lingering kiss to his lips, and Caldren leaned forward to deepen it, only for her to lean away. "Tonight, by the gardens." Ray'ven repeated, this time with a smirk.

"I will await you with bated breaths." Caldren assured her and Ray'ven snorted, slipping out the door and back into the halls. Caldren watched her go thoughtfully, running a hand through his hair before he too set out to do more tasks.

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