

In a world where the gods have forsaken man, leaving them without the sun, a ruthless king called Ragnar Aldain rules. The world is in shambles, and his purpose is to slay the gods and return their world to its former glory. But in the process his son goes against him and the king banishes him, only for his son to start a rebellion. In the rat written street pirates run rampant, and the heir to the D'treroh throne becomes one of them.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Sinner Amongst Saints Pt.2

Strelitzia wasn't sure when she'd fallen asleep curled up against the mad law's side, but she awoke hours later to quiet snores and stillness. The remnants of the fire sending specs of ash swirling upward toward the opening above where early rays of crimson moonlight peaked through. She still felt a pang of guilt for hitting James while he was injured so badly. With everyone still sound asleep she was free to go out for air. The men who attacked her had been killed, surely it would be safe now.

Venturing down the rocky corridor, out into the morning snow where flakes descended onto the growing blanket of white. There was a cave further up the hill that she'd never noticed before; mainly because her and Baeron finally cleared the biggest of the trees and she hadn't ventured out much beyond the fiasco with the flowers. The longer they stayed, the less the cold seemed to bother her despite wearing the same nightgown from the night her home had been attacked. Strelitzia trudged up towards the cave, poking her head inside.

"Hello? Anyone here?" The only answer was the echoes of her own voice and the faint burble of water from deep within. It was probably one of the outlets for all of the hot gas from the geysers Naldak liked to soak in.

Exploring further in she'd only expected to find a river and maybe some interesting plant but instead there was a woman. Her face was pale and her armor spattered with blood. She had dark hair that seemed as if it had come undone. She wondered if she'd been one of the king's men sent to battle whoever had been above them but this woman seemed far too pretty. The woman's chest still rose and fell even though she was wounded which eased some of the worry Strelitzia felt. Good or bad, she'd had enough death for a day. Tearing a strip from the hem of her nightgown and dipping it into the water, she made a makeshift bandage to press against the nasty looking stab wound near her shoulder. "Gods, this looks pretty bad. I wonder if you'd live long enough for me to go get Baeron. Someone really did a number on you, miss."

Strelitzia knew the woman couldn't hear her but at least if she could then she wouldn't freak out. Hopefully.

Ray'ven whole body felt like pain, even the parts of her that were left virtually unscathed in battle. She felt too hot and too cold under her skin and she did not doubt that she had a fever. This meant that her wounds were most likely infected. She had tried several times to wake and tend to them, but it was hard to focus and her limbs refused to move. So she'd sat there, swimming in and out of consciousness knowing that soon she would bleed out. Her mind wanted to curse Razmyr. He had claimed to be showing mercy, but he'd simply prolonged her death.

Perhaps Ja'ule would send someone in search of her? It was well past the time that she was to return to him, nor had she sent any words. Or maybe he would assume she was dead. Killed at the hands of Ragnar's men and not bother. What use was a weapon that was so easily killed? Those were her last thoughts as she was sucked back into the darkness of her mind.

In the darkness brought nightmares, memories of all those she had been left behind by. Mother, father, Ori, James. They would all walk away, leaving her alone and she could feel the cold grow a little more each time.

"Don't go, please." She begged, a whimper escaping her as she reached out to them with trembling hands. "I'm sorry," She would be better. She would do more. She didn't want to be alone. Please, come back.

"They really did a number on you, miss." The voice cut through the darkness and Ray'ven felt her eyes crack open a little. Everything was blurred and she could barely make out the figure that was crouched in front of her. Her first instinct was to grab her blade incase of a threat, but her hand only twitched under their dead weight.

"W...who…?" The word was rasped and she couched at the dryness in her throat, pain burning in her chest causing her face to contort in pain. Talking seemed to not be an option.

"Strelitzia. I'd ask how you came to be in such a condition but it's better if you rest. Would you like some water? I'm afraid I haven't got any food with me." Surely just giving her name couldn't be very harmful. The lady seemed out of her wits for the most part, mumbling in her sleep while sweating buckets. Luckily she'd gotten pretty good at fashioning makeshift cups from the wide leaves that grew on that mountain ready to soak up every little drop of moonlight.

Ray'ven drew in a ragged breath. Gods, even breathing hurt. The pain was almost enough to make her want to return to sleep, but she could not with this unknown woman here. This Strelitizia. Instead she blinked a few times, trying to get her vision to focus on the woman. Her brows pulled together as she made out some of the features which were oddly familiar to her, if not a bit older.

"O...ri?" Surely this was still a dream then? Or perhaps a hallucination brought on by her fever?. There was no way that this woman was Lady Oriana. Why would she be holed up in a mountain?

Strelitzia looked at the woman quizzically. "I'm afraid you're mistaken. My name is Strelitzia." Although considering how much she normally stood out that seemed odd. She raised the makeshift cup filled with fresh spring water to the woman's mouth. "Have a drink. Hopefully it will help with the delirium."

The sips of cool water soothed her slightly, and Ray'ven gave a soft sigh of relief. Her clothes were still damp and clung to her skin uncomfortably, but it also meant that they hadn't dried and stuck to her wounds. Her eyes stayed on Oriana- no Strelitzia- as she pulled away the makeshift cup. "Why...are you here?" She asked now that her throat was no longer bone dry. This was an odd place to find a woman who looked so much like Oriana. Was she a pirate as well? No, Ray'ven could spot the tattered nightgown that she wore, even in its worn state was it obviously made of some high class fabric. Perhaps she was a runaway?

Strelitzia said nothing for a long moment while trying to think of a reason that would make sense but not seem too suspicious. Giving her name was one thing but her whole story was another, delirious or not. "Ah, camping out for awhile to get away from the city's madness. It's been a lot more interesting than I would have thought. And you? What's your name and how did you get here? Slowly," She refilled the cup just in case. "No need to push yourself if it's too much too soon."

She was lying. Ray'ven was unsure if the girl knew that the mountains were a forbidden area or not, but if she felt the need to lie about why she was here then she was most likely hiding from someone. She took a few more sips of the offered water, feeling some strength return. Not nearly enough to portal home, but she should be able to move freely soon, if not weakly. "Ray and I walked." She said shortly. It was more like an endless stumble in the rain, but who cared for details.

"You must have been in the fight up the mountain then. Are there any other injuries besides this wound here?" By now the wound had stopped bleeding so much. Strelitzia squeezed out the cloth in the stream before re-applying it.

Ray'ven grimaced. There was a stab wound in her shoulder and well as a few cracked ribs. Something this woman would not be able to heal. Her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed slightly as she thought. For someone who was simply "camping out" why had she stayed on the mountain? Surely she was not alone here? She was obviously a noble and Ray'ven was more than convinced that she was Oriana, but even that didn't make sense. Lady Oriana was meant to be with her mother was she not? Not holed up on some mountain underneath a pirates base. Was she being held hostage?

No that didn't make sense either, hostages were not allowed to run around unattended. So who was she and why did she share her Lady's face?

Holding her tongue of all these questions, Ray'ven pushed herself painfully to her feet, wobbling slightly as her head spun. She really needed to return home. "I thank you...for your kindness. I will be...fine."

Strelitzia jumped to her feet, ready to steady her if she suddenly keeled over from her wounds. "There's someone nearby who might be able to heal you. Won't you wait a pinch? I'm afraid it would be awfully negligent for me to let you wander out into the cold alone while you're hurt."

A mage? That sent off alarm bells in her head. A noblewoman and a mage hiding away in a mountain. Lovers perhaps? Mages were either slaves or servants. Did perhaps they run away together in hopes of escaping that fate? "I...assure you. I have...had much worse. I will be fine." Ray'ven began to make her way slowly towards the entrance. If she could find some Mage Root, it would help restore some of her magick, enough to get home anyway. She was two days past her return date.