

In a world where the gods have forsaken man, leaving them without the sun, a ruthless king called Ragnar Aldain rules. The world is in shambles, and his purpose is to slay the gods and return their world to its former glory. But in the process his son goes against him and the king banishes him, only for his son to start a rebellion. In the rat written street pirates run rampant, and the heir to the D'treroh throne becomes one of them.

TheLastRemnants · Fantasy
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66 Chs

Demons And Dreams

"What happened?" Ja'ule said. His lips had moved in a bitter way though his face seemed unreadable as always, as hard and as immovable as a stone. The carriage behind her shook, and Bynx immediately flew out the side when the metal parts started folding in on itself. Even the carriage men dove, and the horse released a high pitched whine, crushing beneath the weight of folded iron and steel bars until the carriage itself looked one and the same. Blood spattered the pavement.

Bynx pushed himself up and folded his arms.

"We arrived at the prison for our investigation and the young master decided on a small detour when we finished. It was my fault. I lost control of myself at the prison and slaughtered three of their men." Ray'ven told him. There was no use to lying about it. "I compromised our position due to my lack of self control. Please forgive me, Master."

Ja'ule's face didn't move from the solid straight expression he held. His gaze pierced through her, and no one saw him when his hand moved, only Ray'ven's body twisting in the air. He stormed up to her when she landed, stilling her with one large hand. "I have too much respect for you to do more than that. I took you under my wing, the least you can do is give me that same respect. I don't care what caused you to lose control. Your respect for me should be greater than that."

He smacked her again, sending her head jarring to the right. It was a good thing he had his hand in her or she'd be airborne again. "If something happens to you, foolish naive girl, you won't have anywhere to go. And no one will bother to bury your corpse but me."

His voice came in a deep baritone rumble.

Bynx opened his mouth and caught a hand to his throat, which lifted him off the ground, kicking. "And to think my sperm created something as weak as you. Is fucking and drinking all you can do? Huh boy, answer me!"

The prince grabbed and scratched at the strong hand that left his face red, veins popping in his neck. He couldn't breathe, let alone say anything.

She had been expecting the hit, but it still did not stop the cry of pain that escaped her at its abruptness. Her body flung limply into the air and she was snatched again before she could even process it.

Her face throbbed at how hard he had struck her and she could feel blood begin to drip from her nose before she was struck again.

His words struck deep. A reminder that no one would even weep if she were to die and her head hung in shame at disappointing him. "Of course Master. Please forgive me." She asked again. The light in her eyes seemed to fade and she pressed her forehead to the dirt. "I will strive to be better Master."

She looked up the sound of Bynx gasping for breath and she pushed herself to her feet. "If you continue, he will die, Master." She placed a hand on Ja'ule shoulder cautiously . "Did you know that Valen Pardonis was imprisoned there?" She found herself asking before she could reign the question in.

Ja'ule allowed Bynx to drop from his grasp, hardened gaze slowly moving to Ray'ven. "That'll be all for tonight. Return to your rooms for tonight Bynx. You, follow me." Was all he said before his tall bulky form walked away, heading back into the hideout.

Ray'ven swallowed at the look he gave her, bowing to Bynx before she made her way behind him. Her chest felt oddly tight, getting tighter the closer they got to his office.

Ray'ven felt she already knew the answer to her question, but she needed answers. Why hadn't he told her? Why had her father even been there in the first place? And for how long?

"Is that why you failed your mission? Because of your father?" Ja'ule belted out deeply, and the word ended slightly growled as he slammed a hand on the table.

Ray'ven flinched back as his hand slammed into the table, the wood creaking under the strain and she looked down, hands fiddling with the strap of her dress. "Yes." She said quietly.

"Why? Why was he there? Has he always been?" Her words sounded thick and she swallowed down the ball of emotion that threatened to spill out. She noticed that hands shook slightly and she balled them into a fist.

"Does it matter when he abandoned you? This changes nothing. You are underneath my wings, has been that way since you were ten. Feeling sorry for him only causes you to make mistakes. I'd rather leave you clueless than acting like this. Look at you," He demanded, hardened green eyes lowering to her shaking hands. "This. This is why."

"I know he abandoned me. I know you are the one who took care of me. You are my father, my papa." Ray'ven told him. "But I still had a right to know. Why did he leave me? Was, was I that much of a burden to love? Even mama…" Her voice trailed off, broken sounding even to her own ears. She hated this weakness, hated appearing like this before the very man that had taught her to be strong.

"Watch your mouth when you speak to me as though you have a right to anything. When it comes down to the greater burden sometimes it is not for me to say. You want blame, the man you saw today is the one you should caste your eyes to. And don't mention your wretched whore of a mother in my presence again. She'd rather spread her legs for power than raise her own child. You," Ja'ule wagged one large finger in her face, and for once, upon that stoned facade surface of his, he showed a flicker of pain.

"You don't dare shed any tears over someone like that. Not in my presence. Not alone. Not in this household. Swallow it. Do what you must, ask what you want, but after tonight. This is your only family. Do you hear me?" His voice came out in a deep baritone.

Ray'ven took a deep breath, her back straightening and the shaking in her hands stopped as she looked him in the eyes. The emotion she saw there was so intense yet it set her throbbing heart at ease. "Yes, papa. Please forgive me."

They hadn't had a talk like this since she was much younger and Ray'ven felt slightly embarrassed for acting in such a way. Seeing her fath-Valen again after so long had almost shattered her already shaky composure. She has lost control over herself, something she had always prided herself in having. She wouldn't let it happen again.

Ja'ule didn't pull her into his arms, he simply patted her head, pretended it didn't happen, and turned his back to her. "Leave me, I have things to do. Prepare for another mission tomorrow. Get as much rest as you can. And don't," There in that deep unforgettable rasp of a guttural voice, was a warning. "Let this happen again."

Ray'ven bowed, placing a hand over her heart. "Of course Master. Have a good night." She said before slipping from the room. A sigh left her as she closed the door behind her and she rested against it for a moment, trying to collect herself more thoroughly. After a moment, she pushed away from the door, making her way towards her rooms. She doubted she'd sleep much tonight, but she did need rest.

Entering her room, she was not surprised to see Caldren awaiting her, sitting on the bed with a book in hand lit by a single candle that sat on her bedside table. There was no evidence of his injuries from that morning, no doubt having visited Shane, their resident healer.

Caldren's honeyed eyes glanced up at her, and he smiled a little at the sight of her, closing the book and sitting it aside. "Welcome back." He greeted, rising from the bed and Ray'ven felt her shoulders sag in exhaustion as she shuffled over to him. He opened his arms and she walked into them, laying her head on his chest with a deep sigh.

Caldren placed a kiss to the top of her head, hugging her close. "Long day I assume?" He asked and Ray'ven nodded, closing her eyes as she listened to the steady beat of his heart.

"A bit of an understatement, I fear." She said, twisting to stare up at him. "I'm sorry for Bynx. He did not harm you too badly, did he?" She placed a kiss on his chin and Caldren hummed.

"No, nothing Shane could not fix." He assured her, pulling away and grabbing both of her hands. "Come, you look tired. Let us run you a bathe." He said while guiding her to the bathroom that was attached to her bedroom.

"Cal…" She began to protest as he made her sit on the bench by the tub. There was already a steaming bath waiting there for her, and she had to admit that it looked appealing.

Caldren squatted down before her, ignoring her protest as he began to unlace her boots. "Hush, allow me to take care of you. You are tired." He tugged off her boots before standing and walking around to unzip her dress from behind. That too was removed as well leaving her in only her under garment.

"Are you my butler now?" Ray'ven asked, standing up so he could unhook her bra. Caldren chuckled, turning her around.

"Is that what you wish from me, My Lady?" He asked with a grin and Ray'ven snorted.

"I am as much a Lady as you are." She slid off the last of her clothing leaving her completely bare to his eyes and Caldren gave her an appreciative once over.

"How tempting you are Ms. Ray'ven." He praised. "But alas, a hot bath for you, then off to bed." He pulled her towards the tub and helped her settle in and this time the sigh she gave was one of bliss. Caldren stood by the tub a moment before there was a chiming sound from his coat pocket. He grimaced, pulling out the pocket watch with a frown before he let out a small huff.

"It seems I will have to put off on your massage, Raybird. The master calls." He told her. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to her forehead and Ray'ven shooed him away.

"Go, I will be fine. Master will probably not tolerate it if you are late. He is in a mood." She told him. "Massage me later."

Caldren gave her a wink before leaving her there to relax, the soft click of the door signaling his leave. Settling down, Ray'ven closed her eyes allowing the heat of the bath to sink in and sooth away all of the aches of that day. It was only a moment later did she drift off into a light sleep.

The steam of her bath rose into the air, though this time it was thicker than mist. It white suffocating clouds of smoke that rose with spot and ash. The walls, once neatly tiled, were scorched and cracking, the framed metal doors surface roiled from the flames that licked at its structure. The fumes tumbled down Ray'ven's throat as she sat there in the water with her eyes closed. Her dreams met with an odd, vividness that felt like reality.

Ray'ven gasped as smoke forced its way into her lungs, her eyes flying open to take in the flames that licked the walls around her. Leaping from the tub, she caught herself barely as slick feet slid on the hot floor in her panic. Her first thought was to create a portal to get out, but as she waved her hand nothing happened. No spark of magick, no drop in temperature, nothing.

Coughs sputtered past her lips as the smoke grew thicker and along with it her panic. Why was her magick not working? Was it an attack? Were there wards perhaps? "H-Help! Someone!" She coughed again, lungs burning.

The lights flickered and then its magical glass source burst, sending jagged shards cutting into her flesh, and the only source of luminosity was the fire that crackled along the door and snaked up the walls in bright orange and yellow. Her screams for help bounced off the walls.

There, beneath the slit of the door, a pale hand slipped underneath, then a forearm. At the elbow, it snapped backwards, patting up and up for the handle that dripped iron hued droplets on the scorched tile. Click. The door slowly creaked open. Bright white eyes and a long shadowy figure with sharp teeth and hair that floated upwards in unkempt tendrils.

A long pink tongue tumbled over those rows and rows of rotating death, blood and saliva pooling down its length and stretching across the floor towards her. Its head snapped backwards, slipping and sliding across the floor with its spider like legs reaching over its head to push it forward. Inch by inch. And then its clawed hand opened, a mouth upon its palm, grinning, coming towards her face.

The roof gave in, but its shambles wasn't what sent it hissing and scattering back. It was a sword that severed the hand at its wrist. With another swift movement, it was left protruding from the tongue of the creature.

"Mine." It screeched, those spider like legs pulling it back for retreat.

The man the sword belonged to didn't bother asking to touch Ray'ven. He was hooded, and he lifted her up into toned arms. With his own inner fire, the back wall exploded outwards, and he carried her into the fresh air into the garden outdoors. Trees shaded them, the stars twinkled and the wind wasn't as cold as before she'd fallen asleep. Or perhaps it was the warmth that radiated off of the man who held her.

Her heart stuttered at the sight of the horrid creator that clawed its way towards her and she stumbled backwards, eyes closed as she awaited its attack only to find herself scooped into the arms of an unknown person. Wide blue-green eyes stared up into the face of her savior, their features obscured by the darkness of their hood as they carried her through the hole they made in the wall behind them.

"W-who are you?" Despite the warmth of the air, a shiver still ran through her as the droplets of water on her body cooled, reminding her that she was wearing nothing out in the open air. A fierce blush made its way to her cheeks from embarrassment.

His eyes were the deepest cerulean, and around their edges was dark akin to the midnight sky; one glimpse upon them and beneath stormy waves you went, every movement they made or the way the moonlight played upon the surface was being with breath and then without.

He didn't say anything to her question, he only stared at her with the wind tossing the messy locks that hung just above his brows. Using an extended thumb, the man brushed her own wet hair from her cheek, lowering her down on the ground.

"Don't thank me yet if that's what you planned on doing." His voice was deep and assertive, a dominant crisp sound that hit all the right notes. One minute she was resting on her rear, the next she was on her back with his face inches away from her, his hand braced against the ground beside her head. Those dark wisps that were like the wings of the very bird she could've been named from tickled the tip of her nose. He then had his mouth on hers in a heated kiss, demanding all the air in her lungs she'd regained from the fire; he may have well been the inferno himself.

Ray'ven eyes snapped opened and she rose from the water with a choked gasped, coughing to try and expel the water from her lungs. She clung onto the side of the tube with shaky hands, panting and red faced as her mind finally shook away the remnant of her dreams.

The steaming water has long since cooled to lukewarm and she stood from it on trembling legs, grabbing the towel from the rack close by, shivering.

A shutter ran through her as she dried, wrapping the towel around her before making her way to her room. She could still feel the phantom hands of the man who had all but ravaged her, his rough lips on her neck. She could still taste him on her tongue and his scent lingered on her skin. Everything had felt so real.

Sitting before the vanity, Ray'ven lay her head in her hands, trying to shake the dream from her mind. But what had been that creature before the man had shown up? Why had she submitted to a man she had never met before so easily?

"Ugh!" Groaning in frustration, Ray'ven pushed away the dark damp strands of hair from her face, looking at herself in the mirror only to freeze at the sight of marks littering her neck in the same places that the man had left in her dream.

"What the fuck?" She exclaimed, looking at them closer. That was impossible. It was just a dream...right?