

Ayato Shikigami is an average 16-year-old otaku, who spends his days watching anime and playing RPG. Reality had often failed him as he finds it so boring and dry, he found a way, a way he could escape reality by watching animes but even that was temporary. One faithful day, when he was watching a scene from his favorite anime Aot, the scenes captivated him so much that he couldn't help but wish he was a part of the drama. After he wishes to be in the titan world, he found himself in the mist of a battle, where the human went to war with the titan. During the chaos, he finds out he got the ability to transform into a titan and learn a mysterious power for those he got in contact with. Using this and his knowledge, he vowed to change the history of the story, save the eldains empire, and make sure Eren never goes rogue. Note: This is my first fanfic! so don't expect something too extravagant, there will be mistakes here and there.

Kirito_K5 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

Krolva district

*Before their advance for the Beast Titan's location*

"So, this is the Jaw titan?" Levi said, looking at Ymir that had been lying on the bed.

"I believe so," Ayato responded.

It was only he, Levi, Annie, and Ava that were in the room, the rest were packing their horses, getting ready to move out.

"Ymir?" Ayato called out, moving closer to her slowly.

The look on her face showed that she was terrified, and just like Ayato right after he was freed from the cave, her body was extremely lean and dry.

"I'll go get her some food, '' Levi uttered, looking at Ymir's vulnerable state that reminded him of himself back when he was still staying with his dead mom.

He stepped out of the room, "Do you remember anything?" Ayato asked, but she gave no reply.

She just lay on the bed staring at the ceiling while twitching her neck.

"I doubt she would say anything, she's weak, both mentally and physically" Ava uttered.

"I see then.." Ayato slowly placed his hands on Ymir and the flashback started pouring in.

From when she was kicked out of the Castle, to when she got turned into a titan and when she ate Marcel too.

But something didn't add up, he saw a man wearing a black outfit and a black eye patch, holding her hair at the edge of the wall.

He threw her down from the wall with a smile on his face and with a tap of his finger she turned into a titan.

Ayato removed his hands and looked at her, "You are just a victim too uhn, he has to be stopped" Ayato stood to his feet.

Levi walked in with a plate of rice and bread, the scent of the food made Ymir's mouth water.

She instinctively stood up from the bed and yanked the plate from Levi's hands before hurriedly eating the food.

Once she was fed, she explained to them how she wanted to go back to Marley and have her revenge on Sato.

Although her blood boiled when she saw Annie, she was so angry that she wanted to turn into a titan, that was until Ayato explained to her, on how the blood was partially to blame for Annie's choices.

Ymir calmed down and asked for their help in assisting her to her path to the last wall.

And they had no reason to tell her no, since that was their mission too, or rather, Ayato's mission.

. . . . . . . .


"It spoke?" Armin uttered,

"Looks like we have an advanced titan on our hands, change of plans, Mikasa and Connie, I want you guys to go get our scouts from that tower," Levi said, pulling out his blade from his ODM gear.

"Captain, do you really think he's just going to let us do that?" Mikasa asked.

"You didn't let me finish, Ava and I will distract the titan, I want the rest of you to start heading to Krolva, if this thing proves to be a problem, we run" Levi uttered.

"Ready when you are" Ava rode her horse forward pulling out her blade.

"Charge!" Levi yelled.

They all split up into three paths, Eren , Ayato and Ymir followed those that were heading to Krolva while Mikasa and Connie went over to get the soldiers.

Bertolt was still locked inside a barrel, weakened from the lack of air he was getting.

Levi and Ava charged straight towards the Beast titan, riding their horse opposite each other.

"I can tell, it's different so watch your back" Levi uttered.

"You don't have to tell me that" Ava grinned.

"I guess violence is the only way," The beast titan said, it bent its upper body and picked up a huge rock before crushing it into tiny rubles.

It aimed its hands high before launching the rocks at Levi and Ava.

They both abandoned their horses, hooking the ODM gear to the titan's body before propelling themselves.

Meanwhile, Mikasa and Connie landed on the tower, "We are going to get you free now, please don't panic" Connie uttered.

Mikasa pulled out her blade and began cutting the ropes from their body. As soon as the female scout was free, she took to her heels and started running for life.

"Thank you for saving us" The male soldier uttered, "We failed to make the path titan free but we can still help you".

"I spot seven horses down there, Connie and I would like to assist the squad heading to Krolva, if you could lend your assistance in taking care of the Beast titan that'd be great," Mikasa said, she didn't even wait for their response before she jumped down and rode her horse straight to Ayato's side.

"I sincerely apologize, I totally understand if you are not up to facing a titan, I advise going to my village, it is just at the left side of here I'm sure-".

Connie was cut off by the look on the soldier's faces, "What's wrong?" Connie asked.

"The village at the left? That was where the Beat titan was coming from" One of the scouts said.

"No way!" Connie jumped down from the tower and straight on his horse, "I'm coming mum!" He yelled.

"Listen, I'll go after the cadet, you guys see if you can help captain Levi slay that thing," The male scout said, before going down the stairs and taking a horse to chase after Connie.

The scouts are all lay down on the tower, and neither of them had any motivation to go anywhere.

Meanwhile, Mikasa managed to catch up with her team just as soon as they had gotten to the outer gate of Krolva, they were now in titan territory.

"We are so close," Jean said.

"Right! Let's go" They each rode their horse out of the gate, "Don't stop for any reason, move like your life depends on it, 'cause it does" Jean yelled.

Titans were all around them, trying to grab them and they charged through avoiding as many titans As they could.

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