

Ayato Shikigami is an average 16-year-old otaku, who spends his days watching anime and playing RPG. Reality had often failed him as he finds it so boring and dry, he found a way, a way he could escape reality by watching animes but even that was temporary. One faithful day, when he was watching a scene from his favorite anime Aot, the scenes captivated him so much that he couldn't help but wish he was a part of the drama. After he wishes to be in the titan world, he found himself in the mist of a battle, where the human went to war with the titan. During the chaos, he finds out he got the ability to transform into a titan and learn a mysterious power for those he got in contact with. Using this and his knowledge, he vowed to change the history of the story, save the eldains empire, and make sure Eren never goes rogue. Note: This is my first fanfic! so don't expect something too extravagant, there will be mistakes here and there.

Kirito_K5 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs


"Is he alright?" Ava asked, coming down from her horse before walking towards Ayato who was still groaning in pain.

"Oh God! it's hurts like hell!"

"Yeah... he should be okay, I guess" Mikasa replied, but her eyes were still fixated on the titan that turned into a human.

"Tell me I'm seeing things, did that titan turn onto that?" Ava asked, moving closer to Mikasa.

Ayato slowly got to his feet while using his other hand to block the bleeding on his decapitated arm.

"I have to help them," Ayato uttered, "Commander Ava, we need to get these soldiers out of here, or at this rate, they'll all be wiped out".

He looked around to see more titans coming from the forest. The female titan and the armored titan were still causing havoc while Levi, Eren and some scouts were fighting them off.

"That isn't exactly an option with all these titans on our back, we're screwed either way" Ava responded, "Commander Erwin and some soldiers are already heading to the wall, only a few of us are left behind to keep the titans busy… you know why?".

"And I'm telling you it doesn't have to be that way, no one else has to die!" Ayato yelled, "it's me and Eren they want, we can beat them here and now".

"I'm not leaving you to fight by yourself" Mikasa spotted a titan coming from their left.

She hooked her ODM gear to its arm launching herself upward while Ava took out the titan's legs bringing it to the ground for Mikasa to cut off its nape.

Even with there being limited trees to use their ODM gear on, they still proved skilled against the titans.

"Tell you what, if you are going to beat the female titan then you'll need our help" Ava moved closer to him, touching his forehead with hers, "We'll take care of the smaller guy while you handle the big guns, plan?"

"Sounds like a plan".

Mikasa pulled Ayato away from Ava, "When you go titan if you feel the slightest change you come out of there okay?" Mikasa yelled.

Ayato sighed, "I don't plan on going out that easily".

"Opps she found you, better late than sorry" Ava said.

The female titan left where she was battling and started charging toward Ayato leaving the armored titan behind.

"It's your call sweetheart" Ava got on her horse, holding her blade straight for battle.

Mikasa stood on her horse, looking at Ayato with a stern face, "Whatever path you choose, I'll follow, if you still want to run-"

"Run?" Ayato laughed moving towards the female titan, "I've done enough running, I'll write a new history, one where titans are mare fantasies for a brighter age!".

Lightning began to surge from his injured arm, he became enveloped in the lightning before he turned titan.

He gave out a loud shriek, slamming his fist to the ground before charging toward the female titan.

Eren, still in his titan, heard the roar, "Ayato?" He used his legs to push the armored titan away from him before standing to his feet.


Ayato punched the female titan but she blocked it with her hand, using both his knee and hand Ayato also blocked the kick that she sent to his guts.

Ayato covered his left hand with lightning before striking at the female titan, the punch pushed her back a few feet away from Ayato.

While the upper part of his body was bent forward, his titan's body was became completely covered in lightning, his red eyes glowed underneath all the lightning surging through his body.


With one step, the earth scattered as Ayato zoomed past the female titan in almost an instant. He stopped running and turned back to face the female titan.

"That was too fast, again" He lowered his upper body and zoomed again but this time he arrived in front of the female titan.

She didn't even see him move, it was almost like he disappeared, he started rushing her with punches, moving her back with each hit.

Ayato was laughing like a madman as he kept breaking her defenses. It didn't take too long for the female titan's arms too fall off and her body filled with open injuries.

Ava standing on a titan's head, looking at the way Ayato was overwhelming the female titan, "He's really going at it… can't say I'm surprised".

"Captain Levi!" Mikasa yelled after slicing one of the titan's nape, "We need to move the titan away from the fight".

Levi, covered in blood, looked at Mikasa, "What do you mean fight?" he asked.

"Ayato is fighting with the female titan as we speak, there's a chance she could call for backup again,…" Mikasa uttered.

"I see…" Levi turned to see Ayato punching the female titan.

"For Petra…. The soldiers you killed!… Every last one that died by your hands! Die!" Ayato yelled as he kept throwing his punches.

"It's not like we have a choice.. scouts!…" Levi yelled, " Leave the armored titan for Eren to take out, make sure to stop any and all titan that chooses to interfere".

"Thank you, sir," Mikasa uttered.

"I'm not doing you a favor, too many men have died, I hate to admit the fact that I'm getting sick of titan".

"You deserve every shit that happens to you.. die you bastard!" Ayato threw a heavy punch that sent her head flying off her body.

Ayato walked towards her, using his hands to split her body in two from her nape down.

Annie, with her eyes filled with fear, watched as Ayato's titan stared down at her, it gave out a loud roar, one so loud that Annie froze up.

"I'll kill you right here and now, and then go back to kill Reiner and then Zeke, I'll put an end to the hell you idiots are trying to create…" He roared.

"Help me!" Kirsta yelled as she ran towards where Ayato was fighting with one titan chasing after her.

Ayato stood to his feet and waited for her to pass her before punching the titan's head off.

Ayato laughed, "Weaklings, it's almost depressing" He chuckled.

"Ayato! It's you isn't it" Krista asked, riding her horse closer to him.

Ayato's titan knelt down and Ayato came out of the nape, "I almost lost it again" He held his head.

"Are you okay?" Krista asked.

Ayato jumped down from the titan as soon as he spotted Annie still sitting in the female titan's remains.

"It's not safe here, let's go" He held her hand, and all of a sudden he started seeing different flashbacks all in one go.

He immediately removed his hands, "Hybrid…" He murmured.

"Ayato? Are you alright?" Krista asked with a look of concern on her face.

"Yeah… just a splitting headache.."He smiled, before walking towards Annie, who was still frozen in fear.

Ayato walked to her front and placed one knee on the ground, "I can kill you here,.and that would be that… or I can give you a chance… I wanna ask you something."

"It's been bothering me for a while now, your attack on shiganshina, you didn't break the wall and yet you still managed to get into the district, it's not an argument that you were the cause of the titan raid.

The question is how? How were you able to get over the walls?" Ayato asked.

. . . . . . .


Sorry for the late update, nothing much to say though except everything starts to reveal from here on.

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