
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 8: Yuki's childhood (2)

Four more years have passed since that day and now Yuki is already eight years old. These four years were mostly focused on training. During his magic training he more or less realized that as he grows older, his body becomes more and more that of a Flügel and less that of a Human.

Over time, Yuki had blossomed into a strikingly handsome young man, a fact that ignited envy among his male peers. The alluring aura that surrounded him seemed to draw the attention of most females, leaving his contemporaries both impressed and envious of the magnetism he effortlessly exuded.

Moreover, his height towered above others his age, leaving them looking up at him with a mix of awe and jealousy. It was as if he possessed an innate advantage that set him apart, further fueling the embers of envy among those who yearned to match him.

Yet there was one aspect of Yuki that no one coveted, his personality. Unruly and daring, he seemed to be an irrepressible troublemaker, constantly pushing the boundaries of authority. His penchant for dozing off in class was a source of exasperation for his teachers, provoking their ire on a regular basis, while his attitude towards his classmates annoyed them to a great extent.

Rules and restrictions seemed to hold little sway over him, as he defiantly unleashed his quirk in public spaces, despite it being strictly forbidden. It was as if he reveled in pushing the boundaries, daring the world to challenge him.

But even amidst the exasperation he elicited, there was a glimmer of admiration. Yuki's unyielding spirit and fearlessness in the face of societal norms garnered a sort of begrudging respect from some.

The familiar scenario played out once more, Yuki's tendency to doze off during class was the bane of his math teacher's existence. As he neared his desk, the teacher's frustration bubbled to the surface, leading him to vent his exasperation by clapping a book sharply against the surface of Yuki's desk.


The sudden impact jolted Yuki awake with a start, the loud sound echoing through the classroom. A rush of adrenaline coursed through his veins, dispersing the remnants of sleep that still clung to his mind.

"Good morning, Mr. Takehara," the teacher began, the undertone of frustration palpable in his voice. "How about demonstrating your math skills on the blackboard? Surely, this simple problem won't prove too difficult for someone of your intellect."

This was nothing new to Yuki. He couldn't help but step forward, approaching the board with a bemused expression. As he glanced at the task, a sly thought slipped through his mind: "Since when did we have such complex equations?" Yet, he relished the challenge.

With a moment of contemplation, Yuki's thoughts raced like a storm, lightning flashes of insight illuminating his mind. 'Let's unravel this equation,' he silently mused, determination etched into his features. Without hesitation, relying on the knowledge of his previous life, the chalk moves across the board with finesse, unraveling the equation before him with ease.

The result was nothing short of astonishing, leaving the entire classroom stunned, the reason being that equation was something years ahead of their current curriculum. With each correct answer, the teacher's annoyance grew, his initial intention to use difficult questions as a form of punishment for the drowsy student backfiring spectacularly. The more formidable the equation, the more Yuki seemed to thrive and so, the teacher decided this time to use this kind of trick to finally once see Yuki admit defeat, but once again it backfired and instead stunned him.

"Can I go to my place?" Yuki asked, a daring glint in his eye as he stifled a yawn. The teacher knew all too well that Yuki's question was nothing more than a thinly veiled request to retreat to his favorite nap spot.Despite his resistance to Yuki's sleeping antics, he couldn't deny the undeniable truth, Yuki was his best student.

"Go to your place and pay attention to class," the teacher commanded, his tone firm. He had already grown accustomed to this routine. And, just as expected, as soon as Yuki returned to his seat, the classroom bore witness to the gentle lull of his slumber.

In the past, some teachers had attempted to deal with Yuki's slumber by sending him to the dreaded principal's office, hoping that the stern discipline would quell the sleeping troublemaker. However, the results of their attempts left them baffled and astounded. One particular teacher, who had reported Yuki's defiance to the director, found himself thrust into a surreal encounter that defied all logic.

After his lesson ended, he ventured to the director's office himself to get Yuki back to attend the rest of the classes, but what saw there was beyond the bounds of comprehension.

'What on earth is happening here?' The teacher's thoughts raced as he stepped into the principal's office. And there, before his disbelieving eyes, was Yuki, sound asleep, his unruly slumber undeterred even by the intimidating aura of the principal.

The teacher's mind churned with bewilderment, caught in a whirlwind of thoughts as he struggled to comprehend the inexplicable scene before him. 'How could this be?' he pondered, his eyes darting between Yuki, the principal, and the office surroundings, seeking any hint of rationality in this surreal scenario.

His gaze settled on the principal, and a sudden realization struck like a bolt of lightning. 'Yuki, you bastard, bribed the principal!' The words echoed in his mind, a conclusion formed from aligning the puzzle pieces scattered before him. The director's demeanor spoke volumes, a silent declaration of 'Nothing to see here, everything's perfectly normal.'

Since that day, word of the mesmerizing encounter spread like wildfire among the faculty. The memory of that shocking revelation, seared into the minds of the educators. From that moment forward, a silent understanding settled upon the teachers, mostly agreeing to no longer punish Yuki. Some came to the conclusion after a small donation from Yuki, while others accepted that it is useless anyway.

And so, the school day unfolded like any other. Yet, as the final bell chimed, an abrupt transformation took hold. With a start, Yuki's eyes snapped open, his lethargy vanishing as if it were an ephemeral dream. In a blink, he utilized his teleportation magic, whisking himself away from the confines of the classroom and towards the comfort of home.

However, upon arriving, a surprise awaited him, a motherly ambush. There stood Ayumi, resolute in her mission to finally introduce Yuki to high society. Yuki's parents wanted to introduce their son since a long time ago, but Yuki had always found a reason to elude these social gatherings, be it the lack of suitable attire or his acts of sudden disappearing before the beginning of the party.

"We need to buy you some clothes," Ayumi declared, her determination evident in her unwavering gaze. This time, she was confident that Yuki would have no time to suddenly disappear or find an excuse like not having suitable clothes, as they still had the whole afternoon to buy them and then get rid of whatever excuses he could come up with.

Faced with this unexpected ultimatum, Yuki's mind raced. 'Why does it have to be today?' he thought, seeking any loophole to escape the impending social ordeal. He had mastered the art of evasion, but his mother had anticipated every excuse, leaving him without a route of escape.

Ayumi's master plan was evident, to keep the invitation secret until the last moment, depriving Yuki of any chance to evade the inevitable. Her tactics were calculated, and the element of surprise ensured that he had no time to concoct a convincing excuse. It was a strategy that Yuki couldn't help but begrudgingly admire, even as it left him cornered with no viable escape.

Yuki's mind raced as he sought to conjure a believable excuse. 'Think, think,' he urged himself, desperate to find a way out of this social entanglement. For a minimalistic and training addicted person, such events were nothing short of torture. After all, it did it prevent him from training.

With a quick-witted resolve, he blurted, "Today, I already have plans to meet with my friend. How about another time?"

The words lingered in the air, but Yuki's mother, Ayumi, remained unfazed. She saw through his ruse, her instincts sharp as a blade. "Call him," she challenged, her voice tinged with knowing certainty. "If your 'friend' confirms your story, then I will accept your excuse."

The emphasis on the word 'friend' shows her insight into Yuki's reality. In his heart, Yuki knew there was no one to call, no comrade to vouch for his fictional plans. The truth had cornered him, leaving him with no choice but to face the inevitable. After all, Yuki always avoided social interactions with anyone he considers a 'background character', as well as him having the mind of a 15 year old in the body of an eight year old, resulting in him not having a single friend.

And so, caught in the intricate web of his mother's determination, Yuki found himself whisked away to a bustling shopping mall. As they perused the myriad of clothing options, Yuki's thoughts whirled like a tempest. 'Plan B,' he thought, an audacious scheme concocted on the spur of the moment. His plan was to feign interest in the clothes, leading his mother on a merry chase while secretly slipping through her fingers.

One after another, Yuki offered a ton of excuses to avoid settling on any particular outfit. "This one doesn't quite fit me," he'd say, or "That color clashes with my style."

But Ayumi was no stranger to Yuki's antics. Her patience, once unwavering, had now reached its limits. As she observed him try on yet another suit, his protestations rang in her ears like a familiar melody of resistance.

"Fits perfectly, we'll take it," Ayumi asserted, her voice a firm resolve. But Yuki, ever the trickster, couldn't resist one final gambit. "But wearing it is uncomfortable and hot," he complained, the words escaping like a last-ditch effort to squirm free from his mother's clutches.

Ayumi's exasperation was palpable as she retorted, "This is already the 20th time you've said this!" Yuki's constant complaints had tested her resolve, and now she stood resolute, determined to see this through to the end.

"Then let's take this one." Yuki's voice betrayed a hint of resignation, a flicker of defeat evident in his gaze as he surveyed the suit before him. He had always tried his utmost to resist his parents' insistence on attending these mundane high society parties, finding them nothing but stifling and tiresome, a relentless intrusion upon his cherished training time.

But this time, his mother's resolve was unshakable, her determination an immovable force. Yuki sensed the weight of her determination, knowing that she would go to any lengths to ensure his participation in the event.

As he stood amidst the array of suits, a wild notion flitted through his mind. 'Villains, where are you when you are needed?' he silently pleaded, wishing for an untimely interruption that would whisk him away from this impending social ordeal. A chance encounter with a villain, an unpredictable twist of fate, anything to grant him respite from the party that awaited him.

But alas, fate seemed to have a different plan in store for him. No villain appeared to disrupt his fate, leaving Yuki ensnared in his mother's unyielding grasp. In fact it was that quiet that one might assume that this is the silence before the storm.

After their triumphant shopping spree, they returned home, the anticipation of the impending party hanging thick in the air. Yuki's mother, Ayumi, wasted no time in setting the tone for the evening. "I will prepare myself for the party," she declared, her excitement palpable. "You better do the same."

Yuki's mind raced with a mix of emotions, part defiance, part reluctance. He couldn't help but envision the crowd of high society figures, their shallow conversations and artificial smiles clashing with the authenticity he cherished. With a glance that spoke volumes, Yuki turned away, his expression an unspoken declaration of rebellion. "Never," his eyes seemed to say, the prospect of conforming to high society's norms a bitter pill to swallow.

Yet, Ayumi was not one to be swayed by mere facial expressions. She saw through his silent rebellion, a knowing glint in her eye. "If you are not ready at that time," she added, "you can fund your quirk training yourself!"

The threat hung in the air, a bold ultimatum that left Yuki's heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and determination. His training was his passion, his essence, and the thought of funding it on his own seemed a formidable challenge, one that he wasn't sure he was ready to face. Despite being rich, he lacked the connections to acquire the equipment he used.

Some time ago, a spark of determination had ignited within Yuki's soul. He knew that to use the full potential of his powers, combat experience was a must. With relentless persuasion, he managed to convince his parents to invest in a few formidable combat robots. These robots were a coveted rarity, accessible only through the right connections, yet Yuki's unwavering resolve and his parents' unconditional love brought them to his doorstep.

With the robots at his disposal, Yuki dived into combat training with an intensity that was unmatched. His transformation was astonishing, due to him awakening the true nature of a Flügel, an entity created for war, an incomprehensible God-Slaying battle addicted maniac. Every clash of metal and every burst of energy seemed to awaken something primal within him, a force of nature yearning to unleash its fury upon the world.

One day, as Yuki immersed himself in combat, his mother observed with a sense of relief. She believed she had finally discovered a weakness she could exploit to bend him to her will. 'Finally,' she thought, 'I've found a way to convince him to finally get him to attend these social gatherings, like every other rich kid in this land does.' This ultimately culminated in this plot of hers.

"That's unfair, you promised…" Yuki's voice rose defiantly, his determination to resist the trappings of the high society party unwavering. He yearned to focus solely on battling against the formidable robots that had become the crucible of his training.

Unbeknownst to Yuki, 'God' granting his wish to become a Flügel, influenced his thoughts and shaped his instincts. The Flügel, a race created by the god of war for the purpose of war, carried within them an insatiable thirst for the thrill of battle, and Yuki was no exception.

'I must train, I must become stronger,' his mind echoed with an unwavering resolve. But this thirst for power clashed with the plans of his mother, Ayumi, who saw in Yuki's.

"No buts," Ayumi stood her ground, her gaze steely and resolute. The time for indulgence had passed, and she knew that now was the moment to assert her parental authority. She had spoiled her son for too long, and she was determined to reign him in and mold him into a more compliant figure.

Yuki's mind churned with conflicting emotions, a whirlwind of realization and reluctant acceptance settling within him. 'This time, there's truly no way out,' he conceded to himself, a sense of resignation creeping into his thoughts.

"Fine," he muttered, his voice tinged with both defiance and reluctant submission. Until now, Yuki had relished the freedom of his second life, the chance to explore the world and avoid the shackles of responsibility. In this new life, he had immersed himself in combat, honing his skills to become a force to be reckoned with, aspiring to become the strongest the world had ever seen.

"When the canon starts," he muttered, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, "I'll be ready. Strong enough to make mess with anyone and anything." Too bad 'God' had other plans for the reincarnate, with the plot of this world being the least of his problems.

Starting with this chapter releases are always Monday 00:00 and Friday 00:00

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