
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 7: Yuki's childhood (1)

It had been a day since Yuki first awakened his quirk. The previous day, after the initial manifestation of his quirk, he had been promptly escorted to the hospital for a thorough examination. The medical professionals were determined to ensure that his quirk hadn't brought any unexpected complications to his physical well-being.

As the extensive checkup concluded, Yuki's body felt drained, a result of the exhaustive tests and the lingering effects of his quirk's awakening. After this demanding day, he was tired and went to bed to sleep, bringing us to the present day.

Although normally he should not be able to feel tired due to his wish to become a Flügel, but to allow Yuki to better blend into human society, 'God' made it so that he only becomes a true Flügel after reaching a certain age. Until that day, he only has the appearance of one with a body that is stronger compared to a human.

As the sun rose, Yuki's morning routine began like any other. Surrounded by the comforting presence of his family, he savored a delightful breakfast. Soon after, one of the diligent servants escorted Yuki to his kindergarten.

Yet, Yuki couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration in this peculiar situation. Having the mind of a fifteen-year-old confined within a kindergarten was like torture to him. Spending half his day with four-year-old children, adorable as they may be, presented a challenge that tested his patience.

Today was an especially exasperating day for Yuki, as the kids swarmed around him, bombarding him with endless questions. Under normal circumstances, he would have sought solace in a quiet corner, immersing himself in meditation to harness the boundless potential of the Elementals pulsating within his being. But alas, that respite was denied to him on this particular day.

"Yuki-kun, did you awaken a quirk yesterday?" one of the curious children ventured, unable to contain his intrigue.

Indeed, Yuki's absence from kindergarten the day before had stirred up a whirlwind of speculation among his peers. In this world, when a child was inexplicably absent for a mere twenty-four hours, it sparked a wave of conjecture that pointed straight to the awakening of a quirk.

"Impossible, Yuki already has these cool wings," asserted another child, adamantly convinced that Yuki couldn't possibly awaken a quirk, due to already having one.

Within the bustling confines of the kindergarten, some of Yuki's peers dismissed his outward appearance as a hereditary trait, an attribute he had possessed since the day he was born. This notion led them to conclude that Yuki had been devoid of a quirk until this very moment.

It wasn't entirely unfounded, for such phenomena had been witnessed before, albeit rarely. In rare cases certain traits, seemingly unrelated to quirks, manifested in offspring, bequeathed by one of their parents. Fumikage, with his avian visage and a quirk wholly unrelated to his appearance, served as a vivid example of this.

Meanwhile, there were those who theorized that Yuki possessed a mutation quirk. Little did they know that Yuki could use magic, due to him never mentioning it and never using it in front of the kids.

Eager to escape the relentless onslaught of inquiries and find solace in a quiet corner, Yuki swiftly responded, "Yes, I did awaken a quirk."

Following his admission, the children, fueled by insatiable curiosity, fired off a barrage of queries, each question tumbling over the next in their rush to uncover the secrets of Yuki's quirk.

"What kind of quirk do you have?" one child blurted out, his eyes wide with anticipation.

"Is it powerful?" chimed another, her voice brimming with excitement and a hint of envy.

"Can you show us?" pleaded a chorus of young voices, their curiosity palpable in the air.

One after another, the children crowded around, their questions pouring forth like a torrential rain, overwhelming Yuki's senses.

"Sure," Yuki replied, as he conjured a miniature tornado-like wind in the palm of his hand. "My quirk is called Stormbringer. It grants me the power to create and command all manner of storms."

A chorus of awe and admiration echoed through the kindergarten, as the children marveled at the spectacle before them. "Cool!" exclaimed one child, his eyes shining with wonder. "Your quirk is so strong," added another, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and longing. "I wish my quirk was as amazing as yours," sighed a third, her expression a delicate blend of envy and admiration.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions that swirled around him, Yuki couldn't help but notice a voice, soft but resolute, rising from the midst of the group. "I'm sure I will awaken an even more incredible quirk," declared a quirkless child from the same kindergarten.

"No Quirk usage in kindergarten," one of the supervisors sternly warned Yuki, her voice laced with authority as she witnessed his quirk in action.

Yuki nodded, acknowledging the supervisor's admonition, fully aware of the rules and regulations in place. As the children around him caught wind of the warning, they dispersed, the excitement that had fueled their curiosity fading like a passing breeze. In their retreat, not a single soul lingered behind, leaving Yuki standing alone in the wake of their departure.

Despite spending a considerable amount of time in this kindergarten, Yuki found himself adrift in a sea of solitude, without a single friend to call his own.

The persistent efforts of the staff to encourage Yuki to join in and play with the other children had become a familiar tune, one that Yuki staunchly resisted time and time again. Instead, he sought refuge in the quiet corners of the kindergarten, immersing himself in meditation. Today was no different. After satisfying the children's curiosity with the display of his quirk, he retreated to his sanctuary once more, beginning to meditate to be able to better and more efficiently control the elementals in his body.

Eventually, the time arrived for Yuki's departure from the kindergarten. It was his grandmother, Mayuri Takehara, who came to pick him up. While his parents were consumed by their demanding work, leaving them unable to attend to him personally, his grandmother, having retired after Yuki's father succeeded her as the family head, had embraced the role of caregiver with unwavering devotion.

Prior to Yuki's birth, his grandmother had roamed the world. However, the birth of Yuki brought a new chapter in her life, one defined by nurturing and protecting her beloved grandchild in the absence of his parents. As a result of her always taking care of Yuki and her still looking rather young, many assumed her to be Yuki's mother.

"Miss Takehara, Yuki still refuses to play with the other kids, always secluding himself in one corner," one of the concerned kindergarten workers relayed to Mayuri, their tone tinged with a sense of resignation, having expressed the same concern on numerous occasions.

Mayuri, well-acquainted with this recurring situation, scooped up Yuki into her embrace, her arms enfolding him in a comforting embrace. Together, they made their way to the waiting car, where the Takehara family's dedicated driver stood, ready to transport them home. As they settled into the vehicle, Mayuri couldn't help but voice her complaint.

"Why can't you play with the other kids like any other normal child?" she asked, her words laced with a mixture of genuine curiosity and a hint of playful exasperation. Deep down, though, she knew the answer would likely elude her. The complexities of Yuki's extraordinary nature seemed to dance just beyond reach.

Yuki's gaze wandered out of the car window, his eyes capturing glimpses of a world bustling with children engrossed in their playful antics. A flicker of contemplation danced across his features before he turned to his grandmother, a subtle smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I suppose I just have different interests than them," he mused, his voice holding a touch of conviction. "Who wants to be normal anyway?"

This exchange between Yuki and his grandmother had become a familiar refrain, a conversation they engaged in nearly every day. His entire family knew Yuki was abnormal and a genius, but they were still worried about him and hoped that he could at least make one friend. Over time they suspected that Yuki also had some kind of intelligence boosting quirk, due to his rather mature behavior for his age as well as his keen intellect.

Intelligence and wisdom quirks were not uncommon in the Takehara family, in fact every few generations an exceptional genius would emerge to take the family business to another level. In fact, the first ever 'intelligence' related quirk appeared in this family, and it was this person's wisdom that allowed the Takehara family to thrive to this day. His plans led many to believe that he was from the future, as his plans were so perfect.

The occurrence of the Destro Revolution, the emergence of vigilantes to protect society, the rise of an unstoppable crime boss and the establishment of the Hero System, among others, were things that Man predicted over 200 years ago. Not only did he predict these events, but he also accurately predicted the outcomes and how the family could best benefit from them, resulting in the behemoth that is the Takehara family of today.

Yuki glanced out of the car window for a moment before turning to his grandmother with a slight smile. "I guess I just have different interests than them. Who wants to be normal anyway?"

Upon arriving home, a question tugged at Yuki's thoughts, prompting him to turn to his grandmother. "Grandma, how can I best control my quirk?" he inquired. He knew that Mayuri also possessed a quirk related to wind.

Mayuri paused for a moment, her gaze meeting Yuki's. "That, my dear, is unique to each individual," she began, her voice carrying a comforting reassurance. "There is no one-size-fits-all answer. However, I can offer you a piece of advice. Close your eyes, imagine what you want to achieve with your quirk, and then slowly push yourself beyond your limits by gradually increasing the scale of your abilities."

As she spoke, Mayuri gestured with a graceful sweep of her hand, showcasing her words through a tangible example. "For instance," she continued, a smile adorning her face, "imagine the wind flowing in a certain direction, and then add intricate curves to its path." With a graceful motion, she demonstrated the concept to Yuki, his eyes locked onto her every movement.

Yuki can already summon massive calamities with his quirk, however, he found himself grappling with a disheartening truth, he had no control over the storms he conjured. While he could dictate the size of the storms, molding them into towering behemoths or gentle breezes with a mere thought, the movement eluded his command. Unlike magic, where he already has the knowledge in his head because of his wish, his quirk is completely different, he still has to find out how it works.

One might argue that Yuki should simply overlook his quirk, considering his magic, an ability that could achieve similar feats. However, Yuki's determination refused to yield. He yearned to unlock his full potential, even if it meant undertaking rigorous training to master his quirk.

While magic relied on the manipulation of elementals, Yuki's quirk functioned more akin to a natural bodily process, drawing upon his stamina. It served as a fallback for instances where access to his elementals was restricted or when his elemental reservoir was depleted.

With resolute determination burning in his eyes, Yuki recognized the need to refine his control over his quirk. It became apparent that his way towards mastering its power would require dedication and perseverance. And so, from that day forward, Yuki incorporated quirk training into his daily routine.