
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 15: Sky Egg Incident (1)

Today was shaping up to be just like any other day, or so Yuki thought. But as his parents dropped the bombshell, revealing that he was once again required to attend yet another party, his enthusiasm plummeted. Parties were never his cup of tea, and he found himself dreading the social gatherings that were a common part of his family's obligations.

'Another one? Seriously?' Yuki's inner voice groaned, 'I've lost count of how many of these I've had to endure.'

Despite his reluctance, Yuki knew there was no escape. Over the years, he had become somewhat accustomed to these formal affairs, but they still managed to dull his spirits. Yet, he had to admit, the fact that he now knew some of the regular attendees made the prospect a little less daunting.

This time, it was the farewell party of Captain Celebrity. As staunch supporters of hero agencies, the Takehara family's presence was non-negotiable. Their reputation and influence meant that their attendance was not merely a courtesy but an expectation.

As soon as Yuki heard the theme and location of the party, his whole demeanor shifted. His parents couldn't help but notice the sudden change, and suspicion clouded their minds.

'What's going on in that head of his?' they wondered, curious about their son's intentions. Little did they know that Yuki's change of heart was not driven by a devious plot but by the prospect of attending a thrilling incident he had read about in the Vigilantes spin-off of My Hero Academia. The event was set to unfold exactly during the party at the Tokyo Sky Egg.

'This is it, the perfect opportunity to see how far I've come and what I'm capable of,' Yuki thought, a grin of anticipation forming on his face. The prospect of confronting villains, not too formidable but enough to make things interesting, thrilled him to the core.

As they arrived, Yuki couldn't help but be intrigued by the location of the party itself, the Tokyo Sky Egg. Its audacious design left him both impressed and bewildered. Who would dare construct such a conspicuous structure, practically inviting villains to attack?

'Finally, some familiar faces in this sea of strangers,' Yuki thought with relief as he spotted Shoto among the crowd at the Tokyo Sky Egg. It was reassuring to have his friend by his side, especially at an event he had no real interest in attending. Shoto, ever composed, greeted Yuki with a nod, knowing his friend well enough to sense his mixed emotions about the party.

'And there she is,' Yuki mused as he noticed Momo approaching. He couldn't help but smirk, remembering the encounters they had in the past. Despite her occasional annoyance at his playful antics, Momo's lack of other companionship often led her to join Yuki and Shoto. Yuki still enjoyed teasing her up to this day by using 'Momo-chan' whenever the situation wasn't too serious.

Their trio weaves through the party, exchanging nods and pleasantries with various guests. Yuki's mind, however, is focused on more than just the festivities, he is attentively using detection magic to immediately find out once the incident is about to happen.

As the party starts, the spotlight shifts to the center stage, capturing the attention of every spectator gathered around, followed by a hushed silence that envelops the room. The atmosphere crackles with excitement, and Yuki's heart quickens with each passing moment.

A Hero show commences, and one by one, Pro Heroes step forward, showcasing their unique abilities with jaw-dropping performances. Ingenium's blinding speed dazzles the audience, leaving them in awe. Midnight graces the stage, her alluring charm enchanting the onlookers, while Best Jeanist's mastery over fibers demonstrates the artistry of heroism.

Ryukyu and Edgeshot follow suit, leaving the crowd in awe of their prowess. Next Mirko takes the stage, showcasing her fierce moves getting the attention of every eye, followed by more and more heroes.

But as the parade of heroes continues, a certain hero catches Yuki's attention. A hero named Wash, whose quirk seems, at first glance, rather useless. 'A washing machine? How could such an ability ever secure a place in the top ten heroes?' Yuki thought.

'That's hardly a quirk,' Yuki muses, a hint of amusement tugging at the corner of his lips. 'It's a disability.' Then he continued this train of thought. 'Or more like a household appliance? Maybe I should ask my father to recruit him as our washing machine?'

"And here comes the main event!" Present Mic's voice filled the room, ramping up the excitement to new heights. The onlookers' hearts pounded with anticipation as they waited for the hero everyone had been eagerly waiting for. "With each quirk more awesome than the last, it's a who's who of Japan's greatest heroes!"

"Hold on to your seats! Cuz we have one mighty invasive species busting in!" Present Mic's voice boomed, and Yuki couldn't help but smirk at the hero's dramatic introduction. The anticipation in the room reached a fever pitch as the crowd eagerly awaited Captain Celebrity's grand entrance.

"That's right, the man who came soaring from the U.S. of A.! Give it up for CAPTAIN CELEBRITY!" Present Mic declared, his voice reaching a crescendo, and the crowd erupted into thunderous applause and cheers.

And then, just like a streak of lightning, Captain Celebrity burst onto the stage, soaring through the air with a breathtaking display of power. The crowd erupted in cheers.

As Captain Celebrity soared through the air, carrying the delighted children on stage, the crowd's cheers intensified. The spectacle was met with awe and adoration, but in the midst of the excitement, Yuki's thoughts remained critical and contemplative.

But even amidst the awe-inspiring display, Yuki's thoughts overflowed with criticism. 'A hero like Captain Celebrity should have long lost his hero license, no he shouldn't even have been allowed to become a hero!' Yuki mused, his mind unrelenting in its assessment. He couldn't help but contrast the hero's flashy theatrics with the true essence of heroism he believed in.

'What good is a hero who only acts when the media is watching?' Yuki's inner monologue continued. The concept of heroism, for him, was intertwined with selfless service and dedication, not just grandiose displays meant to impress the public eye.

As he thought about Captain Celebrity's past, Yuki couldn't help but feel disheartened. The hero's history of criminal charges in the USA and his subsequent fleeing to Japan left a bitter taste in Yuki's mouth.

'Even ignoring villains if there's no media present to record his heroic deeds,' he thought, struggling to reconcile his ideals with the reality of some hero's actions.

'Just let them work like other public officials, down with the media!' Yuki's frustration simmered as he considered the special treatment given to heroes. They were, after all, public officials who received government pay, just like the police. Yet, the media circus that often surrounded heroes seemed to overshadow the true essence of their duty.

As Yuki's thoughts swirled, Captain Celebrity continued on with his performance, showcasing a picture of his newborn son and wife to the massive audience of 50,000. The hero proudly displayed a picture of his newborn son and his wife, intending to share his joyous moment with the world. However, things took an unexpected turn when he called his wife onto the stage. The moment seemed to offer a glimpse into the hero's personal life, but what followed was unexpected and cringe-worthy.

With a flourish, Captain Celebrity called his wife, urging her to greet the audience. However, instead of playing along, she scolded him for putting her on the spot. This created an awkward atmosphere. The management swiftly moved to salvage the situation, quickly shifting the focus to the next segment of the show, another hero show.

At first, it seemed like a typical hero show, but as the show progressed, it transformed into a dazzling display of heroes strutting down the runway as models.

"Follow me, I know something much more interesting," Yuki whispered to Shoto. The ongoing show held little allure for him, and his mind yearned for something beyond the flashy performances.

Shoto, accustomed to Yuki's spontaneous escapades, didn't even bother questioning the request. Their two-year friendship had taught him that when Yuki's curiosity was piqued, resistance was futile. With a smirk, he nodded in agreement, ready to be swept away into whatever Yuki had in mind.

Momo, who happened to overhear the invitation, was equally intrigued by the prospect of joining them. Although she had her reservations about Yuki's brash and often irreverent attitude, she couldn't deny the allure of stepping away from the predictable party and exploring something more intriguing.

And so, the trio slipped away from the bustling crowd, venturing into the depths of the Tokyo Sky Egg. The flashing lights and glamorous displays faded into the background as they navigated through the corridors of the building.

"Where are we going?" Momo asked. She trusted Yuki, but she also knew that his definition of "interesting" might differ significantly from others'.

"You'll see," Yuki replied.

"I know honey, I know. I'm the absolute worst..." The voice of Captain Celebrity carried through the corridor, still scolding him for his antics. Yuki, Shoto, and Momo passed by him, witnessing the scene as the hero sat by the window, gazing at the city below, while attempting to appease his displeased spouse.

As they reached the window, their attention was momentarily diverted by something unusual approaching the Tokyo Sky Egg. A boy, who seemed to be a stagehand sent to fetch the hero, pointed toward the incoming beings with a puzzled expression. "Huh? Something flying this way?"

Yuki, with his keen knowledge of the Vigilantes spin-off manga, recognized the threat immediately. 'Next-Level Villains, or to be specific, Bombers,' he thought. His eyes darted back to Shoto and Momo, who were visibly confused and concerned.

"Hold tight," Yuki's voice rang with determination as he clasped the hands of Shoto and Momo tightly. In the blink of an eye, he unleashed a powerful punch at the window, shattering the glass. Without hesitation, he leaped out of the shattered frame, still gripping Shoto and Momo firmly.

"AHHH!" Momo's scream pierced the air as she found herself plummeting from the towering Tokyo Sky Egg, suspended only by Yuki's unyielding grip. Amidst the adrenaline-fueled chaos, she couldn't help but think, 'This is not what I signed up for when following these two.'

Shoto, however, took the daring action calmly. Having spent two years by Yuki's side, he had grown accustomed to his friend's unconventional ways. In moments like these, Shoto wondered if Yuki's brain operated like that of an ordinary human.

Captain Celebrity and the seemingly normal looking guy, who in truth is a vigilante named the Crawler, watched in shock as Yuki, Shoto, and Momo leaped out of the Tokyo Sky Egg. Their hero instincts kicked in instantly, compelling them to intervene and save the seemingly trio.

'This is insane! They must be trying to commit suicide!' The two thought, as they prepared to rescue them.

The Crawler, his instincts honed from countless encounters with villains, also reacted swiftly. He had dealt with perilous situations before, but he couldn't fathom why these youngsters would take such a dangerous action.

As they rushed towards the plummeting trio, a wave of memories washed over Captain Celebrity's mind. He realized that a year ago, he wouldn't have considered saving them. His priorities were different back then, focused on fame, glory, and indulgence as a celebrity hero.

However, his time in Japan had left an impact on him. Witnessing the selfless dedication of the Crawler as well as his manager's constant nagging had slowly changed him. Though he still maintained his playful and flamboyant demeanor, he had started to understand the true essence of heroism.

'I can't let them come to harm,' Captain Celebrity thought resolutely.

Yuki swiftly used his wings, allowing him to soared through the air, his wings. He carried Momo and Shoto with him, ensuring their safety.

"Look," Yuki pointed towards the approaching bombers. There was no room for hesitation, and he was prepared to do whatever it took to protect the city and its people.

Moments later, the first Bomber reached the towering Tokyo Sky Egg, unleashing a devastating explosion upon impact. The blast sent shockwaves through the structure, causing it to shudder under the destructive force. The skyscraper-like tower, now teetered precariously on the brink of collapse.

"If they set off one more explosion, the Sky Egg will fall," Yuki exclaimed, determined to stop the other bombers.

"Master Takehara, young master took Shoto and Momo with him and just now they jumped out of the building" Lady Nagant was diligently reporting to Shinji, who facepalmed. "What?" He replied.

"Go after him and take him back!" He ordered the Ex-Hero turned bodyguard.