
7 Code:Moment


As the moment of truth approached, time seemed to slow for Dagen. He prayed to all the gods, hoping they might help him hit his mark, and let them see the sky again.

He slowly changed his stance to try to minimize the hindrance of his chains on this throw. Everything counted on this.

As soon as the doc- no… as soon as that demon lined up between a gap in Dagan's bars he threw that chunk of concrete with as much force as he could muster while remaining as accurate as possible.

'Please hit the mark!!!'


When the doctor was just 1 step away,

Right as the guard went to grab Varin by the head, a rock crashed into the back of the doctor's head so fast and with so much force that his glasses flew off his face and hit Varins feet. The guards took a second to react, as the doctor started to fall forward from the momentum. Varin immediately proceeded to headbutt him square in the face, breaking the doctor's nose as he fell.


As the doctor hit the ground, the syringe spun off to the side.

Seeing the stream blood coming from the doctor's head made the assistant panic and drop her clipboard, rushing over to his aid.

"Oh my god! Guards! Help him!"

Finally catching up to what happened, guard #02 swiveled around and pointed his tranquilizer gun at Dagen, confusion painted on his face as he moved over to his chain reel to immobilize him. While guard #01 dragged the doctor out into the hall and checked to see if he was still breathing.

Seeing that the doctor was still alive, the assistant became rather bossy, immediately ordering the guards around.

"We have to move him to the lab, I can't treat him here. Hurry!"

The assistant called 2 other guards to help her move the doctor. Leaving the hall with the doctor on a gurney the assistant glanced back and saw the previous 2 guards lingering by the cells, angered by this she continued walking and screamed:

"Let's go! The doctor's well being comes first! Just lock the beast's door and move it! Those mongrels will get what's coming to them for daring to hurt the doctor!"

Being ordered around by the assistant didn't sit well with guard #01, his eye twitched in anger. Seeing the irritable state of his partner guard #02 hit #01s arm lightly, gesturing that they should get moving. #01 grunted in annoyed compliance.

Seeing the guards linger made Dagen uneasy.

'Just go. leave already.'

'Come on.'

'What are you waiting for?'

Closing Varins door, the glint of the syringe caught guard #01s eye, making him pause for a moment.

'huh? Why'd he stop?'

Following the guard's gaze, Varin's eyes also paused on the syringe, his eyes widened in horror as he snapped back to see a malicious grin form on the demonic guard's face.

'No, No, NO!'

Guard #02 hit #01 on the shoulder gesturing 'what's the holdup?' As guard #01 brushed him off with a mad grin as he said:

"Give me a sec with our precious Subject Black."

Opening the door, the mad guard strolled over to the syringe and said:

"You see, the good doctor is out right now, so I suppose you'll just have to settle for me!"

Hearing this Dagen couldn't stop himself from screaming:

"Don't you dare bastard!!!"

With the syringe in hand, the guard wheeled around and looked at Dagen with madness in his eyes.

"Don't I dare? Oh, but I do." *he he he*

Walking over to Dagen, he waved the syringe around and said:

"Unless our dear Blue wants to be the one who gets the pleasure of finding out what this is supposed to do?"

Dagen froze as he looked at the syringe, images of the twisted creature being dragged down the hall played like a movie reel behind his eyes.

"No? I didn't think so."

"And here I thought someone else decided to grow some balls around here."

"Seeing as you seem to care about what happens to Black so much, I'll let you have a front row seat."

Smashing the lowering button, Guard #01 let Dagens chains get as long as they could, which was just long enough for him to completely reach the bars.

Strutting back over to Varin, guard #01 told #02 to hold him how he generally did. Without much interest in stopping his crazed partner, #02 did just that, wishing to get this over with so that they could leave this shit hole.

With no measure of a gentle hand, Guard #01 jammed the needle into Varins neck and pressed the syringe until the whole thing was gone.



Ripping the empty syringe out of Varins neck, guard #01 started laughing uncontrollably as a bead of blood formed on Varins neck. As they started leaving the cell, guard #02 gestured at the clipboard on the floor.

"Just leave it, if the bitch wants her precious clipboard she can come get it, or she shouldn't have left it in the first place, stupid hore. Black won't be able to reach it anyway."

Guard #02 just gave a shrug that said, 'whatever' as they left the cell.

Guard #01 started down the hallway while #02 closed up Varins cell and lowered him down.

Shaking with rage and gripping the bars with all his strength Dagen screamed:

"You Monster! Demon! Hell would be too good for you mad bastards!"

Guard #02 hit Dagens bars with his baton, making Dagen step back. Guard #01 stopped briefly with a smile and said:

"Us… monsters? Naw, that's what you'll be soon enough. I've heard the doctor has something good cooking up for you, I wonder what he has planned for our dear Blue."

With a fading chuckle, the 2 guards finally left to join the others.