

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 6: Whoo! yeahh baby!!


|There is Divinity in Duality. Our consciousness yearns to explore the polarity of Light and Dark. So much shame has been cast upon the Darkness. We reject the parts of ourselves that society labels as taboo. We compartmentalize our Wholeness by repressing the shadows. It's time for a paradigm shift in which we reclaim all aspects of our Divine Authentic Selves.| -Unknown




Hanten is an interesting being.

It's a compliment coming from me..

"A plan to absorb this multiverse" I laughed.

If someone heard this they woudve thought that person is crazy

Even I the protector of this Infinite Macrocosm is having hard time moving universes alone.

Well I cannot stop now…

I then slowly started aligning the universes again.

|PoV ends|



Hanten then woke up and immediately teleported to the Yokai faction headquarters.

He sense that Yasaka and Kunou's not here

Until a tengu goes to him and told him that she is meeting with another Yokai faction which is lead by Nurahyon.

He nodded and just left

He doesn't want to enter some meetings or any other meetings in general unless its important.

"Well! Since I have time why not strengthen myself even more" he thought to himself and teleported to space


|Space| outside the Milky way|

After teleporting outside the Galaxy

Hanten then move at a certain direction at a speed faster than light.




He then reach his destination

|The biggest Black hole in this Universe|Quasar|


Hanten then goes to the center of the black hole unaffected by gravity and the Event Horizon.

He then started meditating..



|Hanten PoV|


I Feel like I still have more things that I havent discovered yet.

My soul is an infinite swirling spiral darkness with a light singularity

The darkness was because of my fusion with an evil god and

The light is the statue that I met in my Mindscape



Ahhh" Hanten silently scream as the statue that was holding his face slowly has its head crack

Until its head is completely hollow

light pass outside its inside shining into Hantens face

"Th-This. What the hell?" Hanten was confused when he saw the light.

The inside of the statue is very ineffable something which cannot be expressed by words

But Hanten still described it

"A GOD-SHAPED HOLE" he silently muttered

He then muttered some random numbers and even symbols.

"Aleph, -0, Tav, Singularity point, Void,….."

"H-hey! You ok?" Ahriman ask him.

"U-Uhh yeah" Hanten answered

Ahriman now free to move got closer to the statue to look at what Hanten is seeing

"The hell is that?" Ahriman saw something which he cannot understand.

"Aghhh" Ahriman then felt pain in his head.

"The statues insides is so bizzare that I cannot comprehend it"

He then observed Hanten again.

He seems fine seeing the hole in the statues head

"Guess I do not need to bother him

That's his origin after all" Ahriman then move back to where he is sitting earlier and just laze off.


Ahriman then notice the statue fading away.

He then tried to talk to Hanten

"You ok?"

Hanten then stop his daze and told Ahriman that he is fine

"What did you discover?"

"I don't understand"


"The more I tried to comprehend my origin the more it becomes complex"

More questions than answers was discovered

But Hanten knew one thing

He is something more than he knew of himself.

Something that's beyond understanding.

Flashback ends|


I feel like something is happening inside myself yet I cannot understand it so I ignored it for now.


I observe my soul and tried manipulating the light and darkness.



Mix them together

Like a Yin and Yang

It took a while

And finally

I made something

A conceptual ability

I smirk at this

"What should I name you?" I wonder

Until something click in my mind

An ability of a certain demon lord.

"Since you are an ability related to [DUALITY]

How about I name you [AVESTA]?"…

I already copied his name in one of my abilities..

Why not copy his powers too?.



An ability that manipulates duality.

It makes it so you are the reverse of any of your enemies

An anti to them and their existence.



After making this powers I then started training the infini-tendrils

I observed the ability and knew that something is more to it

I only use it as a piercing attack

But I can shape it to anything I want.

I then manipulated the tendrils and made them form different shapes.

I then trained more..



Hanten returns back to earth by teleportation

He didn't go back to his mansion but instead goes to Yasakas Home.

He sees her on a very loose and seductive Kimono

After seeing this he then tried to find Kunou which is sleeping on another room

"Come in Dear❤" She told him.

"How did you know?" he opens the door and questions her.

"Fufufu. Of course I can

I have marked you after all"

She then slowly loosen her kimono more

"Mhmm❤ its getting hot in here dear" she lusciously said as her breathe is getting more erratic

She is really making it hard for me to resist.


I kissed her in the lips.

"Ahnnn❤" I grabbed her boobs

"Yes❤" I then started twisting her nipples slowly making her moan

"You are really making it harder for me

So pay for the consequence" He lean into her ear and told her.

Hanten then started sucking on her left boobs

"Ahn!❤ yes please punish this Naughty fox"

He started undressing her bottom and observe her Bright pink Pussy with a golden hair

Its seems to be leaking sticky fluids

"Your already this wet? as expected from a horny woman like you" He then began to slap her Bubbly ass

"Nnn.. Ahh❤" the repeated slap made her feel pain but her receptors made her feel pleasure more.

The slapping action continued until Yasaka was on her limits.

"D-Dear❤ I'm about to-" she then moan and sprayed out a lot of her juices.

After this she then rested and tried to catch a breath.

Hanten saw her and slapped her ass again.


"We are not done yet"

Yasaka then observed Hantens bulge that's in his pants and licked her lips.

"Let this Naughty fox service you Master❤" she then unzips his pants and move his underwear down only to see Hantens rod which towers over her.

Seeing this her eyes gained a heart look and immediately lick his penis.

Hanten groans at the pleasure he is feeling.

"Da dis pil Gou?(does this feel good?)" She question Habten while nibbling on his Balls.

"Yes keep going"

Afterwards Yasaka then move up and started to shove the Dick inside her mouth.

She first started at the glans

*Chlup❤* *Chlup❤*

She licked it inside her mouth

She then slowly swallowed his dick

"Mhmm. Ahhh ❤*Suck*

She then moves up and down earning another groan from Hanten


The repetition of movement then becomes faster until Hanten couldn't hold it anymore

"Yasaka! I'm at my limit Aughh!" he then holds her head and push his dick deeper into her.

"Mhmmm!" Yasaka's eyes widen and slowly felt a hot fluid fill and falls down to her throat

She then slowly swallowed it making seductive sounds




After what feels like an hour they then separated.

Yasaka didn't fully drink Hantens semen so it started dripping on the sides of her mouth.

But she licked it off.

She then spreads her leg.

"I cannot wait anymore❤"

Hanten followed her wishes and immediately penetrated her

"Ahhn❤ So big"  she felt his rod entering her and filling her insides.

He then proceeded to move slowly and stimulated her g-spots

"Ahh Hanten! Yes there! Right there❤" Yasaka moaned as she felt waves of pleasure enter her head.


Hanten then slowly got faster making Yasaka continuously orgasm..

He then kissed her during this…

Until he is at his limit..

"Yasaka! I'm Cumming" His movement is faster than before.

"Hnn❤Let it out.Please let out inside me" Yasaka tightens her Vagina and She then wrapped around him using her legs.

"Urghh" Hanten then sends ropes of cum inside her.

We can see both Breathing really hard

They then separate and rest but after a while..

"Im still not done"


They then did it for another round and didn't stop there until sunrise.





|r-18 ends|



Hanten then wakes up and feels someone hugging his side

"Yasaka" he muttered and remembered what they did last night.

He then move her hands and got out of the Futon.

Which also wakes her

"Mhmm its morning already?" she then tried to stand up but find it hard.

"Its Noon" Hanten told her

He felt a bit guilty about what he did last night

"Your stamina is really high and im almost split in half last night. can't you be gentle with this lady?" Yasaka grumbled.

"Says someone that likes it rough" he countered her.


They then move and showered

Afterwards they then go to Kunou which is eating alone

"The tengus said you two are busy so I started eating first" Kunou told both of them.

"Im sorry about this dear. Your Dad here made it harder for me to wake up" She then narrowedly look at Hanten and shifts the blame on him in which he partially is to be blamed.

Hanten then apologizes and patted his daughters head.

They started eating.

Hanten then told the two about something.

"Do you two want to go on a vacation? Just the three of us this weekend" He told his lover and his daughter which made both of their ears perk up.

But Yasaka then has her ears droop down

"Im sorry dear but im busy in that day" she sadly said.

"Ohh about the time it will only take a minute"

Hanten then proceeded to explain some of his powers like the time dilation.

Yasaka was dumbfounded by his explanation while Kunous eyes have stars in them

"I never knew that my love is this strong. Truly I'm a lucky woman" She then thanked her goddess for meeting him.

"Wow does that mean you can do anything dad?"

"Of course! though there are many things that can still defeat me" he told her.

"What? Someone can defeat you! That's impossible" Kunou was shocked at this…her father should be unbeatable right?.

But then her fathers next word made her calm down.

"Don't worry I will surpass then all soon enough" he then patted her again.

After their lunch they then move to the place that they need to be

Yasaka at her office

Kunou at her school

And Hanten which is in the Dimensional gap




|Dimensional gap|The barrier between Zero and Infinity|

We see our protagonist at the Kaleidoscopic Void.

He was trying to do something

That something is Creating a hole into the outside.

After he is done he was about to jump into the Void



He noticed a little girl with black hair and emotionless eyes

"Help me defeat Baka red" when he heard his friends name he then knew who this little girl is.

"Auroboros" he said silently.

"You really think you can defeat RED"

"Yes. I need your help

I will also give you snake" Auroboros/Ophis then opens her palms and a black snake pops out of it.


"Why?" She questions him

She was confused as no one would refuse her offer.

"I'm plenty strong enough and also RED is now infinitely stronger than you even if you make an army they will simply cease to exist if they ever tried to threaten him"

"How? How did Baka RED got this strong?" she tried to sense RED and felt his very presence warping the gap itself…something that she know RED cannot do.

"He tried to risk this Universe and won the lottery"


Hanten then proceeded to tell her about what happens to RED and how he got that strong.

How did Hanten know about this

Well RED told him…

"Universes?parallel self? What is that?" She questions him.

He answered all of it in a simpler way which the loli dragon can understand.

"So I just need to fuse myself with my other self to grow stronger? Very well" she then proceeded to move into where Hanten made a hole and tried to look into what Hanten told her.

She tried to peer into the vast void and tried to find the other universe but failed.

"What did I lack?*Ophis*

"What do you mean?"*Hanten*

"How do I fuse with my other self?" Ophis tried to find answers by questioning Hanten.

"That's for you to find out" he smiled.

Ophis didn't give up and repeated the question but Hanten also repeated his answers.

This goes on for a while until she knew that she cannot get her answers so she just left the Dimensional Gap.


A silence then exudes until a Giant red Dragon pops up on the side of Hanten.

"Ive heard your conversation" *RED*

"She is pretty naïve for someone that is older than you"

"Yes. While she is older she is more of an airhead

She told me to be silent.But well y'know me. So I kicked her out of the gap, Time passes by.. I then told her we can share the gap again but she doesn't want to. So I just stop offering her"RED said and explain more.

"Its also better for her to not be in this place.

The gap is dangerous and many threats from the outside can enter"

"So you care for her"*Hanten*

"Of course she is the only dragon that is similar to my existence albeit she is infinitely weaker. Quite ironic"*RED*

"If she ever knew her true potential she might even surpass me….

But that's only if she knew on how to see and combine with her other versions

Why didn't you tell her?"*RED*

"I didn't tell her because that would ruin the fun"*Hanten*

The Dragon just snorted at his reason and left.


Hanten then focuses back on his work.



Hanten has his clones autopilot and still constantly gives him information.

He then made an Indian sitting position floating in the Void

He observes the Universe that he was sent to.

"Whoo" he sighed

Guess its time

"Heavens Hole"

A Giant swirling singularity then manifested in his chest

The Universe was then slowly pulled until it reached his

It then slowly shrink and entered the Swirling void.

After a While

The absorption is finally done.

He then tried to observe his Inner World and sense a universe in one of the infinite compartments.

He felt something new.

He sees the Past,Present and the Future of the Universe but he immediately stop it.

RED then manifested in the Void.

"I can sense my connection to you?

Did you absorb one already?"*RED


"Should I still continue?

I mean you just need one Universe right?"*RED*

"You don't understand I want all of em. Just like a certain trainer said [You gotta catch em all]"Hanten told his nonsensical reason to RED.

"Continue then"RED sigh.

I then entered my Inner World specifically the Universe and found out that it was already night (Hanten made time move)

So I doze off.



Man.. its hard to pull of the R-18

especially when the one who wrote it has no expirience😭

Also Review, Comment and Gib stones.