

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 3: Fissures

Fuyuki City*Early Morning

Kuroko Household

After Hanten woke up he do somethings that normal humans do

That is to eat and shower before he goes out.

After all of this is done

He finally goes to his school


*Homurahara Academy*

After entering his classroom

The class finally started

The teacher  called out the names of the present to be recorded

Kurota Mizuki


Jozu Shiroa


Elton, John


Rooservelt, Jasmime


Ashburn, Apollo


Shiroe, Judan




Kuroko Shiruhanten

"Present" Shiruhanten finally presented himseld


The class ended as the bell rang

Students finally leave the school

Carried by their parents

With the Exception of our Main Character of course.

What he is doing after school is just like what he does during all those years ago

Training his power.

It's to make sure he would not get dull


After entering the forest that he knows all too well

He entered an indian sit position on the ground

He meditated...

Slowly but surely he started to levitate

Using his control over matter he solidified the air itself for him to float.

Then his surrounding started to contort

The ground now can be comparable to liquid making waves even though its solid

Trees uprooted and starts to float around him

He did some more training until its almost midnight

Fuyuki City


He walks throught the silent streets of fuyuki while thinking on possible applications for his powers


Passing through many alleyways

He suddenly heard a sound

Rustles and screeches can be heard

On one particular alleyway

While he can choose to ignore it

His intrusive thoughts told him to go there

Why? Maybe curiousity.

And so he started moving to the sounds

His footsteps thumping on the dirty puddles

Now you question?

Why did he stupidly make sounds?

Well he did not care about it as he trust his abilities if a threat may pass his way

After he moves closer and closer

He can finally see what is happing in the distance

Three people

they seems to be doing something


If a random citizen finds out about this they might puke to the horrifying sight

The three people is ripping and eating a corpse

If you see closer the three people seems to be lanky too lanky infact that they look almost like skeletons

Another Information entered his mind

A memory from his past

Hanten: (I only read small info from the wiki, but these things are the cannon fodders of those apostles)

That's right…

Undeads or zombies

From what he remembered they are corpses that was revived by an aposle ancestor to do their bidding, be it to be use as an disposable pawn or a blood taker.

While a normal human would fear on this gruesome sight

He is not a normal person

Hanten: (First Meeting with supernatural and I met an undead, Great) he thought sarcastically

He had hoped to meet other supernatural

Hanten:(Ehh! This is fine)

He shouted

Hanten: Oi!! Who is your master?

The three undead finally look into his direction

But instead of an answer he was growled at

And now they started moving towards him

Hanten: Well im stupid(they are just corpses after all, so they cannot think)

Finally the battle started…


Or not

After they are close to him

He used his mystic eyes to halt them in the air

He observed one of the undeads and zoomed in to their atomic structures and trying to understand how they work

He sees its rotten cells but its duplicating like a normal human would

He even sees the connection to its apostle throught the magical energy that's shape like threads

But the threads seems to connect to nothing at all

So he speculated

Hanten: (Hmm? Can magical energy go through quantum entanglement)

He tried to think about it and comes up with the conclusion

Hanten: ( sighed, of course it would)

Dead apostles are connected to the world itself which means they can control its texture

 Things like this can be used and manipulated by them

After his observation

He erased the undeads by ripping each atomic particles in their body

He also made sure to cut the connection to its owner

After this he watched the gruesome fate of the person that was eaten up earlier

Hanten: May you rest in piece.

 Then he erased the victim.

After this he walks back home....




*Unknown apostle*

After I drink the wine that is made of human blood

I Sense three magical threads that connect me to the undeads dissipate

Unknown apostle: What?

He tried to recover the connection yet he can't, It's as if the undeads just disappeared into thin air

He asked how so he tried to peer into the last information that was transmitted to him before the undeads cease

What he seen is a child, presumably a middle schooler

He seems to he wearing a gray hoodie

With black hair, eyes that seems to shine like purple jewels with a slightly pale complexion

He then heard the kid shout

"Oi! Who is your master?"

He thought that the child is stupid

After that he sees his undead go after the boy

The three of them lunge at the defenseless child

Until the boys eyes shone in a black purple light

He was shocked by this

Unknown apostle: Mystic eyes?

From his long life he have seen many types of mystic eyes,

But this is a something new

Unknown apostle: another mutated version,

 It seems im in luck.

He tugged in his control over other undeads and ghouls

He gave them the mental command

"Bring this boy to me"


After he got back home

he made his dinner

and then showered to sleep

Hanten thought of the event that happened today

Hanten: (Looks like i need to be careful from now on)

especially now that got the attention of a dead apostle

The stunt that he did earlier mightve alarm the apostle

and he speculated that it is coming for his ass

he made sure to add extra support inside the inner walls of his home

made sure to turn the windows,doors and their locks into diamonds (its hard as diamond while retaining its looks which is a normal door)

to make sure no pesky intruders enters his home.

after that he finally doze of in his bed.




Hanten woke up earlier than usual

he thought about magical energy again

and he changed his opinion of not using it

Hanten: (While control over matter makes me a formidable foe i cant help that many will set their eyes on me)

so he instead try to learn magecraft

he already knew of the basics

so he tried

he can already sense the magical energy of the atmosphere

he tried to sense the mana from himself

you wonder..

what is he doing?

well the first method in control magecraft

is to activate the mana circuits

what he is trying is to know and to learn how to activate the circuits

he tried to force the mana into himself till his body heats up

you can see steam coming out of his breathing

till something snapped

he smiled

as he look at his body

he can see patterns like cracks that comes from his chest and reach the other half of his face

it glows eerilie purple

he tried to deactivate it but he can't

he remembers that activation of circuits need triggers

so he tried to make a trigger of his own so that he can switch it on and off at will

he tried to remember the most important point in his life

and that is the vacation with his parents back then

the car hitting the tree

thats right

thats his (trigger)

he thought of a vehicle hitting a tree

and the circuits was turned off.

after the circuits he did other things

like knowing his alignment,

atributte and origin

How did he get to know his alignment

lets get back in time



a year before

when our mc is strolling through the city with his mystic eyes activated to see the beauty of the world



he bumped into a man

the man itself is taller and bulkier than most people

his face showing no emotions

only the look of indifference

its quite scary.

So Hanten apologizes and was about to leave

but the man called him again though he wish to go his way

the man questioned him

"Kid, Do you know about tarot cards?"

"Um, no sir"

"Then another question,

have you ever heard of origin?"


"Tell me kid what is your name?"

the man smiled a bit

showing that its not hostile.

"do not be afraid boy, you did not do anything wrong"

Hanten calms down and finally said his name

"it's kuroko shiruhanten sir"

then the man muttered something that he did not quite hear so he did not care about it

"interesting i cannot see nor understand his origin"

the man is confused

in his long life he have seen many different origins yet this is the first time he found his ability fail him

if we see it in his vision most people has an aura related to their origin thats why he easily seen the origin of a certain demon hunter(you already know)

to him the boy exudes no aura

its as if he has no origin at all

yet he felt that somethings off

sometimes he can see light whisp surrounding the boy

it disappears immediately faster than his senses as if its not there.

he talked to the boy

questioning about his history, his age, name and where he lives

the boy for the most part answers his question but refused to answer question that are too private

of course he knows this and leave it be

after that the man told him

"Do you want to know your origin?"

"what do you mean sir?"

"Follow me boy"

While its weird the boy still followed

the boy and the man walk together

while the man explains about origins and alignments

while walking we can see the boys eyes shine like stars because of the knowledge he was given

time passes by

the boy and the man eventually thought to part ways

but before Hanten left

the man called him again.


"What is it sir?"

he was given a tarot card, a jewel, and a card

"Keep this with you, if you ever need help you can call me"while pointing at the card

"be careful out there boy the world is not what you think it is" Hanten nodded while saying goodbye to the man



after going back home

he tried to observe the things that was given to him

Tarot cards with different elements

A jewel that seems to shines different colors

and a card

he tried to read card

and his eyes widen


Souren Araya

Ogawa apartment

Hotline 9*******


Hanten cursed himself

He just talked with an antagonist from an anime/manga he did not watch/read

while he knows about The person but its only because he read the wiki about Shiki Ryougi's biography

*Flashback ends*

back in the current

he tried to use the tarot card which he learned to use by talking with Araya

It finally shows his alignment


then he use the jewel next

The man told him that this can discern someones origin by reflective the self to the jewel

but of course its only one time as the jewel will break after a certain time of use

so he tried peering his origin

time ticks*

yet he can only see the reflections of his face

He questions

"Is this rigged or did i do something wrong?"

but after a while he felt something weird....


he cannot move

unlike when he was in the void

its as if the time is stopped

he can still move his eyes so he peered into the jewel again

bit then he was hit in the head by a loud bang


then He fainted

*Hanten pov*

What is this place?


Where am I?


then he sees the blank void again...


So he got agitated.





Did he die again


thinking his second life was wasted again

he was about to go into depression


he felt that he can move



He feels like stepping on something.



he remembers that the void has no platforms

so he calms himself down and tried to remember the time when he peered into the jewel

"It seems that i have fainted"

he sighed as he is glad that he did not die.

but it seems like he is stuck in this void

he speculated that this might be his mindscape....

or not..

but his instinct told him to walk to a certain direction

so he walks

aimlessly into the unknown




he walks for quite a long time now

yet he still did not see the end

but he did not give up

so he still continued on....





A long time later*

He is slowly getting depressed again

no matter how much he walks

he still cannot find a way out

is he stuck again?

he clings on his hope that is slowly dissipating into nothing

until he tripped

or rather he took a step but instead of a usual platform.

there is nothing to step

so he fell

and fell

he screamed

his voiced reverberates through the void

he was falling on something

yet its black

no colors

no meaning




until he stops falling

uncomfortable squirming in mid air

his eyes close with tears.

after a while he opens his eyes.

what he seen confused him

A statue

Thats right.

he stopped crying and was confused by the situation

he wonders why there is a statue in this void,

its seems to be floating.

just like him.

he stared right into the statues face

which is just blank

he stared at it for a while

oddly Hanten feels like its staring at him too

a long staring contest commence in the void.




this last a long while before


a crack was heard

Hanten lost his concentration and observed the statue again

he sees that the face of the statue cracks

then the cracks slowly got bigger



the crack is big that he can see a weird light passing throught each cracks on the statues face

parts of its blank face finally fell apart

shards of its clay made face disappears into oblivion

yet the light shines even greater

until the face is now hollow

yet light exudes from the hole that is on the statues face

he observed the hollow face along with the light exuding from it


what he have seen wouldve destroyed the minds of mortal and godlike beings alike

yet to him its as if he found himself

until he blank out again.




Next day*

Hanten finally woke up from his Sleep

but he felt something different

he was in his bed

he was in the living room just yesterday

how did he get here?

he stopped thinking about it as he thought about other things

like his origin.

he walks outside of his room to finally eat

he hungers for Mcd*nalds

yet he was hit by reality

Mcd*nalds doesn't exist here

but another brand with an almost similar name

he walks to the kitchen

to make a normal breakfast

but im his mind he really wants to eat McD*

as if reality heard his wishes

the table distorted

till it summons something. that hes been salivating since earlier

A large french fries, chicken burger, sundae, and other famous foods with a giant M on their wrappers.

his eyes shines like stars at what he have seen

He just summon something from his imagination

and he also summoned the food that he wants the most.

he smiles at this

as he knew just what happened

His origin.....


yes His ORIGIN

From his vague understanding

it makes it so that all his status, powers, abilities, etc. that is about himself

seems to grow in power continously with no limits.

that was just the tip of the iceberg

supposed once a person knew of his origin he knows what his abilities related to that origin will be.

yet Hanten cannot fully comprehend his origin

its honestly annoying for him.

he felt like he can do more....


afterall his origin or what he tried to name it



[ A L E P H ]