

what happens when a person that comes from the ultimate reality descended to a lower narrative well its time to find out [Disclaimer: I do not own the Characters and series with the exception of the mc] Im just a newbie pls be gentle though constructive criticism is welcome i plan to make this story a pastime. the date for the releases i haven't decided yet also i apologize for my wordings as im not a native english

Primordial_Mind · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 2: Down-Upward Spiral




(Finally packing up for vacation, all items are packed. )

Mom: Han-chan are you all done?

Shiruhanten: yes mom.

As Hanten followed to His mother into his fathers car

Dad: sorry son i was busy yesterday we coudnt play mario kart

Hanten: its fine dad but still you should rest your always working

Dad: you know sometimes dear! I feel like im talking to an adult

Mom: Well thats your son he is just that smart to be worried about your well being.

Dad: hahaha of course he is smart he took after me

Mom: Dear you are quite shameless. While you are a scientist now. Its due to your hardwork and efforts that you became what you are now.

You are quite a delinquent in the pass. Should i show him your grades when your are a child?

Dad: N-no, of course he took after you ha ha ha ha!

Mom: mhmm thats right

Hanten: (well it looks like my mom and dad are all fine.)

*As the car passed through streets*

Hanten thought about it for now

The multiverse theory is true

One of his evidence is this world that he is in

It's quite different from his past world

Like the city of fuyuki which does not exist in his past japan.

Hanten: (Wait! Fuyuki?

I feel like i heared it somewhere.)

Just now he remembered the city that he is in and then

Hanten: (Im fvcked, Im in one of the more complex verses out there)

Fate series

Hanten: ( shi-, im in the world where vampires(ancestors),dragons and gods exist, dont even start on the sentient planet that is hellbent on killing humanity itself and also the counterforce,I also have to worry about beast and also have to take on maguses that have stivks up their ass due to their so called nobles pride)

Right now he has two options

To ignore the supernatural

Or go down the rabbit hole

But we already knew what his choice is gonna be

The more he tries to ignore the more vulnerable he is to supernatural attacks

Just imagine a hooded person killing you randomly and you dont know anything about it

If you knew you might speculate or even have a chance to fight or flee

The other pros for knowing about the supernatural is the knowledge it can give you at the same time giving you adventures but still its full of danger and his family might be affected in the future

Hanten: (for now i need to plan on how to tackle this endeavors to make sure i and my family will survive in the moonlit world)

Just as Hanten was in his inner monologue planning

An accident happen...

The cars tire unluckily exploded

It sends chain reaction which made Hanten's father lose control of the vehicle which made them hit a tree in which the car exploded

Before the Accident

Dad: shit!!

Mom: Dear!!

Hanten: ( Wha-?


Just as he is thinking he was once again felt something the same darkness when he was isekaid into the world

3 days later

Fuyuki hospital

The Boy woke up seeing a familiar ceiling

A ceiling of a hospital of course what do you expect

Dr: you finally woke up

Hanten: what happened?

Dr: Your Car exploded

Hanten: (What!!)

Hanten: how?

Dr: I do not know kid your cars tire just exploded and it all have gone bad

Hanten: Wheres my mom and dad?


Hanten: Pls tell me?

You can hear the pain in the boys voice

Hanten: Please!.

Hanten finally sheds tears

Dr: Im sorry.

Hanten was hit with a hard truth

His parents are now gone

How could such an unfortunate event happen to them

His parents never did anything bad

Why do they have to die

As the boy tries to comprehend the events

The dr regretted telling this to the child

Dr: (Still young yet already lost his love ones. Im sorry little one)

Dr: we found out that your father holds an inheritance

Hanten: What?

Dr: the money from your dads bank account was now passed on to you.

And because of his occupation i would like to think that its enough for your whole life.

Dr: Im Sorry kid

The Dr apologize as he patted the boys head

Time passed caught in depression and loneliness the child never gone to school due to participating in his parents burial

All his parents friends are there. To console the child.

Hanten still not accepting his parents death

Starts to loathe the Fate and destiny itself

Hanten: (Why do they have to die they never did anything to the world why? WHY???)

Then it finally clicks to him

His existence might have change the world itself

How could a tire suddenly just pop out

The car was newly bought by his father

So there should be no defects

He can only think of one reason

Hanten: (The world itself is trying to kill me)

The world tried to kill him

Because of his unidentified existence

While he can be seen as a normal human

His soul is different

His soul did not originate from akasha but rather swept into it and was given a mortal form

So the world did its magic and tried to eradicate the foreign entity that inhabits itself

Yet it failed

While he survived his family was lost in the process

Those emotions that he has when he was still in the void resurfaced again

Guilt and depression has clouded his mind

As he thought that all of this is his fault

And he questions again

Why does he exist?

If he did not get reincarnated will his parents still be alive?

Why did they have to die?








He questions and questions until he finally overtaken by fatigue and finally doze off.


As the boy sleeps his room shook

somethings wrong as his body floats in the air as you see closer you can see that something is shining in his chest

its weird motes of light moves in repeating patterns like a beat

No, not just a beat

But a beat of a heart,

While this is happening the things around the boys room the things contorts and the items notebooks pens all bends in otherwordly shapes

His room itself is getting weirder

Somethings happening that cannot be comprehended

Somethings awakening

Outside Pov*

While all sorts of things are happening in the boys room

Something is also happening to the world

The sky itself change color

What once was a pitch black colored sky with small stars with the moon shining

Change its color

The stars all turn white

While the sky turn lightblue

Then a ripple was let out again Similar to the ones those yrs ago

But this time the ripples or waves continued for a while

Following a certain boys heartbeat

All life felt it again

The ripples themselves carry an emotion

While in the past the emotion carry innocence and curiousity

This time its different, it carried

Rage and sadness to the world

They felt it

Its weep and longing

its guilt

its hate to Itself.

until the waves finally comes to a halt


The Sun finally washes over the dawn

The sunlight passes through the boys face

Waking him in his slumber

Hanten: ( Mhmm? Its morning already?)

As the boy yawns

He felt something weird

Hanten: (Aughh!!)

Hanten felt weird or rather he felt weak

Hanten: (what?)

he was shock by this

as his anxiety rising up

did the world do something to him again

After a few breaths he calms down and close his eyes

Hanten:( phew!)

He opened his eyes once more

But now what welcomes him is not his room but a kaleidoscope of colors

We can see that theres small spheres(?) that moves and vibrates eratically everywhere and its not just one but many each with different colors

The boy itself was shocked at what he sees

Hanten: (while normal people shoudnt have comprehended this things it seems like its normal to me)

The boy knew what is happening

the reason why is because when he awakened earlier a bunch of information was send into his mind

for what he knew is that its his mystic eyes

he did not know how he got it but he did not care

Hanten: (hmm, i see the things that i am seeing now are atoms)

he readjusted himself and find that he can zoom in and zoom out

and the first thing he did with this is to zoom further

Hanten:(if those earlier are atoms then these must be quarks)

Hanten sees the very fundamental particle that makes up the universe in his room

he tries to observe and zoom even more than that but he felt tired and his having a headache

he speculated that these must be the weakness

before he stop he comes back to the atoms

his eyes also has another power

he tried to make the atoms move on a different direction than what its original direction and it moves

he tried to do something again

he concentrates and

an atom spawn

he tried to reverse what he did

and the atom ceased

from all these description he

finally understand that he can control and manipulates atoms(quarks are affected too)

so he stop and tried to zoom out till it reach back to normal human vision

Hanten: ( I got a cheat ability yet I could not even save the people thats important to me)

the boy wondered he have this powers earlier

The boy coudve saved his parents

if only this powers manifested early

he couldve change their fate

such nice people should have live happily

yet their life has ended shortly

Hanten now finally done with his monologue talked

Hanten: it seems that i need to be in touch with my abilities

The boy knew he need to train.


4 years later*

forest near fuyuki

Hanten is now 9 years old

during the past years

he only grinded his power to its full potential

*the first thing he did during his training is to move matter

he tried it on a tree and the tree was uprooted

he tried to do something more so he too all the leaves from the tree and shape them into a perfect square then he change the trunk into a sphere he did this many times around the forest that almost all the trees in the middle of the location he is in was all change into different 3d geometrical shapes

he zoomed in so that he could see the atoms of the tree

He tried to move it

And it move

He tried to combined it with another atom

It moved and combined with another atom creating a new element

sometimes he also changes the properties

making different types of metals that are originally supposed to be trees

He tried every possibilities

Old theories and new ones

And all of it works

Its as if reality bends to his will to change molecular structures

After the training his weakness dissipate

The changing of atoms and molecular structures now feels like breathing to him

(he also repaired the forest after this)

Jin: (now that its fixed its time to go home)

The boy finally got out of the forest

he also did not forget to make a hoodie for himself

while strolling around he neigborhood he did not forget to zoom in into the atmosphere

he is been zooming in to everything around his surroundings for a long time now

he can sense the elements like nitrogen and oxygen. It also contains fractional amounts of argon and carbon dioxide and trace amounts of other gases, such as helium, neon, methane, krypton, and hydrogen,

but he also sensed something in the atmosphere but he already knew what it is

"magical energy" or mana for short.

(Referred to as the primordial animus and life itself, Magical Energy is the source that powers all forms of Magecraft. Analogous to gasoline, it is an essential element for the invocation of spells.There have been many names for Magical Energy depending on the culture. It is primarily classified by two types, Mana and Od, separated only by whether it comes from the atmosphere or from within human Magi. They are essentially identical in terms of quality, but the world's Mana vastly exceeds humanity's Od.)

Though he sensed it he didn't thought of using it as his mystic eyes does not use mana or od


Almost Night

After he reached his home and was done with dinner and showering

he finally entered his room

Hanten: (there is only a year before the 4th grail war)

Hanten finally started planning on what he will do during the event

he also thought of a plan to erase the angra mainyu's corruption

and also a plan to summon his very own servant as this is "fate" afterall.

after his draft plan was finished

he finally go back to sleep.