

Bold- God's Pov

Italicized- MC's pov

Normal text- thoughts

After what God had said, I calmed myself a bit. There is no point thinking about my past as it's already over. Instead I was intrigued by the offer that God made.

What is it that you offer God? I asked

Reincarnation, but unlike the other souls who is given another chance by the will of the cosmos, your reincarnation will be different. I will grant you wishes, three to be exact and unfortunately I can not help you retain your memories as it may destroy the balance.

Hmm... That is enough I guess. Do I get the chance to choose a world to live again?

Yes you can and it's free. It will not cost you of your wishes.

Then, I accept your offer God.

So for my first wish, I wish to be healthy in all aspect. Physically, mentally and spiritually.

The god nodded at my word and with just a clap, my wish has been granted.

My second wish is to be smart and athletic in my next life. Make me talented to become a jack of all trades.

And like the first wish, God granted it so easily.

Unbeknownst to him, God thought that your wishes are too.. simple. Your first wish was like what people usually ask in their daily prayers. The second one shows that you've become slightly ambitious. So, God anticipated that your last wish would be "Make me the strongest and most powerful being in Highschool DxD!". God is very certain on it only to be taken aback by the mortal's words.

As for my last wish, just let me have a peaceful and joyful life with my families and friends by my side. That is all that I will ask.

E-eh? Are you not gonna ask to become the dragon king or something??

Haah!? Why should I ask about something so stupid?

God just looked at me with his eyes and mouth wide open. Why is he looking at me like that?

Sigh, if that's really all that you wish then I shall follow your command.

So which world are you going to?

Just send me to Haikyuu World.

Alright! Now young man, go forth and enjoy your second life!

As God said that, I suddenly felt like I'm being flushed in the toilet which is a very sickening feeling. I got so dizzy that in just a couple of seconds a succumbed to darkness.

Another chapter, hope u like it.

denden_tangerinecreators' thoughts