

•THE REVENGE• Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer TAGS»•» Secrets, Death, Betrayal, Revenge, Romance and Envy. ★★★★ Imagine being birthed in a cruel world where killing is your daily food. You don't want to imagine right? Well that's where Damon Salvatore is. A handsome and cold hearted person. He kills with no mercy and he does it only because his father ask him to do it. He was made this way because of his ruthless father. Little Brianna & her twin, wealthy, happy and fulfilled life, taken away by Damon and the ruthless mafia clan grows up and seeks REVENGE but does the merciless behaviors turn upside down? DOES THE MERCILESS BEHAVIORS TURN INTO LOVE? Will she melt his cold heart? EXCERPT: She felt a presence in the room and she looked back to see Damon standing behind her with his hands behind his back. "Sexy devil." Damon walked towards her and she stood up so they were inches away from each other. "How do you do? Mouse?" She said with a smirk Damon punched her, and she retaliated immediately. They fought hard till Brianna was on the ground and Damon was on top of her. "How dare you! Have you lost it!" Brianna snarled. "One day, we'll be in this same position, and you know what? I'll kiss you." He said with a smirk and she pushed him away before standing. Follow this book for further details... I hope you'll enjoy it.

Vera_odigie_20 · Teen
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 14


Theme: Crossing paths with a murderer.

⁠✧⁠ Chapter 14 ✧


Brianna was feeling too ecstatic that she gave him a bone crushing hug.

"Thank you! So much!" She muttered as the tears dropped on his shoulders.

He raised his hands to her back and hugged her.

She broke the hug and they stared at each other. Brianna's gaze went to his lips and she cleared her throat before moving away from him.

She wiped her tears and sat on the bed.

"Where do they live now?" She asked.

"I'll take you there myself. I can't allow you to go there again and risk their lives. We need to be careful" he said and she nodded.

Someone knocked on the door and Brianna looked at Damon.

"Are you expecting someone?" She whispered.

"No!" He muttered and walked to the door.

"Who's there?" He asked.

"It's me Rose!" She said and he rolled his eyes.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Don called for us. We're going on a mission right now" Alex said.


"It's my brother!" She answered his question.

"Alright leave. I'll be out soon" he said and without a word they left.

"I don't like him!" Alex said as him and rose walked together.

"But I do. He's dreamy" she said with a smile and he scoffed.

"We need to go. We're having a mission right now" Damon told Brianna.

"Ohh alright. I'll get going!" She said and left.

After she arrived at the main hall, Damon came in as well.

Don was seated on his throne as he stared at the 4 of them.

"Go to this address" he said and gave one of his men the paper and he gave it to Damon.

"K*ll everyone there. Leave no single soul alive and make sure my 2 million dollars is safe. Got it?" He said and asked.

"Yes boss!!" They answered.

"Now go!" He said and they all walked out.

Damon showed everyone the address and they memorized it.

Two cars were waiting for them and Damon entered one. Brianna wanted to enter with him but Rose pushed her away and got in.

"What the..."

Damon looked at rose who was sitting beside him and said nothing. He ignited the engine and drove off.

Brianna felt a sting in her heart as she stared at Damon's car that just left.

"Get in the car!!" Alex snapped and she blinked back her tears.

She walked to the car and got in. He ignited the engine and began the drive.

Brianna looked out the window as she replayed the moment in her head. She sighed loudly as she stared at everything passing by. She sighed again and Alex hit the steering wheel which startled her.

She looked back at him but he wasn't looking at her.

"Would you stop sighing? It's really annoying!" He said coldly and she scoffed.

"You may be cute but you're darn annoying" she said and her eyes widened with what she said.

"Forget what I said" she said and looked outside the window again.

They got to the address and alighted from the car. Damon's car was already waiting in front of the building and Damon and rose were standing outside the car.

"Took you long enough!" Damon said and Brianna scoffed making him look at her.

"Was that for me?" He asked and she chuckled.

"Obviously!" She muttered and rolled her eyes.

"Enough with the stupid argument. Let's do what Don said we should do" Rose said and Damon glared at her.

She bit her lips immediately.

"We'll go in teams. I and Brianna will go through the front while you both will go through the back. Move!!" He said and rose and Alex left.

Brianna looked at Damon but didn't move.

"Let's go!" He said and she frowned.

"After what you...."

"Sorry. Those two might be spying on us and I don't want you to get hurt. If Don finds out we're close, he'll kill you" he said and Brianna sighed before walking to him.

"But you should have said something. She pushed me for crying out loud" she said.

"You can push her hard too. Let her fall and loose a tooth" he said with a smirk and she giggled.

"You're crazy!" She said.

"You're crazier. Now let's go!" He said and they both walked to the front. The gate was highly guarded but they took them down with bullets in each of their bodies.

They used silent pistol so no one heard. They walked to the gate and Brianna started climbing the gate slowly and carefully. She got to the top and did a summersault and she landed on her feet with a huge smile.

Damon jumped in as well and they both walked to the door. They both stood at each side of the door holding their gun.

"1,2,3, go!" He said and kicked the door open. They both pointed their guns in the house but they saw no one. They walked in while pointing their gun at different places.

They got to the middle of the house and that's when Rose and Alex entered. They walked to them and Brianna and Damon looked around.

"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Brianna asked Damon.

"Yes!" He said and immediately the lights switched off and they all stood beside each other pointing their guns at everywhere in the house.

A gun shot was fired and it took Rose arm.

"Argh!" She winced in pain as she clutched to her shot arm. Alex aimed at the person who shot at her and pulled the trigger.

He didn't see the person but he knew the person was there so it rammed the guys skull.

"How did you do that?" Brianna asked Alex.

"Secret!" He said and shot at another person.

A guy pulled the trigger and it went straight into Brianna's stomach.

"Argh!!" She groaned and held her stomach. She raised her gun and closed her eyes.

She pointed the gun at the person and shot him even without seeing him. Damon ran out of the middle and rushed to the switch. They kept shooting at him but he dodged skillfully till he reached the socket and he switched the light on.

A lot of people surrounded them and the guy that was supposed to be killed was upstairs staring down at them. His 5 children were hiding behind him as they shivered in fear.

"K*ll them!!!!!" The guy screamed and they began shooting but the rest dodged it.

Even Brianna who had an injured stomach did a back flip before shooting the guys one after the other. Alex gave 5 of them head shots, Rose shot 5 of them on their chest. They all killed the guys that was there before looking at the man and his children.

"Let us go please!" He begged but Alex shot him up by shooting his head and that made him loose his balance. He fell off the place he was standing and fell to the ground.

Rose pointed at one of the boy there before shooting him on his head and he fell down dead.

"Rose!!!!" Brianna screamed and she looked at her.

"What?!" She asked.

"Why would you kill him just like that? He's innocent!" Brianna said and Rose chuckled.

"Don said kill everyone there. I don't care if he's innocent or not, he deserves death" she said and shot another boy on the head and he fell down dead.

Alex shot a girl on her chest and she fell down dead as well. Tears welled up in Brianna's eyes as she stared at the sight in front of her.

She squatted down on the floor as she held her injured stomach.

Damon just watched in silence but he didn't do anything. Rose and Alex killed all the children before facing Damon.

"I'll get the money!" He said and walked upstairs.

He entered a room and started looking for the suitcase. He found it and carried it. He made sure the money was complete before going downstairs.

"Let's go!" He said. He stopped and went to Brianna. He carried her up in a bridal style and took her to the car. He dropped her in the front seat and gave her the suitcase.

He walked to Rose and rose smiled.

"You're a monster who deserves death. Killing Innocent children saying they deserve it? How cruel. I promise you that you'll die by my hands and I'll kill you the same way you killed those children. Also stay the hell away from me or else you want to die" he threatened before going back to the car.

He ignited the engine before driving off and Brianna stared at him with a smile.

"You're so cool!" She muttered before loosing consciousness.

He sighed before continuing the drive.

"That Damon. Who does he think he is?" She asked angrily.

"You deserved it tho! You killed children!" He said calmly.

"You killed too!" She replied.

"But not like you. I killed because I don't want to disobey Don but you killed because you wanted to. They were innocent Rose and I'll be so happy if you die by Damon cos you've killed too much" he said and entered his car.

"Get in!" He said coldly and she held her injured arm before entering the car.

He ignited the engine and drove off.


The two cars drove into the mansion and they all came down. Damon carried Brianna in a bridal style and he was holding the suitcase.

He went in and dropped Brianna in the infirmary before heading to Don's room.

"Here it is!" He said and handed the cash to his dad.

"Good!! You all should go and take your rest" he said and used his eyes to search for Brianna.

"Where's Brianna?" He asked.

"She's in the infirmary. She got shot!" He said and Don nodded.

"Go and get treated Rose!" He said and she nodded before leaving.

"You can go now!" Don said and they both left the room heading to their own rooms.


"Don!" Irene called as she walked in. Don was currently sitting on his throne as he stared at the briefcase.

"What is it?" He asked calmly.

"I've found the person who put out the fire" she said and he looked up at her.

"Really? Who?" He asked.

"It's Brianna!" She said and his eyes widened.



"Eat your dinner!" A guard said and threw the food to Daniella.

She sobbed as she stared at the food. She looked at the guard and saw the key to the chains hanging on his pocket.

She smirked as an idea came into her head.

"Ouch!!" She winced and he looked at her. He rushed to her and squatted in front of her.


He didn't complete his word because she punched him heavily on his face and he fainted immediately. She removed the key from his pocket and opened the lock on her chains.

She smiled before carrying his gun and she left the room.

She passed everywhere without being seen and when she was about leaving the gate someone sighted her.

"Stop right there!!" The voice yelled and she froze on her spot as she began trembling.


Next chapter dropping 6pm tomorrow


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