
“The Incidents”

It's been exactly 1 year since five teens in isolated incidents winded up in the hospital, the kids also have newfound powers, but more importantly were the incidents actually isolated.

Mura_Is_My_Bby · Others
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8 Chs

Incident 2. (Sequoia’s Story)

"Clement you first" Sequoia said

"So what are you going to do" Clement asked

"Do you like parties, you do" he asked

"No they're very boring" She said

"I'm going to feed my rabbits" She said

"Oh, you should come to the party tonight, with like five people" Clement said

"You'll be able to meet my other friends" he said

"I don't know, I gotta get ready to pack and all" She said

"You leave in two days, Sequoia" Clement said putting his hands up

"I know but, I don't participate in said stuff" She said

"There's going to be five other people and me, this is basically a weirdos retreat" he said

"Alright alright" She said

"Yes, you'll love it, check out this café" he said putting her hands out

"They have the best bread" he said

"So what'll you think you'll do when u get back to the us" he asked

"I don't know, I'll be coming back again like always, only time I get to see you" Sequoia said

"I always miss you, you were the only person to speak to me in grade 1" He said

"Don't worry I'll be there tonight, to meet these other weirdies" She said hugging Clement

"See you"


"Grand-mere Grand-pere, Je suis á la maison!!!" She said

"Oh they must not be home, oh yeah they said they were going to the Super" She said

"Sequoia went on her phone and called Clement

"You just got home what u want" He said

"You know Aimé Lyon" She asked

"Sequoia that man won't even look my way" He said

"Plus why would he come to my party" Clement asked

"I don't know he could've popped in" She asked

"He probably doesn't even know I'm hosting it" He said

"Well I need to get ready, and you need to feed your rabbits that you, so delightfully neglect" Clement said

"I do not" She said

"I guess they are about hungry though" Sequoia said grabbing some rabbit food

Sequoia went to the little field where the rabbits were,

"Don't worry I have it all, there's enough for you and all of you, knowing taking others food either" Sequoia loved playing with the chubby rabbits

"Bonjour" Someone called out with a bike

Sequoia got up and stayed quiet

"Oh I don't mean to frighten you, but does taking this road lead to Maurice Rue" The stranger asked

"Wait a sec is that, excuse me it does are you by any chance Aimé Lyon" She asked running toward him

"Yes, I am, and who might you be" He asked

"Oh I'm, Uhm I'm Sequoia Arbre" She said

"What a very ironic name, but it's nice" He smiled

"Do you want any water or anything"

"Is this your house" He asked

"No I'm visiting Toulon, this is my grandparents home" She said smiling

"That's cool, but you know what I would like something" He said

"There's water in the fridge I was just feeding my rabbits" She said

"No way I have rabbits too" He said

"Yeah, im going check on them, I hope I didn't leave the gate open" She said

Sequoia ran outside

"I can't believe he's really in my house" She said

"Alright rabbits water and th- 💥

A tree had fell on Sequoia, as well as a deer trampling her head

"What was that, that was loud" Aimé ran outside to see the once happy girl now passed out under a tree and a deer trampling her head in

"Hey GET AWAY GET AWAY" Aimé yelled at the deer and it ran off

"SEQUOIA" He screamed

Amié quickly dialed 17

"Hello, Uhm a girl is currently under a tree, please help" He yelled

"Fils, calm yourself what street and address are u at zip code, give everything" The operator said

"Uhm 6 Rue Charles Corbeau is the street , address is 45400, PLEASE HURRY I DONT KNOW IF SHES ALIVE" He said scared

"Alright someone will be there, is your mom around" The operator asked

"Nooo" He said

"Is this girl your girlfriend?" the operator asked


Sequoia's mind went completely blank

The last thing she heard was we have her stabilized

"Wake up, wakeyyy wakeyy" A voice said

"Sequoia was in her own mind now

"Sequoia is your name correct, girl" A man said

"Uhm who are you" She asked smiling

"I'm in your mind child, u were in an accident, Uhm you almost died, but you're not dead" He said

"Yes but who are you" She asked

"That's beside the point something interesting is going to happen to you, look" He said

"Is this a tree?" She asked

"Yes, it is" He said

"Why do you have a mini tree" She asked

"Uhm, well this isn't any tree and I don't have time to explain it to u" He said

"What" She asked

"Put this tree to your heart" He said

"Woah, I don't Know who you are, but I'm not going to listen to u sir" She said scared

"Little girl, you have a boy who is worried about you" She said

"The man pulled up an image of Aimé throwing up

"Oh my goodness , is he alright" She said

"He will be when you wake up and decide to take this" He said

"Right now this is what will keep you alive" He said

"Do it, for him for everyone" The man said

"Are you sure I will live" She said

"I wouldn't be here if u couldn't" He said extending his hand to her

Sequoia took the tree and forced it in her heart

She went aback in her mind like a wormhole


She breathed in and opened her eyes

"The girl is alive" Someone said

"Are you the guardians of Sequoia Arbre" The doctor said

"Oh yes, we are" they said

"Her mother and father are in the states the child has been living with us since she was 2" They said

"Alright, we'll she will be fine but we recommend you see her tomorrow" the doctor said

"Oh thank you, her parents will be relieved"

"Good work in there surgeons"

"Strange this, I mean I read three days ago a kid Name Ramy or something was attacked by a drone" A surgeon said

"I saw the same"

"Sequoia opened her eyes

"Hello Sequoia"

"Hello, G-Mere" She said


"What an accident, we re so glad you are breathing, honey" Sequoia's grand-mere said hugging her

"Your parents want to talk to you, they are coming down as soon as possible, what they have to say sounds important" Grand-Pere said

"She's probably going to move me back to the states" Sequoia said sulking

"Sequoia cheer up, u are alive and well, and can go anywhere you like" Grandmere said

"Oh and someone wants to say hi" She said queuing for Clement to come in

"Clemmmm" She said huggin him

"Is it true that Aimé called the ambulance for you" he said

"Yes, he did I could see him tripping over his feet to help me" She said

"You are so lucky, I mean other than having a tree and a deer all on u, but girl Amié" He said laughing

"I know I know" She said

"Does it hurt anywhere" He said

"Surprisingly no, I mean I can get outta be just like this" She said

"You are very strange, anyway I gotta get going for no reason" He said

"Okay Clement bye," she said pushing him

Knock Knock

"Uhm, enter" She said laying back down

"Hello" Amié said with flowers and chocolates in his hands

"Oh, Amié hi, you d…didn't have to get anything" She said

"Oh I felt so horrible, you under the tree nearly dead" He said hugging her

"Oh" She was a bit thrown back

"You aren't hurt are you," He said

"No nothing like that" She said smiling

"These flowers are wonderful, I love them, they smell so sweet, like u" She said

"I meant like your act in getting me these was sweet" She said smiling

"I know what you want, Sequoia, Uhm, that's pretty cool" He said pointing at her hand

"What is" She said nervously

Sequoia had flowers around her arm

"Did you just do that" He said smiling

"AHHH What the" She jumped almost falling

"Sequoia" Amié said catching her "are You alright"

"I'm fine, but I think you should go, but come tomorrow" She said smiling

"Uhh okay, but your flower trick was pretty cool" He said waving bye

"What the hell was that" She said looking at her arm

"How did I do that" She said scared

"What's going on" She said

She touched another flower this time, the room was filed with them

Sequoia looked up in fear

"Am I magic, or something"

"Are there others like me" She said looking at the flowers