
“The Incidents”

It's been exactly 1 year since five teens in isolated incidents winded up in the hospital, the kids also have newfound powers, but more importantly were the incidents actually isolated.

Mura_Is_My_Bby · Others
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8 Chs

Incident 1. (Rami’s Story)

"Rami, go to the store with your cousin and brother"

"Here's a list, you give that to your older brother you might lose it" Mrs. Rivas said putting it on Rami's bed stand

"Rami, get off the game and go" She yelled

Rami put his headphones and controller down and turn his set off

"Everyone's going to be talking shit when I get back, this better be important wait running errands is never important" Rami said putting a jacket on

"Ali, look after your little brother I don't want him getting hurt, we trust you, you're a man now, you need to look after the ones younger than you are, but of course boys get into trouble, your cousin will be there to help too" Mrs. Rivas said fixing her son's coat

"Mama, …. We have to go, i will make sure Rami is safe and back in your arms, since that's where u love him most" He said kissing her head

"I'm not five, I don't need looking after" Rami said rushing downstairs

"You are in a rush, your first sign of immaturity" Mrs. Rivas said kissing his hair

"Dara, you help too" She added

"Alright mom, we'll be fine, sheesh" Rami said closing the door

"Why does mama worry so much" Rami asked

"Because you as the youngest, you are some how inferior and incapable of doing normal human activities l as the oldest am immediately in a superior position to look after you" Ali said

"He's basically saying mama thinks you're a baby" Dara said

"I'm no baby, I mowed lawns for Mrs. Sowns yard twice and I was only 12" He said

"That's because the house was right by ours" Ali said

"How'd you sneak out with such a light jacket anyway, it's cold out, Rami" Ali said

"Here, Put this on, I have an extra" Ali said

"Dara, go ahead we will catch up" Ali said

"Come on, Rami" Ali said

"I'm coming I'm just putting my jacket on" Rami said

"It i- 💥 CRASH

Rami's head bled out on the side walk

"Rami hurry- Shit RAMI WHAT THE FUCK" Ali screamed

"DARA CALL THE AMBULANCE" Ali said worried

"Rami stay with me, Ali put his jacket where the blood was coming from


"Back away son" the EMT said

"This your brother" He asked

"Yes Sir, I need to go with him" Ali said crying

"Alright, you need to stay here, Kid calm him down don't let him do anything crazy" The EMT said

"Matter of fact we're going to call someone to get you home" He said

Knock Knock

"Why are the boys knocking, boys are very silly" Mrs. Rivas said laughing as she opened the door her smile faded


"Ma'am, you need to calm down" The EMT said holding her back as she screamed

Ali sat there and watched and began to cry

"Ali, it's ok, alright he's going to be fine, it's Rami, the kid fell on his back twice out of a tree and he's on a track team" Dara said

"I know but Dara, if I hadn't stopped"

"Ali, stop that would've happened regardless, this could've happened to me you or anyone" Dara said

"It's no like Rami's seven, the boy is old enough to look out for himself, it's just a mistake, Ali don't blame yourself" Dara said

"I know but mama is in there screaming and crying for Rami, I made a promise to her, and I failed" Ali said

"We can't predict the future but we can control our outcomes, Ali this isn't your fault, kid" Dara said


"Scalpel, scissors,

"Tie that, stitch that

🔮Rami's mind

Man: "You almost died there, kid that was close

"Who are you"

"Wait are you God, No Im dead"?

"No I'm certainly not God, and I just said you almost died are you stupid kid"

"Hey, why are you insulting me, wait is this my mind, oh no

"I left the guys on the game, they're going to be wondering where I am, sorry could we do this later I gotta think of something to explain myself


"Oh so, I'm dying but I'm almost living

"Whatever u want, but that's not what I am here for

"So who are you

"I am here to give u this

"What is this this" Rami asked

"oh, it's something better than your game" the man said

"Shit a ps5


"The man had something blue and blinking in his hands

"What the f is this, a toy?

"No, the man said, this isn't a freaking toy

"So what is it

"Put this close to your heart, trust me

"Bro listen I just met you, I'm not doing some weird s with u

"Rami Rivas,

"How u know my name

"Well I am in your mind so

"I'm still not doing this

"Rami, this could keep you alive


"My Littlest Son, he is dying"

"Woah that's my mom" Rami said

"Yes she is crying for you, right now, son"

"How do I know you aren't tricking me

"Kid just do the fucking thing, Damn

"I don't know who sent you, but they forgot to teach you how to mask your anger, bro"

"Rami took the blue blinking thing and shoved it to his heart

"Oh uhhh, you and me don't have much time left, but believe me there will be more, you will have to learn this on your own" the man said

"What are you talking about" Rami asked

"When the times come, you will know, you won't be a failure, as long as you have this you will be pre-

HUUUUUUUUHHHH Rami breathed in as he was revived again

"He's back, he's back"

"Mrs. Rivas"

"I'm here I'm here, my son, how is he, he isn't de…a, is he okay" She asked

"Ma'am please sit down" The doctor said

"Oh no" She said beginning to tear up

"Mama let him speak" Dara said

"Ma'am, your son, he is alive and very well, he is in great condition considering his accident" He said

"Ohhh, ohhh my baby he will live" She said huggin the doctor

"When can I see him" She asked

"Maybe tomorrow, his body heat is a little elevated, we want him to rest right now" he said

"Uhh uhhh" Rami moved around in the bed groaning

"It's hot in here" He said opening his eyes

"Where's my shirt, why am I in hospital attire" he said standing up

"My stomach is burning, eh I don't feel well, I hate not feeling well" He said

"I don't even know what happened this is stupid" He said punching the window


The hospital window shattered and a Surprised Rami with his mouth open stood there staring at his hand

"How the hell, did I do that, and why is my hand not bleeding" He said confused

Rami sat back on the bed surprised

"There's nothing to do here, and I'm strong now" He said rolling over

"Rami, Dear baby" Mrs. Rivas said

"Hey, Rami how are u" Ali said

"Son" Mr. Rivas said

"Hey kid" Dara said

"Ywannn, AH, what are u guys doing here" Rami said confused

"Well son, u nearly got taken out there" Mr. Rivas said

"Wait what, why am I here" He asked

"He must not know then" Dara said

"That's no matter, as long as you are healthy" Mrs. Rivas said

"Guys, I think something's wrong with me" He said

"Yeah, u got hurt" Dara said

"No something else" He said

"Son, why is your window broken" Mr.Rivas said

"See that, about that, that's what I was saying, I'm strong" He said

"Yes, son you are u survived, I have a strong boy" Mrs. Rivas said

"No, the window I broke it" He said

"You broke it?

"Yeah, I got mad and punched it" He said

"Maybe the windows here are just trashy" Mr. Rivas said

"Dad, I'm strong alright" He said

"Alright it's time we left the big man alone to himself" Mr. Rivas said

"Good bye baby"

"See ya"

"I'm going to request another room also" Mrs. Rivas said

"Hey, Rami" Ali said


"I'm sorry about yesterday, I failed to protect you" he said

"It's fine, I'm better than better now" he said

"When that dro- 💥 BAM


"Ali I didn't mean to" He said

"Did you just punch me with those arms and catapult me across the room" Ali said

"I did, but I don't meant to" he said

"How the hell did you get strong, there isn't even any muscles on u" He said

"I think it had something to do with the attack, and the punch just now, something t do with when you mentioned it" Rami said

"We will talk about this, when u get discharged, don't talk about this to anyone, Rami I don't know what this is, kid" Ali said shutting the door

Rami stood in the middle of the floor and sat

"What am I , who am I, and how am I doing this" He said

Rami flexed his arm looking down each time he did

"How am I doing this" He said

"Oh well" Rami said Jumping up

"AHHHHH" Rami flew through the roof


Rami was flying in mid air, or more like levitating

"He fell back to hi hospital bed

"How did I JUST FLY" He said

"This is outrageous, and scary, unless I'm not the only one" He said looking out of the window